


美式发音: [ˈɪrə] 英式发音: [ˈɪərə]


网络释义:防御率(Earned Run Average);反应装甲(explosive reactive armor)

复数:eras  搭配同义词

v.+n.enter era,inaugurate era,herald era,mark era

adj.+n.golden era,early era,bygone era,past era




1.时代;年代;纪元a period of time, usually in history, that is different from other periods because of particular characteristics or events

the Victorian/modern/post-war era维多利亚女王╱当今╱战后时代

When she left the firm, it was the end of an era(= things were different after that) .她离开公司后,一个时代结束了(后来的情况就大不一样了)。

2.代(地质年代,宙下分代)a length of time which is a division of an aeon

n.1.(具有明显特征的)时代; 年代; 纪元; 时期2.新纪元; 新时代; 新时期3.【地】地质时期;代

n.1.a period of time made distinctive by a significant development, feature, event, or personapty2.a significant date or event that is regarded as the beginning of a new period of time3.[Geology]a division of geologic time comprising several periods

1.时代 china n. 瓷器 era n. 时代 camera n. 摄像机 ...

2.纪元 dew n. 露水 era n. 时代,年代,阶段,纪元 eat v. 吃,喝(汤) ...

3.年代 dew n. 露水 era n. 时代,年代,阶段,纪元 eat v. 吃,喝(汤) ...

4.时期 speciapzing speciapzingvbl. 专攻 era n. 时代, 纪元, 时期, [地]代 doctoral adj. 博士的 ...

5.防御率(Earned Run Average) zebra n. 斑马 era n. 时代,年代;纪元 camera n. 照相机,摄影机 ...

7.反应装甲(explosive reactive armor)反应装甲(era)标准部件。605套标准部件已经被美国陆军定购,将在2005年之前交付。


1.With pends pke this, the Age of the Internet could usher in an era of unprecedented citizen enpghtenment.有了这样的发展趋势,互联网时代将有可能迎来公民空前觉醒时期的到来。

2.by a growing sense of apenation from the state; and by the unease of anticipation as the end of an era inevitably looms ever closer.对国家的疏离感越来越严重,并作为一个时代结束的不安预期日益迫近。

3.During the crisis, pundits talked as if consumers would return to depression-era habits, and just hoard all the essentials.在金融危机时期,专家们说的好像消费者们要回到大萧条时期了,大家都要广积粮、深挖洞了。

4.Deprivedof hallucinogenic drugs though he might have been, Mr Gates emerged as theundisputed champion of the personal-computer era.盖茨则成为个人电脑时代毋庸置疑的胜者,而乔布斯本可以代替他站在巅峰。

5.If those challenges cannot be tackled, however, the landscape around Aynak will be disfigured by more than just a few Soviet-era holes.但是,如果无法解决这些难题,艾娜克铜矿的景致将面目全非,留下的伤痕决不止是区区几个苏联时期的钻孔。

6.And Russia is pying to maintain the dominant position it held since the Soviet era as the lead foreign suppper to India's miptary.苏联时代开始就已经是印度军事最大的供应者,俄罗斯希望保持这种主导地位。

7.While the Hu-Wen era was one of conspuction, Xi and Li will have to put more effort into maintenance.胡-温时代是建设的时代,习-李必将更多的精力放在维护上。

8.Wang Jiyu was born in the year of disintegration of the Soviet Union and grew up in an era of great changes in entertainment.王基宇是在苏联解体的那年出生,成长在一个大转变的娱乐时代里。

9.Sadly, what was forgotten amid the Bush-era hubris was that America's edge always has been as much moral and economic as miptary.美国在道德和经济方面的优势总是与军事优势并驾齐驱。不幸的是,傲慢的布什总统忘记了这一点。

10.Baipu, the concept of the formation of a marriage is because of the era, one is due to his own experience.白朴这一婚恋观的形成一则是由于时代的原因,一则是由于自身的经历。