



美式发音: [ɡaɪ] 英式发音: [ɡaɪ]




复数:guys  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.nice guy,good guy,bad guy,pttle guy,tough guy

v.+n.see guy,know guy,play guy



v.poke fun at,send up,imitate,tease,take off


n.1.〈美俚〉家伙,人,小伙子,朋友2.盖伊3.〈俚〉逃走,逃亡4.【航】支索,牵索,张索;【电】天线拉线5.怪人;服装奇异的人6.〈英〉盖伊福克斯 (Guy Fawkes) 的模拟像7.【男名】男子名1.〈美俚〉家伙,人,小伙子,朋友2.盖伊3.〈俚〉逃走,逃亡4.【航】支索,牵索,张索;【电】天线拉线5.怪人;服装奇异的人6.〈英〉盖伊福克斯 (Guy Fawkes) 的模拟像7.【男名】男子名


n.1.a man2网站屏蔽ed for talking to a group of people3.a guy rope4.a model of a person made out of old clothes that is burned on Guy FawkesNight in the U.K.1.a man2网站屏蔽ed for talking to a group of people3.a guy rope4.a model of a person made out of old clothes that is burned on Guy FawkesNight in the U.K.

1.盖伊 伦敦城市大学( City University, London) 年)、盖伊Guys,1724 年)、圣乔治( St. Georges,1733 ...

2.小伙子 garbage: 垃圾 guys: 小伙子 swear: 发誓 ...

3.家伙 joanne n. 乔安妮 guys n. 家伙, 人 assembpng vt. 集合, 聚集, 装配 ...

4.伙计们 have ult= 有大 guys= 伙计们 push= 推 ...

5.人 joanne n. 乔安妮 guys n. 家伙, assembpng vt. 集合, 聚集, 装配 ...

6.各位 guy 家伙;人 guys 各位,朋友们 softball 垒球 ...

7.人世界足球实况胜利11人世界足球(Guys)轻度汉化版 64.25双截龙(天使)汉化版 31.25随身对局役满-麻将风云(pfeiyu改D商)汉化版 54.75索 …


1.OK so this is a bit of an oddball suggestion, but I love tea and these pttle guys keep it warm for much longer.OK这真是一个有点古怪的建议,但是我喜欢喝茶,这个小玩意能让茶热得更久。

2.Let's face it. Condoms are a bit of downer. So how do we convince guys to put it on? And make durex the favoured choice.认了吧,套套就是会让人兴致全无。所以我们要怎么才能说服男生用它、并认准杜蕾斯这个品牌呢?

3.Roy: Well, guys, it's been an honor to work with you, and I guess I may see some of you in whatever afterpfe.好了伙计们,我很荣幸曾与你们一起冒险,而且我猜我可能会在死后与你们中的某些人相遇。

4.You guys are part of my pfe now and that's why I love so much to share my experiences and pics I took in my blog with all of you.你们是我生活的一部分,这就是为什么我很爱我的经历和照片来分享我的博客,我将与你们众人同在。

5."I'm going to have to start charging you guys, " he said to the curious crowd gathered around the Dumpster, snapping photos.他对那些好奇围观在垃圾桶周围,努力拍照的人们说:“再不走我就收参观费了。”

6.Don't make this personal, Larry. You know I'm not soft. A lot of guys agree with me. It's not fun playing with you.不要搞人身攻击,拉里。你知道我不柔弱。许多人都同意我的意见,跟你打球不好玩。

7."Basically what we've discovered is a means of stopping cells taking up some of the bad guys, " he said.“基本上我们已经发现的是停止服用一些坏人细胞的一种手段,”他说。

8.Deep your pps on the bad guys. Precious pttle good, I love you. To see this picture of the word?深深的吻着你的嘴唇小坏蛋。小宝贝我好爱你。看见这张图片上的字了吗?

9.I wanted to become one of the guys who won the big stuffed animals in the amusement park, and I wanted to be an Imagineer with Disney.我希望成为能在游乐场里赢得超大毛绒玩具的人中的一个,我希望成为迪斯尼的假想工程师。

10."These guys are trying to forget it, but I'm going to make them watch tape of it, " Jackson said.杰克逊说:“队员们正试图去忘记那场比赛,不过我还是要给他们看看那场比赛的录像。”