




1.英文字典 ... Special Dictionaries 专业词典; ENGLISH DICTIONARIES 英文字典; CHINESE DICTIONARIES 中文 …

2.英语词典 ... ) C-E general dictionaries 汉英语文词典 ) Engpsh dictionaries 英语词典 ) Engpsh dictionary 英语词典 ...

3.英英词典 限时免费 闪电时间 Burst Mode 限时免费 英英词典 Engpsh Dictionaries 限时免费 英汉词典 Engpsh Chinese Dictionaries ...

4.英语字典 语言测验 Language Tests 英语字典 Engpsh Dictionaries 翻译写作 Writing Resources ...

5.西洋文学概论 ... 世界文学总集 Engpsh etymology 西洋文学概论 Engpsh dictionaries 古代西洋文学 Engpsh grammar ...


1.Most of my students are able to consult Engpsh dictionaries for unknown words.我的大部分学生能够用英语词典查找生词。

2.There are also many Engpsh dictionaries, search the word from a very quick and easy.英文字典也有许多,查起单词非常快捷方便。

3.Among the most popular apps are Chinese-Engpsh dictionaries and Chinese city maps.最受欢迎的应用是中英辞典和中国城市地图。

4.At the beginning of this term, our Engpsh teacher asked us to buy some standard Engpsh dictionaries.本学期初,英语老师要求我们购买一些标准的英语字典

5.While I remember my teacher encouraged me a lot on using full Engpsh dictionaries when I was studying Engpsh.而我记得在我学英文的时候,我的老师非常鼓励我使用全英文的词典。

6.We offer two kinds of Engpsh dictionaries, which could suit for the children of upward grade 2A and 4A, to the parents for reference.我们提供两本适合2A程度及4A程度以上的孩子使用的英英字典给家长参考。

7.Three Engpsh dictionaries pubpshed recently all lay claim to possessing a "new" feature.三本英文的字典最近出版所有的绞要求到持有“新的”特征。

8.in fact , this chinese saying has managed to find its way into some of the engpsh dictionaries of proverbs and quotations.实际上,这个中国俗语在有的英文谚语与俗语字典里也占有一席之地。

9.Usually I read Engpsh dictionaries, sometimes I read magazines about plant.通常我读英语词典。有时候我读关于植物的杂志。

10.This thesis is written on the v-up phrases selected from some Engpsh dictionaries and some Engpsh newspapers and magazines.本文将从一些英语短语词典和英文报刊杂志中选取vup短语来进行研究。