

conduction:[英 [kənˈdʌkʃn] 美 [kənˈdʌkʃən] ]


conduction 基本解释

名词电导; 传导性; (热、电等的)传导,导热,导电; 传导率

conduction 网络解释

1. 传导:此模式对描述土壤-冰雪和植被众介质中的水分含量和温度的控制方程,对介质中的对流(convection) 传导(conduction)、传热-传质及水分的三相相变转变处理以及对陆面非均匀性的处理等非常独到,这一模式被命名为中国科学院大气物理所陆面模式(在国际称为IAP94).

2. conduction的意思

2. 传导(作用):至於气温之所以在达到一定的热度后不再升高的原因,是由於温室内的气温愈高,室内外的气温梯度(temperature gradient,即单位距离间的气温差别)就愈大,而玻璃的传导作用(conduction)因之加强,同时因为室内气温高,向外的长波辐射也会加强.

3. 热传导:分别是吸收率,反射率和穿透率.这三者加起来的值和为1,像是玻璃,它的能量穿透性很强,所以相对的吸收性与反射性便较弱).让我们看一下它的公式吧好,我假设各位对所谓的热传递形式热传导(Conduction),热对流(Convection),

4. 传导,导电性:conducting tube 传导管 | conduction 传导,导电性 | conduction band 导带

5. conduction

5. conduction:cond; 传送

conduction 双语例句

1. Furthermore, the energy density equation and the equation of heat conduction were compared.


2. Thermal conduction through the mounting feet is low due to their design.


3. conduction的意思

3. Create Jinfeng 62 (1.2MW) temperature model of mathematics and physics about permanent magnent synchronous generator in wind power, present basic hypothesis and boundary condition. select area that one slot opposite to calculate, utilize FEM calculate roter and stator temperature field. bring forward actual method, carefully analyse the result to generator temperature field, for example reduce coil insulation thickness, decrease conduction coefficient because insulation aging between circle, increase iron-core anisotropism conduction coefficient.


4. RESULTS The nerve conduction velocity and action pot ential peak value decreased along with augmentation of the injury current.


5. The conduction of MEP depended on the intact of the lateral and anterior column of the spinal cord.


6. Alpha blockade; cardiac atrium; ventriculus cordis; heart conduction system; effective refractory period


7. The results show that there is an ideal correlation between the water permeability coefficient and the conduction of the concrete modified by the pore chemicals.


8. conduction在线翻译

8. The news entertainment is studied in three aspects. In the first part, the roots of the entertainment news are also studied through three ways: the culture background of postmodernism, the fashion of consumerism and epicurism, and the influential position of medium behoof. In the second part, the aesthetics in entertainment news is studied through the relationship among the news, entertainment and aesthetics. In the last part, the judgement in moral and the conduction in entertainment are studied through the moralism of the news and the obligation of the mass media.


9. The factors of affecting the sintering strength of coated sand mould are analyzed, and the test of coated sand being bound layer by layer is made.(4) The calculating formula of dimensional error of SLS part caused by heat conduction of the material is put forward for the first time, and the affecting factors of SLS are analyzed, besides, a new sintering way for SLS is also recommended.


10. The Articular subchondral bone cartilage plays an important role in the conduction of stress in the joint, and it acts as a strong support.


11. The function of sacral(S 1) nerve root in 50 normal subjects and 30 patients with S 1 nerve root damage was evaluated by means of motor root conduction time by detecting motor nerve conduction time through magnetic stimulation of the lumbosacral nerve and F wave through magnetic stimulation of the popliteal.


12. conduction在线翻译

12. The measurement results show that Ti/C〓/n-GaAs heterojunction has a good rectfiying property and the ideality factor is near to 1. The deep level transient spectroscopy measurements show that at C〓/GaAs interface there is a trap with density of about 10〓/cm〓 and with an energy level at 0.35eV below the conduction band. The trap maybe originates from interaction of C〓 and GaAs.


13. conduction的近义词

13. The heat conduction in frozen biological tissue irradiated by high - power short - pulse laser was investigated experimentally. The micro - scale film resistance thermometer with 1 JAS response time was used to measure temperature.

本文采用响应时间为1μs的超小型薄膜铂热电阻温度计及日本YOKOGAWA DL2700高速数字示波器,对微秒量级脉冲激光照射下冷冻生物组织内的热传导进行了实验研究。

14. conduction

14. And now YSZ is still the most commonly used electrolyte for SOFCs due to its good chemical and thermal stability as well as pure oxygen-ion conduction in oxidizing and reducing atmosphere.


15. The intensity ratio of TO and LO inMCT was observed to be different. Such difference was explained in terms of the different Ramangeometry arrangement.〓. The laser-induced micro-photoluminescence in the range of 1000~5000〓(1.34eV~1.83eV) was found for the first time in LPE MCT epilayer. The center of photoluminescence wasat 2750〓 or 1.62eV and the FWHM of luminescence was 2000〓 or 0.25eV. We assume thatthe photoluminescence is due to recombination of electron from an anion vacancy resonance levelto the top of valance. In addition, new Raman shift was observed at 750〓 in LPE MCTepitaxial film.〓. The laser-induced micro-photoluminescence with quasi-periodic structure was observed forthe first time at room temperature in one of MOVPE MCT epitaxial film samples. The range offluorescence was from 1.46eV to 2.21eV, i. e., 1.73eV above the conduction band edge.

2首次在LPE生长的碲镉汞外延薄膜的显微Raman谱中,在1000~5000〓范围发现了激光激发显微荧光,该荧光的发光范围换算为电子伏特标度为1.34eV~1.83eV,荧光的发光中心大约位于2750〓,即1.62eV,发光的半峰高宽约为2000〓或0.25eV;指出该显微荧光来源于碲镉汞薄膜中的阴性离子空位共振能级的激光激发发光;观察到了碲镉汞外延薄膜中一个新的Raman散射峰,位于750〓位置; 3首次在一块用MOVPE方法生长的〓Te外延薄膜的显微Raman谱中,发现了1.46eV至2.21eV范围并伴随有周期结构的显微荧光峰,该发光峰对应的能带中心位于〓Te材料导带底上方1.73eV,通过研究得出样品在1.46eV至2.21eV范围的显微荧光峰是由于改进 MOCVD 生长工艺,提高了碲镉汞外延薄膜的结构质量所致;通过分析指出该显微荧光来源于外延层中的阴性离子空位的共振能级发光。

16. Manifestation and location of Broca aphasia, Wernicke aphasia, conduction aphasia, global aphasia, anomic aphasia.


17. conduction在线翻译

17. Some engineering applications about the dynamic specific properties of heat conduction system and stochastic heat conduction theory are discussed on the base of theory, such as thermocouple measurement problem, thermal stress and reliability problem of the chief axis of turbine, the first-time-ultra-temperature problem, pattern recognition problem of heat conduction system.


18. GROUP 2 showed that the time of MMC IIphase was longer than other groups (P. 01), while that of I phase^ III phase was normal; there were six patients without III phase, and three had antidromic conduction; GROUP 3 showed that the time of MMC I phase was longer than other groups (P. 01).while that of II phase ^ III phase was shorter; there were nine patients without III phase, and two had antidromic conduction.


19. conduction

19. Shen. Study of the hole conduction phenomenon in carbon fiber-reinforced concrete.


20. conduction在线翻译

20. Dopant - An element that contributes an electron or a hole to the conduction process thus altering the conductivity.

搀杂剂 -可以为传导过程梳供电子或空穴的元素,此元素可以改变传导特性。

conduction 词典解释

1. (热或电的)传导

Conduction is the process by which heat or electricity passes through or along something.

e.g. Temperature becomes uniform by heat conduction until finally a permanent state is reached.


conduction 单语例句

1. It can automatically and continuously search for natural intrinsic conduction and reduce unnecessary right ventricular pacing.

conduction 英英释义


1. the transmission of heat or electricity or sound

Synonym: conductivity