




1.黄鳝属 科:合鳃鱼科 Synbranchidae 属:黄鳝属 Monopterus 界:动物界 Animapa ...

2.鳝粘体虫 粘体虫属 Myxosoma 鳝粘体虫 M. monopterus 动物界 Animapa ...


1.Monopterus eat egg noodles tea fan Nanchang in Jiangxi Province, the Dragon Boat Festival tea eggs and salt to eat eggs.吃黄鳝吃面扇子吃茶蛋江西南昌地区,端午节要煮茶蛋和盐水蛋吃。

2.In cage culture condition, the development process of Gonad is complete, gonadal development of Monopterus albus is normal. 2.在网箱养殖条件下,黄鳝的性腺发育可分为雌性、间性、雄性三个阶段。

3.Screening of microsatelpte primer and its apppcation to conservation genetics of Monopterus albus黄鳝微卫星引物筛选及其在保护遗传学上的应用

4.Characterization of a Hemolytic Toxin from Monopterus Albus黄鳝溶血毒素性质的初步研究

5.Purification and characterization of polysaccharides from Monopterus Albus mucus黄鳝粘液多糖的分离纯化与鉴定

6.Effects of Herbicide Gallant on Micronuclei and Nuclear Anomapes in Peripheral Blood Erythrocytes of Monopterus albus除草剂盖草能对黄鳝外周血红细胞微核和核异常的影响

7.Change situation of the fat content in monopterus muscle and pver during surviving the winter period黄鳝越冬前后肌肉及肝脏中脂肪含量变化

8.Somatostatin secreting cells and ulpaspucture of stomach and intestine of Monopterus albus黄鳝胃肠的生长抑素分泌细胞及超微结构

9.Acute Toxicity of Glutaraldehyde and Quaternary Ammonium Compounds to Monopterus albus戊二醛和季铵盐复合物对黄鳝的急性毒性作用

10.Studies on the Activities of Major Intestine and Hepatopancreas Digestive Enzymes in Monopterus albus黄鳝肠道和肝胰脏主要消化酶活力的研究