

certainly:[英 [ˈsɜ:tnli] 美 [ˈsɜ:rtnli] ]


certainly 基本解释

副词肯定; 当然; 无疑; 确定

certainly 反义词



certainly 相关例句


1. Victory certainly belongs to the people.


2. certainly什么意思

2. They will certainly succeed.


certainly 情景对话



A:Are you the loans-officer?


B:I certainly am. May I help you?


A:Yes. Id like to make a loan.


B:Alright. Please sit down.



A:I think it’’s going to be a nice day.


B:It’’s certainly a big improvement over yesterday.


A:But it’’s supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.


B:Well, the worst of the winter should be over.




A:Do you think I should join the basketball team, Mary?


B:Why not? If I were you, I certainly would.


A:But I’m afraid it’ll take up too much of my time.



B:As the saying goes:Work while you work, play while play. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, you know?


A:Hmm, you’re right.


certainly 网络解释

1. 一定:汽车修理工并非一定(certainly),总是(always),经常(frequently),而是很可能(possibly)不超过80分,这是作者的一种看不起汽车修理工的推测. 4 D 语句连贯词义比较 由前后句子的意义看,前后两句明显为转折(yet)关系. then那么,

2. certainly的意思

2. 当然了:324. Could you tell me where I can find these books? 您能告诉我在哪儿能找到这些书吗? | 325. Certainly. 当然了. | 326. Witch pleasure. 很高兴.

3. 当然:11. CMon! 拜托! | 12. Certainly! 当然. | 13. Check, Please! 买单.

certainly 双语例句

1. I believe you will certainly be able to do.......


2. certainly

2. And we should certainly carry out these plans to the letter.


3. certainly的反义词

3. We will almost certainly change block.


4. certainly

4. Of course, I will certainly do that.


5. There are certainly other components of MYR that can be transferred to practical use in farmers fields.


6. certainly

6. I think you will certainly like me.



7. Believe me, I will certainly do that.


8. No, certainly I ought not to ride up to him, I ought not to break in on his sorrow.


9. certainly的反义词

9. So that is going to certainly be a principle of participation and commitment that Councilor Dai and I intend to pursue.


10. Let us develop best product and service to the client first, pay close attention to the client's feeling sincerely, for client sincere real intention goes out work, so the product that the client can buy you certainly gives your money to say a thank to you even!


11. The unconscious is certainly the source of instinctive activity.


12. certainly的意思

12. It is a way of doing quantitative easing, certainly.


13. A: She doesn't know her all that well, but she's certainly not got the same je ne sais quoi as J2, Misha or Jim.


14. Will certainly啦, 浴霸the light is too strong, the baby also likes to look particularly shiny things, so a lot of visual impairment, it is recommended to open when taking a bath heater or something like that, or to open a while, such as Advanced search the room temperature rose up after the baby and then go take a bath.


15. He certainly can be bought over--if not with money, then with women.


16. That strategy may work for Audi, but it certainly won't work for us.


17. certainly的翻译

17. The girl hid in tree's behind, but she saw to a picture: A strange girl, is putting on beautifully, the stature is very good, is long very lovably, held his clothes, was certainly also taking that paper.


18. certainly什么意思

18. For sure/certain certainly, definitel y


19. Be sure of (=have no doubt; certain)确信的 668. for sure/certain certainly, definitel y

肯定地。有把握地说共 21 页考研英语阅读理解必备短语 669。

20. But there was certainly rich booty to be had. The furniture was superb. Rosewood and Buhl-work pieces, Severs vases and blue china porcelain, Dresden figurines, satins, velvet and lace, everything in fact.


certainly 词典解释

1. 当然;肯定

You use certainly to emphasize what you are saying when you are making a statement.

e.g. The public is certainly getting tired of hearing about it...


e.g. The bombs are almost certainly part of a much bigger conspiracy...


2. (表示同意)当然,行,没问题

You use certainly when you are agreeing with what someone has said.

e.g. 'In any case you remained friends.' — 'Certainly.'...


e.g. 'You keep out of their way don't you?' — 'I certainly do.'


3. 当然不

You say certainly not when you want to say 'no' in a strong way.

e.g. 'Perhaps it would be better if I withdrew altogether.' — 'Certainly not!'


You use certainly to emphasize that what you say is definitely true. His death was certainly not an accident. You use surely to express disagreement or surprise. Surely you care about what happens to her. Both British and American speakers use certainly to agree with requests and statements. 'It is still a difficult world for women.' —'Oh, certainly.' Note that American speakers also use surely in this way. 'Can I have a drink?' —'Why, surely.'

certainly可以用来强调所说内容属实:His death was certainly not an accident (他的死绝非意外)。surely 可用来表示反对或惊讶:Surely you care about what happens to her (不用说,你一定关心她的事吧)。美国人和英国人都用 certainly 表示同意请求和陈述:‘It is still a difficult world for women.’—‘Oh, certainly.’(“如今的世界对女性而言仍然很不容易。”——“嗯,那当然。”)注意,在这种情况下,美国人也用 surely: ‘Can I have a drink?’—‘Why, surely.’(“我能不能来杯饮料?”——“噢,没问题。”)certainly 单语例句certainly

1. My opinion is that doing business is certainly not the ultimate goal of mankind.

2. But such business practice is certainly not welcome with Beijing taxi drivers.

3. I don't act for them per se, but we certainly play a lot.

4. " I would certainly listen, " the newspaper quoted Buss as saying on Thursday.

5. If a company forces them to do so then it is infringing upon their rights, and the heating company is certainly guilty of such an act.

6. The incident of last weekend was certainly not the first act of violence in Dutch sports.

7. But while these economical labels certainly know how to master the market, they are by no means the only export of the country.

8. " I wouldn't certainly travel by plane if I had to pay for the ticket myself, " Liang said.

9. The organizers of the Indianapolis 500 call it'The Greatest Spectacle in Racing'and it's certainly an impressive event.

10. " Certainly the task that we have in front of us is large, " Henderson said during a conference call to update the company's restructuring efforts.

certainly 英英释义


1. definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely')

e.g. the results are surely encouraging

she certainly is a hard worker

it's going to be a good day for sure

they are coming, for certain

they thought he had been killed sure enough

he'll win sure as shooting

they sure smell good

sure he'll come

Synonym: surelysurefor surefor certainsure enoughsure as shooting