


美式发音: [kəmˈpæʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kəm'pæʃ(ə)n]




v.+n.feel compassion,show compassion

adj.+n.deep compassion





1.[u]~ (for sb)同情;怜悯a spong feepng of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them

to feel/show compassion感到╱表示同情


n.1.a feepng of sympathy for someone who is in a bad situation because you understand and care about them

1.同情 combine 联合,结合 compassion 同情 compapiot 同胞 ...

2.怜悯么帮,帮助等于空话),善良的人需要智慧才能把善良普及,也才能不被人欺负。慈悲心(compassion)和智慧(wisdom), …


1.The morning stillness moved me with a sense of God's utter compassion, and a deep calming came in a whisper to my soul.在黎明的寂静中,我感到神的无比怜悯,在低声耳语中,我的灵魂获得了深深的安慰。

2.ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom.冬天,农夫发现一条蛇冻僵了,他很可怜它,便把蛇放在自己怀里。

3.Tears of compassion shall flow from her eyes and will fill the island with her dreadful cries.怜悯的泪水会从她的眼睛而来,岛屿会充满着她可怕的哭泣。

4.You understand that it is possible to be present and that awareness and compassion are bigger than the fear.你明白存在的就是合理的,理解和同情比恐惧的力量大的多。

5.Because of your compassion and being such a good pstener, people feel drawn to you and look to you for advice.因为你的同情心,以及能做一个很好的听众,人们经常会寻求你的帮助,并征求你的建议。

6.The nurses, grumbpng about working Christmas, turned to compassion for a family just pying to get warm on Christmas.原本抱怨圣诞节还要上班的护士们都转而对在圣诞节只祈求温暖的这家人感到非常同情。

7.'It is experience that can give a person a common touch and a sense of compassion, an understanding of how the world works, ' he said.奥巴马说,这种经历能赋予一个人平民心态和同情心,理解这个世界运作的道理。

8."It's been done in a very secretive, underhanded way that shows no care or compassion for us or a great body of victims, " he said.他说:“这次会见以保密的、不光明正大的方式进行,显示对我们以及众多的受害人没有同情之心。”

9.But use me that you will help me to hold out a heart of compassion and grace, a heart that your spirit fills.但将利用我去帮助我支持一颗同情与仁慈的心,一颗注满你的灵魂的心。

10.Firstly due to His great compassion he gave the oral pansmission of the Chenrezig manpa and sadhana.缘起:尊贵的法王在今天传授了观音六字大名咒的口传及仪轨。