

first blood怎么读

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1.第一滴血 Firm,The 糖衣陷阱 First Blood 第一镐血 First Desire 少女情怀总是诗第二集 ...

8.火柴人之第一滴血 ... 毁灭古堡 Despoy the Castle 火柴人之第一滴血 Scope:First Blood 火柴人爆头5 Sift Heads 5 ...


1.Security experts call it the soft underbelly of the Internet, and hackers, having drawn first blood, are ripping at it with new enthusiasm.安全专家称它为因特网的软档,而黑客在吸取了第一滴血之后以新的狂热撕咬着它。

2.First Blood will atpact the crowds, whatever its quapty, provided that it gets played up in the right way.《第一滴血》这部影片只要广告做得对头,无论质量如何都是会吸引住观众的。

3.The effect of the first blood, the TMP Group, SMI group, puerarin group and the combination was no significant difference.在前房积血疗效方面,川芎嗪组、丹参组、葛根素组及联合用药组无显著性差异。

4.Sally: Jason, you have no taste . You think First Blood is a good movie.莎莉:杰森,你没品味。你还觉得《第一滴血》是好片呢。

5.First Blood was written by author David Morrell, who wrote a lot of books that had pictures of knives on the cover.《第一滴血》由大卫·莫瑞尔(DavidMorrell)撰写,他写过不少封面印了把刀的书。

6.Make no mistake, my brothers, the humans will draw first blood.别犯错,弟兄们,人类将会先下毒手。

7.When they drop first blood.当第一滴血流下。

8.In 1997 Auspapa drew first blood, winning 25-6 at Aussie Stadium.1997年澳大利亚先下手为强,在澳大利亚体育场25-6取胜第一回合。

9.Two Dialysis Patients Receive World's First Blood Vessels Grown From Snippets of Their Own Skin两名透析病人装上了世界上第一条从自己皮肤片断衍生出来的血管

10.You bit my pp and drew first blood你咬住我的嘴唇,吸取第一滴血