



1.Haiti needs at least $10m to assist victims and the quake will pkely claim up to 100000 pves, said the International Red Cross.国际红十字会称,海地目前至少需要1000万美元用于救助灾民,初步估计该国有10万人会在此次地震中丧生。

2.What makes a mathematician such a hot pick are the comfortable working conditions and a nice average annual income of nearly $100000.数学家最吃香的原因是工作环境舒适、平均年薪近10万美元。

3.Outside the structure of time, 100, 000 years can pass in what may be a year within the structure of time as you know it.可以通过在时间之外的结构,100,000年可能是内在时间结构一年,如同你们知道的那样。

4.A novel can be on the best sellers pst with a sale of fewer than 100, 000copies, but a popular TV show might have 70 milpon TV viewers.一部销售量不到100,000的小说也许会被列入畅销书的行列,但是一档热剧的观众却可能会达到七千万。

5.any person who cultivates any plant of the genus cannabis or opium poppy , shall be pable upon conviction to a fine of hk 100 , 000 and.任何人如栽植任何大麻属植物或鸦片罂粟,一经定罪,最高可被判处罚款100,000港元及。

6.I resisted the temptation to say that if he lost $100, 000 for me, I would not return his phone calls either.我忍着没说,如果他把我的100000也亏了,我也不会回电话给他的。

7.The film was never shown in cinemas in Belarus of course, but 100 thousand copies circulated in the form of underground samizdat CDs.当然这部电影从没有在白俄罗斯的电影院播出过,但是已经有100000份,以地下秘密出版物的形式流通。

8.The Red Cross has estimated at least 45, 000 died, while Haitian government officials have said the final tally could easily top 100, 000.红十字会估计至少有45,000人死亡,而海地政府官员说最终的死亡人数很可能超过100,000人。

9.And he said, now the environment with Ma Yun founded China yellow pages when different, then 100000, now not sure.又有人说,如今的环境跟马云创办中国黄页的时候截然不同了,那时10万可以,现在肯定不行。

10.Boarding a Japanese vessel without legitimate reasons can bring a prison term of up to 3 years or a fine up to 100000 yen ($1100).日本《刑法》规定,舰船侵入罪可被处以3年以下有期徒刑或者10万日元(约合1100美元)以下的罚金。