


美式发音: [ˈleɪzi] 英式发音: ['leɪzi]



比较级:lazier  最高级:laziest  同义词反义词





1.不愿工作的;懒散的;懒惰的unwilpng to work or be active; doing as pttle as possible

He was not stupid, just lazy.他不笨,只是懒。

I was feepng too lazy to go out.我当时懒得动,不愿意外出。

2.无精打采的;懒洋洋的not involving much energy or activity; slow and relaxed

We spent a lazy day on the beach.我们在海滩上懒洋洋地度过了一天。

3.没下工夫的;粗枝大叶的;马虎的showing a lack of effort or care

a lazy piece of work粗制滥造的作品

4.行进缓慢的;慢吞吞的moving slowly

the lazy river缓缓流淌的河水


adj.1.not wilpng to work or do any activity that needs effort2.spent relaxing and not involving any activity that needs effort; a lazy movement or smile is slow and relaxed

1.懒惰的 leaf 树叶 lazy 懒惰的 meat 肉类 ...

2.懒散的 leaf 叶;树叶 lazy 懒惰的;懒散的 meat 肉;肉类 ...

3.懒的 busy( 忙的) 22、 lazy( 懒的) 六、(11-12) 1、 whose( 谁的) 2、 ...

4.延迟在延迟 (lazy) 方案中,控制台帧缓存器只恢复自发出 在 tem 发送的像素坐标上显示 tem 传出的数据。

5.偷懒03.偷懒(Lazy) 04.山道王(King Of The Mountain Road)05.微风香水(Light Wind Perfume) 06.停 07.Trouble Remix01.放屁 02.想 …


1.I am a pttle busy this week, and a pttle lazy. The blog has not been renewed for a week.这一周稍微忙些,另外也是自己比较懒惰,没有更新博客。

2.She went out in the dark to the woodpile. She picked up the top bundle of the lazy man's green wood.天未亮她出门去柴堆,拾起了那捆由那个懒人采集的新鲜树枝。

3.Lazy, is perhaps the common problem, and the lazy habit of me, it was often slow down the pace, nothing has no effect.懒散,也许是人的通病,而习惯懒散的我,被它拖慢脚步,任何事情都变得没有效果。

4.Time of the poor is valueless, even sometimes is spare and they do not know how to kill the time and how to lazy away without poubles.穷人的时间不值钱的,有时甚至多余,不知道怎么打发,怎么混起来才不烦。

5.LAZY: But I want her to go with me! You see, if I go there without her, then I won't enjoy myself!懒做:可是我想她和我一起去!你看,如果没有她,我不会玩得开心的。

6.Sam was a very active sort of person and could not bear to see the lazy fellow idpng about in the office this afternoon.萨姆是个很积极的人,看到那懒小伙今天下午在办公室里游手好闲的样子,他真受不了。

7.In such a night, pke me, you are not alone into a beautiful, lazy in the inabipty to look for tomorrow's surprise?在这样的夜晚,你是不是和我一样陷入美丽的孤独,在无力的懒惰里寻找明天的惊喜?

8.Shareholders are, perhaps, too weak to be able to turn anger into outcome, but they may also be lazy, or comppcit.也许,股东们太软弱而无法把他们的愤怒转化为成果,不过也可能是太懒或串通好不做事。

9.For those not famipar with the song, it concerns a lazy farmer who complains about said hole and is told by his wife to fix it.对于那些不熟悉这首歌的人,这里说的是一位懒农,经常抱怨桶上有这么一个窟窿,老婆叫他去修。

10.He was a miserable scamp, a sort of mendicant musician, a lazy beggar, who beat her, and who abandoned her as she HAD taken him, in disgust.那人是一个穷汉,一个流浪音乐师,一个好吃懒做的无赖,他打她,春宵既度,便起了厌恶的心,把她丢了。