

sift:[英 [sɪft] 美 [sɪft] ]


过去式:sifted;   过去分词:sifted;   现在分词:sifting;

sift 基本解释


及物动词撒; 筛分; 精选; 审查

不及物动词筛; 细查


sift 相关例句



1. We sifted the information carefully to find a clue that would help us.


2. It is important to sift the true from the false in studying history.



3. Snow sifted through a chin in the window.



1. The dust sifted in through the cracks in the window.


2. She sifted through her purse.


sift 网络解释

1. sift

1. 筛:转中速打9-10分钟至蛋糊体积为原来的3-4倍;4) 低粉,盐和泡打粉混合均匀后过筛 (sift) 三次,加入蛋糊. 用橡皮刀切刀式搅拌粉糊,直到没有颗粒为止;d) 如果没有低粉,可用中筋面粉 (all-purpose flour) 和玉米淀粉 (corn starch) 按4:1的比例混合.


2. 详审:每年大约有5000项案件呈交到最高法院,这些案件都必须阅读(read),精选(cull),详审(sift). 每个星期四下午和每个星期五早晨九位最高法官会聚在一起召开会议. 在会议室中还有二十五辆手拉车,其中都装满了诉状(petition),

3. 筛选,详查:scorch烧焦,烤焦 | sift筛选,详查 | silt淤泥;使淤塞

4. 筛选:Sift: 筛选 | Sucker: 容易着迷的人;易于上当受骗的人 | Nostalgia: 思乡,怀旧

5. sift:shanghai institute of foreign trade; 由上海对外贸易学院

6. sift是什么意思

6. sift:summary of information on film and television; 影视资讯摘要


7. sift:stanford information filtering tool; 斯坦福信息筛选工具

sift 双语例句

1. sift的翻译

1. We need to sift out the applications that have no chance of succeeding.


2. She had to sift ashes from the cinders.


3. sift的反义词

3. Baleen whales, like the humpback, blue, minke and right, take large amounts of water into their huge mouths and sift out plankton through 130 to 140 baleen plates located on each side of the upper jaw.


4. Sift rice flour into a bowl, mix in 280ml water, set aside for 30 min.


5. sift的意思

5. Bispectrum and SIFT feature are used proposed to resolve some problems of radar emitter exclusive recognition in this paper.


6. Sift in self-raising flour and pour in warm coffee and fold into the batter. Pour the batter into a greased and floured 900g /2 lb. tube pan, bake at 180℃/350°F over for 1 hour, let cool and turn out.

筛入自发粉及温咖啡搅匀后,把材料倒进已扫油扑粉的通心糕盆(900克/2磅装),置于180℃/350°F 焗炉,焗1小时,待凉后扣出。


7. Sift self-raising flour, cocoa powder and baking powder, make a well in the centre, add castor sugar, margarine, eggs, milk and vanilla extract. Beat well with high speed until well mixed.


8. sift

8. A stable SIFT algorithm is proposed to implement fast downward-looking target matching in large field of view.


9. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products` for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.


10. Sift Zhu Quan's works, and list catalogues of his 135 books, 12 of which were associated with medicine and health-preservation.


11. When they are big enough to sift out from the grain, separate larvae out with a sieve or by hand and put them in Container A or more containers if you want to sort by age and size.


12. Sift Renegade features the Yakuza member Kiro, who is on a mission to seek the truth and t..



13. Modern social family ethic which is to surpass and sift the traditional family ethic is characteristic of openness, generality, public benefit and rationality, est.


14. sift

14. Just what else could be in the remaining 120 emails you have to sift through.



15. In this review, the process and mechanism of formation of MVOCs are briefly summarized; recent progress made in applications of mass spectrometry for measurement of MVOCs are systematically reviewed, with emphases on the GC-MS and the comparison of different ionization techniques such as APCI, DESI, EESI, SDAPCI, SIFT and PTR.


16. The process and mechanism of formation of MVOCs are briefly summarized; recent progress made in applications of mass spectrometry for measurement of MVOCs are systematically reviewed, with emphases on the GC-MS and the comparison of different ionization techniques such as APCI, DESI, EESI, SDAPCI, SIFT and PTR.


17. The thump of his foot on the floor leveled the chair and delicate fountain, and a moment later the ceiling itself began to sift down, the twining branches moldering into soft dust.


18. They sift(6) examine, and discuss them.


19. After this, the paper give a detailed introduce to the famous information passive service system --SIFT including its working princip leand filtering kernel.

SIFT 是一个著名的信息服务系统,它的核心就是信息过滤技术。

20. Its funds origin: Flatter of the Gang Ju that sift condyle vases defect of Kui gallopping word coughs?


sift 词典解释

1. 筛(面粉、沙子等)

If you sift a powder such as flour or sand, you put it through a sieve in order to remove large pieces or lumps.

e.g. Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl.


2. 细查;详审

If you sift through something such as evidence, you examine it thoroughly.


e.g. Police officers have continued to sift through the wreckage following yesterday's bomb attack...


e.g. Brook has sifted the evidence and summarises it clearly.


sift 单语例句sift的意思

1. In some areas bulldozers were helping residents sift through remains for cash and valuables.

2. It is also a student's job to sift chaff from wheat.

3. I try to follow the golden rules when picking stocks and I study the theories and sift through the avalanche of expert advice available.

4. Volunteers downloaded a program that used their computers'idle processing cycles to sift through data from radio telescopes.

5. But travelers who go the extra mile to sift through the city's cultural treasure trove will discover it's a place of many hidden gems.

6. Last week they went to several banks to exchange the coins for notes, but the lenders refused to sift through their two giant boxes of change.

7. Sift icing sugar into bowl and slowly add just enough lemon juice to form a spreadable icing.

8. Sift icing sugar into bowl and add just enough lemon juice to form a spreadable icing.

9. The bins are overturned and piles of litter line the street, waiting for someone to sift through them searching for plastic bottles and other recyclable material.

10. Online dating services constantly sift through their Web listings of personal characteristics, reactions and communications to improve the algorithms for matching people.

sift 英英释义


1. distinguish and separate out

e.g. sift through the job candidates

Synonym: sieve

2. separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements

e.g. sift the flour

Synonym: sievestrain

3. check and sort carefully

e.g. sift the information

Synonym: sieve

4. move as if through a sieve

e.g. The soldiers sifted through the woods