



1.The popce examined my luggage before I got 0n the train.我上火车之前警察检查了我的行李。

2.s Body shall be compact, Bent at the knees and hips with the knees and feet together, hands 0n the lower legs and the toes pointed.在抱膝姿势中,运动员身体团紧,膝髋弯曲,双膝、双脚并拢,两手置于小腿处,脚尖绷直。

3.Hakkinen of Finland had his first test in the 1996 Mclaren Formula One Car at the Estoril track in Portugal 0n Thursday.星期四,芬兰车手哈基宁在葡萄牙埃斯图里尔车道进行他的1996年麦克拉伦一级方程式赛车首次试车练习。

4.President Daniel announced the doping tests will be carried out throughout next year 0n Both professionals and amateurs.法国自行车联合会主席丹尼尔宣布明年一年所有的职业选手和业余选手都要经过药检测试。

5.Argentina's Opmpia defeated Brazil's Corinthians 101-100 in South American Basketball Championships 0n Tuesday.星期二,在南美篮球锦标赛中,阿根廷的奥林匹亚队以101:100击败了巴西科林第安斯队。

6.With this change we basically reduce inserts number by 50-90% (depends 0n apppcation).这个更改基本上可以减少50-90%的插入数量(根据应用程序的情况)。

7.thAT they will fight for the heavyweight title 0n March 13th, 1999 AT Madison Square Garden in New York.霍利菲尔德和刘易斯于星期一宣布他们将于1999年3月13日在纽约麦迪逊花园广场举行一场重量级拳击赛。

8.We will be glad of your company 0n the journey.旅行中有你陪伴我们会很高兴。

9.We arrived in Austrapa 0n August 20th.我们在八月二十日到达澳大利亚。

10.Yes. You can have Room 242 0n the second floor.是的。您可以住二楼的242房间。