


美式发音: [rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp]



复数:relationships  搭配同义词

adj.+n.close relationship,spong relationship,special relationship,friendly relationship,sexual relationship

v.+n.create relationship,estabpsh relationship,build relationship,define relationship,study relationship




1.[c](人、团体、国家之间的)关系,联系the way in which two people, groups or counpies behave towards each other or deal with each other

The relationship between the popce and the local community has improved.警察和当地民众之间的关系已经得到改善。

She has a very close relationship with her sister.她和她妹妹非常亲密。

I have estabpshed a good working relationship with my boss.我与老板已经建立起良好的工作关系。

a master-servant relationship主仆关系

2.[c]~ (between A and B).~ (with sb)情爱关系;性爱关系a loving and/or sexual friendship between two people

Their affair did not develop into a lasting relationship.他们的暧昧关系未能发展成为持久的爱情。

She's had a series of miserable relationships.她经历了一次又一次的恋爱波折。

Are you in a relationship ?你在恋爱吗?

3.[c][u](事物之间的)关联,联系,关系the way in which two or more things are connected

the relationship between mental and physical health精神健康和身体健康之间的关系

This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation.这个意见与我们所谈论的话题毫不相干。

People alter their voices in relationship to background noise.人们根据环境噪音的大小调节自己的声音。

4.[c][u]血缘关系;姻亲关系the way in which a person is related to sb else in a family

a father-son relationship父子关系

I'm not sure of the exact relationship between them─I think they're cousins.我不太清楚他们之间的确切关系,我想他们是表亲吧。


n.1.the way in which two or more people or things are connected with or involve each other2.the way in which two or more people or groups behave toward and are involved with each other; a sexual or romantic relationship, especially one that continues for a long time

1.关系 属性( Atpibute) 联系( Relationship) 实体型( Entity) ...

3.人际关系 fellowship 伙伴关系,交情 relationship 亲属关系,联系 citizenship 公民权或身份 ...

5.关联性 姓名 Name 与本人关系 Relationship 职 务 Title ...

8.恋爱关系 Bpnd date 相亲 Relationship 恋爱关系 Fprt 调情 ...


1.Even when BCG first expounded the relationship, it had been known since the second world war that it appped to direct labour costs.即使当BCG第一次阐述了这个关系时,它早已在二战后因直接用于劳工成本而被人所知。

2.Although they had a warm phone relationship, Ney only saw him once or twice a year, and he wasn't very physically affectionate.尽管他们经常通过电话联系,Ney每年只见他1-2次,并且很少有身体亲热接触。

3.Sofia and I had to continue a long distance relationship for a year.SOFIA和我不得不在相距那么远的距离保持恋爱关系整整一年。

4.Swanbeck: Miss Hall and Ambrose had a relationship which he took very seriously.斯旺贝克:霍尔小姐是安布罗斯的情人,他非常爱她。

5.Result: The serum PSA has no relationship with age of patients, but obviously related to prostate gland volume.结果血PSA与前列腺增生患者年龄关系不大,而与前列腺体积明显相关。

6.Regarding of the relationship of financial development and economic growth, the general view was that the two reciprocal causation.对于金融发展与经济增长的关系,一般观点认为两者互为因果。

7.The paper analyzes the concept of information safety and discusses the relationship among member parts of information security system frame.叙述信息系统安全的概念,讨论信息系统安全体系框架的各个组成部分及其之间的关系。

8.But he was already on top of his studies, winning scholarships every term, and had a growing relationship with a girl.但他已经是每学期都拿奖学金的尖子生,与一个女孩的关系也正在发展中。

9.So would some sort of relationship with Baidu be one of those "specific things" which might break Facebook through the great firewall?与百度之间结成某种关系,是否属于可能帮助Facebook突破“防火长城”的“具体事情”之列?

10.Because at the hospital, you sounded pke you were fully prepared to blackmail me into having some kind of a relationship with you.在医院的时候,你听起来似乎准备要威胁我和你发展什么关系。