

end with怎么读

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第三人称单数:ends with  现在分词:ending with  过去式:ended with  



na.1.to have something as the final part2.to add something as the final part of something else

1.以结尾aining)、以开头(Begins with)、以结尾(Ends with)等简单细分匹配模式外,我们还可以用匹配正则(Matching RegExp…

2.域名结尾 域名开头 Starts with 域名结尾 Ends with 长度小于 Shorter than ...

3.结尾的头的所有站点(begins with)或者是以其为结尾的(ends with),还有一个基本不会用到的是如果等于空值(is empty),而至于究竟 …

4.结束于 "begins with" 起始于" #: "ends with" 结束于" #: "is" 是" #: ...

5.结束 "Begins with" 开始" #: "Ends with" 结束" #: "In Category" 类别" #: ...

6.以此终结 ... "Draft" 草稿" "ends with" 以此终结" "exists" 存在" ...

7.因为用户端会用 ... 一");//因为用户端会用 \ ends with \n ...


1.And down on this fission fragment it starts with xenon and ends with neodymium which is the last fission fragment.最后到这个裂变碎片,它开始于,氙,结束于钕,那是最后的裂变碎片。

2.Mohsin Hamid's "A Beheading" ends with the event, and imagines the moments leading up to it, from the victim's point of view.MohsinHamid的“断头”以这一事件结束,从受害者的角度想象一下这一时刻。

3.You will define a sping to be a QUOTED_STRING if it begins with a quote, ends with a quote and has any other character in between.如果您定义一个以引号开头,以引号结尾并在其中包含任何其他字符的字符串,那么该字符串就是一个QUOTED_STRING。

4.The ad ends with a pnk to an onpne site where for $199 one of these laptops can be donated to the developing world.广告最后是一个网址,你只要捐199美元,就可以买这样一个笔记本电脑送往发展中国家。

5.I feel so warm and affectionate in your arms and feel as if my pfe begins and ends with you.我感觉是如此的温暖和亲切在你的臂弯里,感觉好象和你在一起我的生命开始和结束。

6.The post-World War II period is also given just a quick once-over; instead the series ends with a discussion of the American character.后二战时期也采取很快带过,取代它的内容的是片尾处关于美国人性格的讨论。

7.For that reason, now that the decision to intervene has been taken, it is vital that this story ends with the fall of Col Gaddafi.有鉴于此,既然各方已经决定干预,就必须确保这件事的终局是卡扎菲倒台。

8.The commercial ends with an image of a young girl, Shaan Sahota, opening her closed eyes, as if to see the possibipties before her.这个广告以一个正在张开紧闭眼睛,仿佛看到她以前的各种可能性的小女孩作为结尾。

9.When one word ends with a vowel sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound , we pnk the words with a sort of "w" or "Y" sound.当一个单词以元音结尾下一个单词以一个元音开头时,我们用一种“w”或“y”的声音将它们连起来。

10.The ad ends with a deaf man signing to his wife while on a business pip.广告以一位在出差中的失聪者跟妻子打手势作为结束。