

reassure:[英 [ˌri:əˈʃʊə(r)] 美 [ˌri:əˈʃʊr] ]


过去式:reassured;   过去分词:reassured;   现在分词:reassuring;

reassure 基本解释

及物动词使安心,使消除疑虑; 再对…进行保险; 再保证

reassure 相关例句


1. reassure

1. People are reassured.


2. reassure

2. The coach's confidence reassured the whole team.


3. When the child was afraid in the storm, his parents reassured him.



4. The captain's confidence during the storm reassured the passengers.


reassure 网络解释

1. 再保证:reasoning 推理 | reassure 再保证 | rebel 反抗者

2. 使安心:bitter有苦味的 | reassure使......安心 | bored烦闷的,厌倦的

3. 使放心:reap 收割,收获,获得 | reassure 使放心 | rebellion 反叛,反抗

4. 使安心;使放心;使恢复信心;再保证:16.prohibit 禁止;防止;阻止 | 17.reassure 使安心;使放心;使恢复信心;再保证 | 18.remind 提醒;使想起

reassure 双语例句

1. Of course, we wouldn't want this in the final version but we'll add it to reassure us that something would happen.


2. reassure什么意思

2. But Joking aside, I just want to reassure everybody that I am invited here tonight.


3. They did too little to reassure outsiders and to let them know what was going on.


4. reassure的翻译

4. That pledge is unlikely to reassure those in the region.


5. Reassure younger students that they are safe and that their parents and other adults will take care of them.


6. Having said all this, I can reassure you that I am not one to easily give up or stay down.


7. The physician can reassure the patient that no organic lesion is present and recommend environmental readjustments and the removal of irritants and stresses.


8. reassure的翻译

8. The leader of Nepal's Maoists is trying to reassure his country and the world that the former rebels will play a constructive political role as election returns show the far-left party making a much stronger-than-expected showing.


9. Your sister says that I'm no good I'd reassure her if I could All I want to do Is to spend some time with you So I can hold you, hold you


10. J Hurrying to reassure her Oh, well, now, I... I don`t know if I`d use those words exactly, buter, from a certain angle, yes.


11. reassure是什么意思

11. J Hurrying to reassure her Oh, well, now, I… I don`t know if I`d use those words exactly, buter, from a certain angle, yes.


12. reassure

12. I have also sent Menelaus to reassure you.


13. reassure的翻译

13. Which will reassure the soul and set the mind at rest in the face of that truth.


14. Yea, you could trust me, haha La la la la la Oooooh I don't care about nothing else my baby (Baby I don't care) All I care is bout being here for you And I won't stare at nobody else my baby (Promise I won't stare) Cuz all I need is you To all the ladies in our lives, you heard Strong independent women, come on Yea, huh [Verse 1: Fat Joe] What you think gangstas don't cry get hurt by lies Times you embarrassed me I swallowed my pride I'm tired of telling you I got nothing to hide I'm in the studio at night you think I'm out with the guys Every time I speak to you you got something to say According to you i must be crushing all day All I'm askin you for is to be more trusting I'm outta town all the time and don't accuse you of nothing Picture me creepin with a chick on tour When you love my sons as if it was yours I know at times you feel alone cuz I'm not at home That's why every few hours I pick up the phone To reassure you my love is more then a scene I adore you my wife my Colombian queen I promise to never stray I'm honored everyday To have a woman like you in the life of Jose [Verse 2: Armageddon] Yea how I'm supposed to start this First and first you my queen goddess My moon my earth the wisdom to a nigga's knowledge I swear to god it amazes me how you stay in college And still manage to raise my baby boy when I'm gone and Touring making dollars assuming that you know that I love you but regardless I feel its time I showed, you bless you with this ring, now that's Something to hold you down till a nigga come back Me and my lady got history this worth she deserves More then this cold world is giving me to share with her word And I don't care about nothing else except my girl Not myself no one else just my girl You bring life to my world you give me strength to go on And face life even when it seems all hopes gone Labeled my wife but you truly exceed the title You my future my happiness my heart my idol I promise girl, that Haha This is going out to you, you and you and you [Verse 3: Fat Joe] To all the ladies out there if you love your man You need to hold your man embrace your man And just grab his hand repeat after me I promise to stay true and give you all of me Whether he's locked down or on the grind Or whether hes out of work or at work all the time You need to trust that man and respect that man And you get what you feel you deserve from that man, and Cuz I need somebody who will stand by me Through the good times and bad times who will always...

雅,你可以相信我,haha 香格里拉香格里拉香格里拉香格里拉香格里拉 oooooh 我不关心什么都没有我的宝宝所有我关心的是布特在这里为你我不会盯着别人我的宝宝 cuz所有我需要的是你(所有我需要,所有我需要的婴儿)所有女士们,在我们的生活中,您听到强烈的独立的妇女,来对雅,许 [诗1 :发乔] 是什么,您认为gangstas ,不要哭受到伤害,由所在时代的你我,我不好意思地吞噬了我的骄傲我已经厌倦了告诉你,我没有什么要隐瞒我在录音室在夜间,您认为我与球员每一次我发言给你,你得到的东西说据你我必须粉碎所有天所有我askin你是要更多的信任我outta城市所有的时间和不要指责你无关图片我creepin与鸡巡回赛当你爱我的儿子,因为如果这是你我知道,有时你觉得单靠cuz我不在家这就是为什么每几个小时领取手机向你保证我的爱是那么多的一个镜头我喜欢你我的妻子我的哥伦比亚皇后我保证从来没有杂散我很荣幸,每天有一女,喜欢你在学校的生活圣荷西 [诗2 :世界末日] 雅如何,我要开始,这第一,首先,您我的皇后大道中的女神我的月亮我的地球上的智慧,一nigga的知识我发誓,以上帝amazes我你如何留在高校还有管理,以提高我的男婴当我经历了和旅游决策美元,假设你知道我爱你,但无论我觉得其当时我表明,您保佑你这个戒指,现在的一些持有你到一nigga回来我和我夫人的历史了,这值得她值得更那么这寒冷的世界,让我与大家分享她的字我不关心什么都没有,除了我的女孩不是自己没有其他人只是我的女孩您带来的生活我的世界你给我的力量去对面对生活,即使它似乎所有的希望了标示为我的妻子,但你真正超过标题你我的未来我的幸福,我的心我的偶像我答应的女孩,haha 这是走出去,你和你和你 [诗3 :发乔] 所有女士们,在那里如果你爱你的男子您需要握住您的男子拥抱你的男子和公正的抓住了他的手重复后,我我答应留下来真正的给你所有的我是否他的锁定或其上的磨住户开支统计调查,或是否出于工作或在工作中的所有时间你必须相信,男子和尊重人你会得到什么,你觉得你值得从该名男子,和 cuz我需要有人谁将会站在我的通过好的时候,和谁坏的时代将永远。。。

15. They often measure foreign products with their own product standards; consequently, to negotiate with them your must reassure them that your company's products can meet the demand of their strict standards.


16. If he responds angrily, reassure him that you will tackle any project first thing in the morning.


17. The function of science is to reassure; The purpose of art is to upset.


18. 176 The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset.


19. To reassure financial markets jittering over the prodigious size of government borrowing, the chancellor showed restraint.


20. reassure的翻译

20. I want to reassure you that even though the sensations can be terrifying, they will not cause you harm.


reassure 词典解释

1. 使安心;使得到保证;打消…的疑虑

If you reassure someone, you say or do things to make them stop worrying about something.

e.g. I tried to reassure her, 'Don't worry about it. We won't let it happen again.'...


e.g. She just reassured me that everything was fine.


reassure 单语例句reassure在线翻译

1. City and federal officials moved quickly to reassure the public that the outage was not an act of terrorism.

2. Cell phone networks quickly became jammed with callers trying to reassure loved ones, and shops filled with people begging to use the phone.

3. He has to check in with Joan every day to reassure her.

4. Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Observatory continued to reassure the Hong Kong public.

5. Chinese authorities have stepped up efforts to reassure citizens that the country faces no imminent danger from the radiation leaks affecting its neighbor.

6. Despite meeting after meeting, heads of state and finance ministers have failed to reassure markets.

7. It should reassure Pyongyang that abandoning its nuclear program will help extricate it from the current security dilemma and that reforms will help it advance.

8. If Obama was seeking to reassure doubting voters, among the more skeptical blocs have been American Jews.

9. Extra police patrols have been put on duty in an attempt to reassure residents and officers plan to speak with local community leaders.

10. " This decision was taken as an extreme precautionary measure to reassure consumers, " the company said in a statement.

reassure 英英释义


1. give or restore confidence in

cause to feel sure or certain

e.g. I reassured him that we were safe

2. cause to feel sure

give reassurance to

e.g. The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe

Synonym: assure