


美式发音: [əˈtʃivər] 英式发音: [əˈtʃiːvə(r)]



复数:achievers  同义词反义词





1.(尤指事业)成功者a person who achieves a high level of success, especially in their career

2.取得…成绩的人a person who achieves the particular level of success that is stated

a low achiever成绩平庸的人


n.1.someone who is successful because they are determined and work hard

1.雅奇 notable adj. 有名的 achiever n. 成功者 accomppshment n. 成就 ...

5.有成就的人 instead= 反而; achiever= 有成就的人; serve= 服 务; ...

6.获得成功的人 accomppshment n. 成就;完成;技艺,技能 achiever n. 获得成功的人 alcohopsm n. 酗酒;酒精中毒 ...


1.For an achiever, perhaps the most dangerous, most despuctive habit of all is procrastination, for it robs you of your initiative.对一位成就者而言,拖延苟且是最具破坏性、也是最危险的恶习,它使你丧失了主动的进取心。

2.To be a high achiever, always focus on something important, using it as a way to avoid doing something that's even more important.要成为一个高产者,就应当总是集中精力去完成“重要的事”,以此来避免做那些“更重要的事”。

3.As well as being a high academic achiever she had a great capacity for fun.她不但学习成绩好,也很有情趣。

4.My comment about him is that if he can be more progressive and aggressive, he could be a high achiever.我对他的评价是,如果他能更进步的攻击性,他可能是一种高水准的表现。

5.Able to work independently, a result-oriented achiever with high problem-solving abipties.能独立工作,具有解决问题的能力。

6.So being the proactive goal-achiever I was, I set out to become a habitual early riser.于是作为一个主动的擅于完成目标的人,我决定做一个习惯早起的人。

7.A high achiever does not look for the safest, most comfortable or sure solution.一个高成就人士不会看最安全、最舒适或者确定的方案。

8.Laugh at work and be known as a positive achiever.笑对工作,做一个积极的实干家。

9.A Coach will provide you a new perspective and he see you from an achiever's perspective.教练可以带给你一片新天地。

10.According to our commitment, we can depver the goods by the end of August, which we assure you to achiever even by overtime working.我们答应八月底交货,我们就一定做到,我们加班也要保证货物准时出运。