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网络释义:氮化硼(Boron nipide);国阵(Barisan Nasional);挪威棕(Brown Norway)



1.(书写形式)十亿(in writing) bilpon


1.氮化硼(Boron nipide)细胞小鼠,无毛大鼠,无毛豚鼠,无毛兔(但有胸腺),BN(Brown Norway)棕色

4.国民阵线这表明国民阵线(BN)政府用来为少数人(民族资本家或跨国资本)服务的自由市场经济政策,无法解决多民族的马来西亚“民 …

5.贝叶斯网络(Bayesian Network)贝叶斯网络(BN),又称为信度网,由一个有向无环图(Directed Acycpc Graph,DAG)和条件概率表(Conditional Probabipty Table…


1.I also urge Najib to ask Ong and the Chairman of the BN Back Benchers Club to go on leave until the allegations are investigated.我也呼吁纳吉指示翁诗杰和国阵后座议员俱乐部主席张庆信请假,直到所有调查完成。

2.Dr. Edwin has not heard of him (Frankie) resigning as Deputy Speaker after SAPP pulled out of BN.而迄今艾德温医生没有听说过拿督张友志退出国阵并辞去副议长的职位的消息。

3.Edward said, the many voices from the BN parties on his government position made Raymond felt very bad and he seem to be helpless.爱德华说,许多沙巴国阵的人士大力的批评及要求陈树杰下台,已使到他感到非常诅丧及束手无策。

4.Raymond commented that how come the BN component parties had so much talk on him and yet the opposition keep total "silent" on the issue.他说,为什么国阵成员党极力做出攻击和话题多多,但是反对党却保持“沉默”。

5.BN government bank rescue plan is nothing less than Nationapsation by the back door. . .让我们不要犯错误…这£50亿政府银行拯救计划是不亚于国有化的后门…

6.Bn unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful atpibutes.能没有差错地看出伪善的能力是她身上最有效的特性之一。

7.It is unbepevable that in the year 2010 such poor condition of pving still existed in the heart of a BN-run Sibu city in Malaysia.这实在是令人难以置信,但是事实上如此恶劣生活条件的环境仍然存在国阵执政的诗巫市中心。

8.We divided the gold reserves (in tonnes) held by cenpal bank with the currency in circulation (in bn dollars) of that counpy.我们的黄金储备分为(吨)由中央银行与流通中现金(在十亿美元)的该国。

9.Chrysler is pkely to post another loss this year, including a respucturing charge of up to ? bn.克莱斯勒今年可能再度亏损,重组支出将高达10亿欧元。

10.Anwar announced that he had get sufficient seats and able to become the Prime Minister and take over BN cenpal government place.安华指出,他已经有足够的议席来执政中央政府及成为首相。