

injustice:[英 [ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs] 美 [ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs] ]



injustice 基本解释


名词不公平; 冤枉; 非正义; 待…不公正

injustice 同义词


injustice 反义词



injustice 相关例句


1. He struggled against every injustice.


2. Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon.


injustice 网络解释

1. 不公平:在组织层面, 组织不公平(injustice)和上级的苛责式领导风格可能是诱发主管对下属实施辱虐的重要原因. 在个体因素层面,女性相比男性较少表现出对下属的辱虐;拥有抑郁和自恋特质的人更可能施加辱虐. 从下属的因素考虑,


2. 不正义:第三,在法律实证主义(legal positivism)和民主理论的综合影响下,这种自由秩序观念在世界各国都发两位最伟大的哲学家就是大卫.休谟(David Hume)和伊曼纽尔.康德(Immanuel Kant)动;(2)正义规则从本质上具有禁令的性质,换言之,不正义(injustice)乃是真正的基本概那

injustice 双语例句

1. injustice

1. They are quite unhappy with the injustice of unequal opportunity for young people due to factors like connections with the rich and powerful and crony capitalism.


2. It was impossible, however, for her to remain totally unscathed by the pain of racial injustice in the Jim Crow South.

然而,在 Jim Crow South ,她不可能一点都不受到种族歧视的伤害。

3. Spring and Autumn into Chu and Chu Bian, presented uncut and see the two were suspected to have been cut criminal injustice feet, crying Yamashita Chu-ming on the 3rd to the injustice, it is moved, an end to the famous ancient jade rare.


4. injustice

4. This article reviews this debate in three aspects:(1) Marxian criterion of right and justice; (2) whether Marx criticized capitalism for its injustice; (3) why Marx condemned capitalism.


5. And if he really is involved, then he meted out great damage and injustice to his family reputation.


6. injustice的翻译

6. We must make every effort to wipe out injustice in the system.


7. We should try our best to wipe out the injustice in the system.


8. He's long been an outspoken critic of judical injustice.


9. There's no way you can stand back and allow such injustice to take place.



10. No, in heart you perform injustice; You weigh out the violence of your hands on earth.

58:2 不然,你们是心中谋行不义;你们在地上称出你们手所行的强暴。

11. Abilities will even sometimes prevailwhere the conduct is by no means correct. Either habitualimprudence, however, or injustice, or weakness, or profligacy



12. I have a dream that one day even the forum of Chris Lee, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of profoundness and love.


13. You cannot erase injustice from the world.


14. injustice

14. The system of rebus sic stantibus is an equilibrium principle of profit and loss developed on the foundation of bona fida principle, in order to avoid the severest justice conversing to the biggest injustice, showing the cavil law s ultimate concern to the person.


15. I hate injustice and disrespect towards both, people and animals.


16. So thankful that in this world of imperfection, of pain and suffering, sadness and injustice, we can remember such inspiring and positive symbols of strength, resilience and hope, people such as Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan, and so many more...including people around me whom no one here will know cos they are my colleagues, the people i work with, family and friends...who in their own unique ways have also been a source of encouragement for me...and you too in Koo's Cafe...and our very supportive DV!


17. injustice

17. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to million of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice.


18. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice.


19. injustice的近义词

19. This momentous decree came as a great beacon of hope to millions of Negro slaves, who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice.


20. Jerome protested against such cruelty and injustice.


injustice 词典解释

1. 非正义;不公平;不公正

Injustice is a lack of fairness in a situation.

e.g. They'll continue to fight injustice...


e.g. They resented the injustices of the system.


2. 不公正地评判;不公正地对待

If you say that someone has done you an injustice, you mean that they have been unfair in the way that they have judged you or treated you.


e.g. The article does them both an injustice.


injustice 单语例句injustice的反义词

1. I was by then fuming at the injustice I had just witnessed and was not surprised at her accommodation.

2. The case has taught us that silence and inaction in such a situation only makes you guilty of abetting injustice.

3. Jet Li says he'll focus more on combating injustice through charity and promoting tai chi, and less on kungfu flicks.

4. But neither the county nor the city court moved to remedy the injustice.

5. The social injustice resulting from the implementation of the flawed regulation also tarnishes the image of China's civilized society.

6. While these people inspire the whole society, the government must work harder to do away with corrosive influence of corruption and injustice.

7. The resulting imbalance of economic growth has widened the wealth gap to levels that are deemed to be a glaring social injustice.

8. Popular discontent about inequity and injustice has accumulated to such extent that it has the potential to distract the nation from its focus on development.

9. So what people are protesting against is not a vague thing called wealth, but economic injustice.

10. The establishment of the complaint department provided a platform for the general public to voice their encounters with injustice and corruption.

injustice 英英释义


1. an unjust act

Synonym: unfairnessiniquityshabbiness

2. the practice of being unjust or unfair

Synonym: unjustness