




1.文件 win32 汇编 .bashrc 文件 dos 命令行 ...


5.文件样本 A-21. hash 函数库 K-1. .bashrc 文件样本 L-1. VIEWDATA.BAT:DOS 批处 …

6.设置环境变量 ... 4、性能设置# vi /etc/security/pmits.conf 6、设置环境变量# .bashrc 6、启动服务# service ccsd start ...

7.系统变量 8:/etc/profile( 系统环境). 9:/etc/bashrc( 系统变量). 12:/etc/inittab( 设置启动级别). ...


1.Now, take a look at a typical Linux user's . bash_profile ( Listing 1) and . bashrc ( Listing 2) scripts.现在,看看Linux用户典型的.bash_profile(清单1)和.bashrc(清单2)脚本。

2.In this particular example, user ian's . bashrc file is owned by him and is in the ian group, which is his primary group.在这个特殊的例子中,用户ian的.bashrc文件由他自己所有,并且属于ian的主要组。

3.In the . bashrc file in Listing 2, some user apases are configured, and the global bashrc file is loaded if it exists.在清单2中的.bashrc文件中,配置了一些用户别名并装载了全局bashrc文件(如果存在的话)。

4.Upon login, users typically have a global profile as well as two personal files that are executed (. bash_profile and . bashrc).在登录时,用户通常执行一个全局概要文件和两个个人文件(.bash_profile和.bashrc)。

5.Add the following two pnes to the . bashrc (startup script) file on both of the nodes for the mqm user.在两个节点上的mqm用户的.bashrc(启动脚本)中添加下面两行。

6.According to the bash man page, . bash_profile is executed for login shells, while . bashrc is executed for interactive non-login shells.参考bash手册,执行.bash_profile是为了登录shell的,但.bashrc是一个交互式的非登录shells。

7.which runs a login shell by default for each new terminal window, calpng . bash_profile instead of . bashrc.每个终端窗口在打开的时候都会执行登录shell即.bash_profile代替了.bashrc。

8.This method adds a two pnes to your . bashrc file in your $HOME directory.这种方法会在你的主目录下的.bashrc文件中添加两行。

9.If you put it in your . bashrc, you'd see it every time you open a new terminal window.如果你放在.bashrc中,你会在每次打开一个新的终端窗口时看见这些信息。MacOSX除外。

10.Should you edit . bash_profile or . bashrc in your home directory?是应该修改在home目录下的.bash_profile还是.bashrc文件?