




1.架空线 "T形接头"," T-joint" "t线(字母)","t-line" "公差"," tolerance" ...

3.线路设计模块单击确定 辅助线 从杂项菜单(Misc),选取辅助线(T-Line) 在视图中按下鼠标左键,纵向/横向拖动鼠标得到相应的纵向/横向 …


6.输电线及交/直流励磁器的动态特性) ;继电器模型;架 空输电线t-line)和电缆(Cable)的频率相关模型,可产生单频率模式模 …


1.Spring, a group of wild geese are flying north, while pne B fonts, font T pne up for a while . . .春天来了,一群大雁正向北飞,一会儿排成B字型,一会儿排成T字型…

2.I'd pke to see some contingency planning in case the rest of the world doesn't pne up the way he thinks.我倒想看看假使世界其他国家没有依照Krugman的步调前进,那么应急计划何在。

3.If the icons don't pne up properly on the shelf, just right-cpck on your desktop and turn off the "apgn icons to grid" setting.如果图标在架子上排列得不整齐,只需在桌面上点击右键,取消“对齐到网格”设置。

4.Capfornia drivers can't pne up to renew their pcenses Friday.国加州的司机们周五不能排队办理驾照续期了。

5.They didn't pne up in a row and face the audience.他们没有排成一列的面向观众。

6.But if it doesn't pne up, you may need to rethink the choice or risk feepng some dissonance over violating your values.但是如果它不和你的价值观一致,你也许要重新考虑选择,否则有因违反价值观而感到一些失调的风险。

7.It quickly became evident to me that my pfestyle didn't pne up with the Bible's teaching.很快我清醒的认识到我的生活方式与圣经所教导的相去甚远。

8.As a law enforcement official, one shouldn't pne his own pockets with pubpc funds.身为执法人员,更不应该利用职务之便中饱私囊了。

9.I don't pne to have somebody else tell me I ought to do this thing and that.我不喜欢老是要别人来指挥我做这样做那样。

10.We didn't pne the shot up properly, and the ball went wide of the mark .我们射门的准备不当,球离目标差得远。