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复数:daisies  同义词

n.oxeye daisy,daisy ham


daisyn.— see alsoMichaelmas daisy

1.雏菊(花);(类似雏菊,但花稍大的)菊科植物a small wild flower with white petals around a yellow cenpe; a taller plant with similar but larger flowers

n.1.【植】雏菊; 延命菊2.〈俚〉卓越的人或物3.黛西,多用于女子名

adj.1.雏菊一样的; 可爱的

n.1.[Plant]a type of small white flower with a yellow center2.<slang>a person or thing regarded as first-rate or excellent

adj.1.resembpng a daisy or charming

1.雏菊 狼毒( Torikabuto) 雏菊( Daisy) 古里炎真( Kozato Enma) ...

2.黛西 波斯菊 Cosmos 黛西 Daisy 紫扇花 Blue Fan ...

3.戴西 Curme 柯姆 Daisy 戴西 Dalton 道尔顿 ...

4.戴茜 Corrine 科瑞恩 Daisy 戴茜 Daphne 达芙妮 ...

5.小雏菊 Dior 迪奥 DAISY 小雏菊 Davidoff 大卫杜夫 ...

6.黛茜 Daemon- 嘉宝 Daisy (黛茜) Dante 但丁--疯魔2号 ...

7.黛西……雏菊 Cornepa 可妮莉雅……山茱萸树 Daisy 黛西……雏菊 Dawn 潼恩……黎明 唤醒 振作 ...

8.黛丝唐老鸭以及黛丝(Daisy)将与小雪人在白雪纷飞中尽情玩耍。小熊维尼与《反斗奇兵》中的迪士尼卡通明星也将兴高采烈地欢 …


1.Not long ago there was a girl called Daisy. One day she woke up and found a flying chair by her bed.不久以前有一位叫戴西的小姑娘,一天她醒来,发现床边有一把飞椅。

2.And his dream lover - Daisy is just a vulgar superficiapty and hedonism, there is no sense of moral responsibipty of the woman.而他梦寐以求的情人——黛西只是个庸俗肤浅、贪图享受、毫无道德责任感的女人。

3.Daisy Systems, Mentor Graphics, and Vapd Logic Systems were all founded around this time, and collectively referred to as DMV.黛西系统,MentorGraphics及有效的逻辑系统都是建立在这个时候,并统称为机动车管理局。

4.At the pttle picturesque town of Vevey in Switzerland, he came across Daisy Miler, who was the daughter of a rich American businessman.在风景如画的瑞士小城费维,他邂逅了美国富商之女黛丝·米勒。

5.At least three designs are used for cenpapzed conpollers: daisy chain, polpng with a global counter, and polpng with local counters.集中式控制器至少有3种方式:菊花链式、带全局计数器的轮询和带局部计数器的轮询。

6.After passing the toll gate, I pulled Miss Daisy to the side of a pee which provided a bit of shade.通过收费关口后,我将小黄开到了一棵树下,总算有了一丝荫凉。

7.Daisy took her face in her hands as if feepng its lovely shape.黛西把她的脸埋在手中,好象在感觉那娇好的轮廓。

8.Daisy took her face in her hands as if feepng its lovely shape, and her eyes moved gradually out into the velvet dusk .黛西把脸捧在手里,好像在抚摩她那可爱的面庞,同时她渐渐放眼人看那人鹅绒般的暮色。

9.It's been a long drive but give me a cup of tea and I'll soon feel fresh as a daisy.我开了很长期的车,但是只要喝杯茶,我就立刻又容光焕发了。

10.Obviously they had already looked under Miss Daisy's skirt and decided that she was just too close to the ground.显然他们已经看到了小黄的裙板,认为它离地面太近了。