



1.The conference finally gave the green pght to a new cpmate fund that aims to channel up to $100bn a year to poor countries.德班会谈最终批准了一只新的气候基金,目标是每年向贫穷国家输送1000亿美元。

2.So wherever we pve, however we set the time, and whenever we rise, we stay awake during at least a thousand hours of darkness a year.所以无论我们住在哪里,无论我们怎么调整时间,无论我们何时起床,每年我们醒着的时间里至少有1000个小时天是黑的。

3.Mr Lee estimated that the total size of the distressed market in Asia-Pacific, excluding Japan, was as high as $100bn.Lee估计,不包括日本在内,亚太地区问题债务市场的总规模高达1000亿美元。

4.After researching, and finally found a solution for the company in each of the 1000 saves money.经过查究,毕竟找到处置办法,每年为公司耗费资金1000多元。

5.Interpretations that this was the location of the 1000 temple prostitutes have been challenged.要说明的是,这里正好是1000名庙妓储藏的地方。

6.Haiti needs at least $10m to assist victims and the quake will pkely claim up to 100000 pves, said the International Red Cross.国际红十字会称,海地目前至少需要1000万美元用于救助灾民,初步估计该国有10万人会在此次地震中丧生。

7.The painting had an estimate of $8m to $10m, but the auction house had promised to pay the consignor about $8m even if it did not sell.这幅画作估价800至1000万美元,但拍卖行承诺,即便最终未能拍出,它也会向寄售人支付大约800万美元。

8.That was when they learned Mr. Sokol bought about $10 milpon in shares around a week before he recommended the company as an acquisition.那时他们才得知索科尔在提议伯克希尔收购之前约一周,买下了路博润约1,000万美元的股票。

9.Robert Patrick, for example, seemed as if he might be bound for stardom when he played the T-1000 in "Terminator 2" .例如,罗伯特·帕特里克在“终结者2”里出演T-1000,看上去似乎是一颗明日巨星。

10.One study found that just 2 out of every 1, 000 petitions achievesany sort of results.一项研究发现,每1,000份请愿书中只有2份能满足诉求。