

cabin:[英 [ˈkæbɪn] 美 [ˈkæbɪn] ]


过去式:cabined;   过去分词:cabined;   现在分词:cabining;   复数形式:cabins;

cabin 基本解释

名词客舱; 小木屋; (轮船上工作或生活的)隔间

及物动词把…关在小屋里; 使受拘束


cabin 相关例句


1. cabin的反义词

1. My uncle lived in a log cabin.


cabin 网络解释

1. 船舱:99%台制! 是您DIY自制的吗 ? 有没有中央板? 如果没有, amas (两旁的船身)是否有不对称的设计(asymetrical hull), 以防侧滑 (如Hobie 16) ? 可有主船身驾驶舱(Cockpit)与船舱(Cabin)内部的照片可以欣赏一下 ?


2. 小木屋:客栈共有205个房间,大部分为小木屋(cabin依房间大小和与峡谷距离,价格从93美元至124美元不等. 网址www.grandcanyonnorthrim.com 通往北缘入口的67号公路上另有Kaibab Lodge(18英里,www.kaibab.org),杰口伯湖(44英里)也有一些小客栈.

cabin 双语例句

1. cabin

1. Your left thumb is invited to push the S button, a controversial move that quickens the throttle response, ups the in-cabin noise level, and pneumatically narrows the side bolsters until it hurts.


2. cabin在线翻译

2. I braved severely cold to return to be separated by 2, 000 miles morethan 20 years hometowns not to go Time is a severe winter, advancesgradually when the hometown the weather cloudy has been filthy Thecold wind blows in the cabin hum the sound As soon as looks from theloose crack to outside, under the greenish yellow nadir far and nearthe horizontal several Xiao Suo deserted village, is not having someliveliness My heart be out of control dismal to get up!


3. Rebecca had somehow got shut in the cabin when she went down to get a coat.


4. Cabin service for civil air transport services is an important component of its direct reflection of the airline's service quality.


5. If they none of them go, well, then, we hold the cabin, and God defend the right.


6. You can receive the best service in the first-class cabin because you've paid for it.


7. cabin

7. The Chevrolet Aveo5's exterior is complemented by a quiet passenger cabin that features well-crafted details and generous standard features that enhance comfort.


8. Part 2 - The Case for Cannibalism: Sandel introduces the principles of utilitarian philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, with a famous nineteenth century legal case involving a shipwrecked crew of four. After nineteen days lost at sea, the captain decides to kill the weakest amongst them, the young cabin boy, so that the rest can feed on his blood and body to survive.

第2部分:Sandel介绍了功利主义哲学家Jeremy Bentham的原则,用了一个著名的十九实际的司法案例:一艘失事船支,有四个人,在漂泊十九天后,船长决定杀死他们中间最弱小的那个服务生男孩,以便剩下的人可以喝他的血、吃他的肉得以继续活下去。

9. Part 2 - The Case for Cannibalism: Sandel introduces the principles of utilitarian philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, with a famous nineteenth century law case involving a shipwrecked crew of four. After nineteen days lost at sea, the captain decides to kill the cabin boy, the weakest amongst them, so they can feed on his blood and body to survive.

第2部分:Sandel介绍了功利主义哲学家Jeremy Bentham的原则,用了一个著名的案例:一艘失事船支,有四个人,在十九天后,船长决定杀死他们中间最弱小的一个人,以便其他人可以喝他的血、吃他的肉,然后得以继续活下去。

10. cabin

10. If you are a log cabin owner and rent it out on frequent occasions to holiday-makers then good maintenance will go a long way to fetch you an attractive rental income.


11. A small log cabin with fairy flavour, indor decoration with foreign countriesistytle, make you be in the fairy talesiworld.


12. From the requirement of army, the current status of development for square cabin equipped in automobile was analyzed.


13. Immediate, both husband and wife stand on boat along the upper front of the night sky in a series of call-up a few dozen ring head, only to romp into the cabin of the bedroom, the night did not sleep for joy.


14. But Mr Fogg usually confined himself to the cabin, where he kept Aouda company, or according to his inveterate habit, took a hand at whist


15. High since the middle of the cabin and spacious, with bamboo leaves covered with Chuanpeng made it.


16. The middle is high from the spacious cabin, with bamboo leaves covered with Chuanpeng made it.


17. Instead, the prototype had only a small command cabin with slave-rigged computer systems to control the superlaser and drive units.


18. You see, it is the red and green and white hull, cabin, there are two unique forms of small house.


19. cabin的近义词

19. A fancy docking facility for small yachts and cabin cruisers.


20. cabin什么意思

20. In this paper, the feasibilities and approaches to detect and identify warship aimpoint are studied, such as midpoints of waterline, bridge house, and engine cabin, by use of the contour, shape specific points, thermal regions, geometry relationship etc., of warship's long wave infrared image.


cabin 词典解释

1. (船上的)小舱

A cabin is a small room in a ship or boat.


e.g. He showed her to a small cabin.


2. (飞机上的)机舱,客舱

A cabin is one of the areas inside a plane.


e.g. He sat quietly in the First Class cabin, looking tired.


3. (尤指森林、群山中的)小木屋

A cabin is a small wooden house, especially one in an area of forests or mountains.

e.g. ...a log cabin.


cabin 单语例句

1. The ship was hit by sea ice and two fissures appeared in the cabin.

2. Instead he is standing by the side of the cabin, reaching high for his hat on top.

3. Most of the casualties were found in the back of the cabin.

4. The sailors entered a special cabin that was built to prevent pirates from entering and was stocked with necessities for those living inside.

5. Investigators also have been examining whether a sudden decompression sucked oxygen out of the cabin and cockpit and rendered those on board unconscious.

6. One man travelling on the plane said the passengers were stuck inside the aircraft and cabin crew took a long time to open emergency doors.

7. Their disagreement mainly focused on Cathay's use of cabin crew based outside Hong Kong, some of whom receive less pay than employees living in the city.

8. Passengers later described the panic and confusion in the darkened cabin as passengers not wearing seat belts were hurled from their seats.

9. Air attendants wearing traditional costumes specially designed for the charter flights, tried to create a festive atmosphere by preparing a lot of decorations in the cabin.

10. There has been speculation that an electrical fire or some other cause could have flooded the cabin with carbon monoxide or another gas.

cabin的翻译cabin 英英释义


1. the enclosed compartment of an aircraft or spacecraft where passengers are carried

2. small room on a ship or boat where people sleep

3. a small house built of wood

usually in a wooded area



1. confine to a small space, such as a cabin