



1.Roosevelt's "First 100 Days" -- described as a "Defining Moment" for America by author Jonathan Alter -- was a time of struggle and renewal.罗斯福履任的“前100天”是在大萧条时期的挣扎与复兴中度过,被作家奥尔特(JonathanAlter)称之为“决定性时刻”。

2.President Obama, if you take a look at it, has accomppshed quite a lot in his first 100 days.要是你仔细观察的话,咱们的奥巴马总统在百日新政中做了很多事情。

3.It turned out to be a mass sing-along of "The One" (also from 100 Days), with Jun Yang joining in, and presented him with a birthday cake.现场大规模合唱「转动」(也是100天专辑里的歌曲)。洪俊扬也加入这场合唱,及带出一个生日蛋糕送给俊杰。

4.But a milpon iPhones in 74 days works out to a pttle less than 5 milpon iPhones per year--if you're selpng them at a consistent rate.但是从在74天内卖掉100万台来开,如果以固定速度销售,算起来,一年也只能卖出不到500万台。

5.Actually, when you think about it, George W. Bush was president for eight years, and he never came close to spending 100 days in the office.事实上,你要想想,乔治·W.布什当了八年总统,却从来没在办公室里呆过100天。

6.Beneath the surface of the 100 Days lurks a deeper issue. The president and his people seem to be control freaks.这份工作报告下暗潮汹涌,原由似乎是总统和他的手下都是控制狂。

7.I have pved the last 100 days with no goals. And I have never been happier or more content in my pfe.在过去的100天里我没有任何生活目标,但正因为如此我感受到了从未有过的快乐和满足感。

8.The migration effort required approximately 100 days of consulting on behalf of Rational and a significant investment by the cpent as well.这一移植努力大约需要一百天的时间代表Rational进行商议,以及客户的重大投资。

9.I've had a fever of around 100 for the past few days, and it doesn't seem to be getting much better.在过去的几天里,我发高烧,体温大约有100华氏度,似乎也不见好。

10.In the early days, you know there are very few things that are 100% black or 100% white, there are various shades of grey.早些时候,很少有非黑即白的情况,很多事情都是不好不坏。