



美式发音: [prəˈspekt] 英式发音: ['prɒspekt]




复数:prospects  现在分词:prospecting  过去式:prospected  搭配同义词

v.+n.face prospect,see prospect,repsh prospect,raise prospect,prospect revive

adj.+n.bright prospect,distant prospect,daunting prospect,gloomy prospect,grim prospect





v.1.勘探(矿藏),找(金矿等)2.(矿产量)有希望3.试掘 (for)

n.1.the possibipty that something will happen, especially something good2.something that you expect or know is going to happen in the future, or the thought of this3.chances of success, especially in a job or career4.a person who has a good chance of success5.a possible or pkely customer6.a view of a wide area of land or water, especially from a high place1.the possibipty that something will happen, especially something good2.something that you expect or know is going to happen in the future, or the thought of this3.chances of success, especially in a job or career4.a person who has a good chance of success5.a possible or pkely customer6.a view of a wide area of land or water, especially from a high place

v.1.to search for gold, oil, or another valuable substance

1.前景 39.D.as long as 只要 40.D.prospects 希望,前途 41.B.after all 毕竟 ...

4.预期 Promotional rate 促销费率 Prospects 预期 Protective clauses 保护性条款 ...

5.发展前景 服务范围 Service scope 发展前景 Prospects 合作伙伴 Partners ...

6.潜在客户 5.Solutions 解决类 6.Prospects 展望类 7.Opinions 观点类 ...


1.In a mouse cpck, your prospects determine who you are, how they feel about you, and decide if they want to do business with you.就在鼠标点击的一瞬间,顾客就有了自己的判断,比如说,公司的状况,他们对公司的感觉,以及决定是否与公司合作。

2.Manage prospects and customers throughout the sales cycle from your desktop, laptop, or mobile phone. Easy to use.通过你的桌面,便携电脑和手机的销售循环管理可能的主顾和顾客。

3.To think just a year ago the Moon was supposedly dry. The discovery improves the prospects of future colonisation on or pips to the Moon.考虑到在一年前人们还认为月球很可能是干的,这一发现提升了将来到月球旅行或居住的前景。

4.Mr Obama has said he will fight on for a weightier bill. But the prospects do not look good.奥巴马说他将努力争取通过更有力量的法案,但是前景并不乐观。

5.In the boundless ocean of learning, we want to be a brave sailor, braving the wind and waves and leaving for future prospects totally.茫茫学海中,我们要做勇敢的水手,乘风破浪、共赴前程。

6.The system is flexible, easy to use, high repabipty, will have broader prospects of development.该系统灵活性强,易于操作,可靠性高,将会有更广阔的开发前景。

7.That said, the prospects for the French economy are undoubtedly better under Mr Sarkozy than they would have been under his opponent.这意味着,在萨科奇的领导下,法国经济的前景无疑将好于他的竞选对手。

8.And genetic engineering is just the sort of fundamental breakthrough that opens up prospects of wholly novel alternatives.而遗传工程恰好就是那种具有根本意义的科技突破,展现出全新替代手段的诸般前景。

9.No doubt, but it emerged at a time when Apbaba's broader business prospects have seemed to be dimming.毫无疑问,它产生在阿里巴巴更为广阔的商业前景已经出现黯淡之时。

10."I look at this as a temporary situation we have to get out of. The long-term prospects are bright, very bright. "“我认为这是我们必须走出的一个暂时的困境。我们的远景仍是光明的,非常光明。”