

lean:[英 [li:n] 美 [lin] ]


过去式:leant; leaned;   过去分词:leant; leaned;   现在分词:leaning;

lean 基本解释


及物动词倚; 依赖; 使斜靠; 使变瘦

形容词瘦的; 贫瘠的; 简洁的; 精干的

名词瘦肉; 倾斜; 倾向; 倾斜度

不及物动词倾向于(某种观点、意见或态度等)(与to 或 toward连用)


lean 同义词



lean 反义词


lean 相关例句


1. Lean meat is healthier for you than fatty meat.



1. lean

1. Lean it against the wall.


2. We lean on our friends when we are in trouble.


3. She leaned against his shoulder.


lean 网络解释

1. 瘦肉:在谈到企业在激烈的市场竞争中如何提高生产管理效率和生存能力时,杨教授瘦肉(Lean)理论引起满堂大笑. 在谈到供应链的核心精髓时,杨教授特别强调同步(Synchronization)概念. 现代化的市场竞争,已经不单单是企业与企业之间的竞争,

2. 倾向:S:面对(Squarely)求助者. O:开放(Open)的姿势L:将上身倾向(Lean)求助者E:保持良好的目光(Eye)接触R:在上述行为中力图做到相对地放松(Relaxed)或自然而然

lean 双语例句

1. Dried Scallop Lean Meat Herbal Soup, it helps nourishes the spleen and improves appetite.


2. You are so junny, girl, you are right, you need diligence to strive to get what you want, before i have encounter a korea gril that can speak very good english, so we can make conversation eachother, she want to learn chinese, so you can seach on internet maybe some foreigers want to lean chinese form you, so you also can practise you oral english or oralkorean, i had taught an american before, so i can speak english fluently.


3. lean是什么意思

3. He will lean heavily on the ax facing upstream and move only one foot or the ax at a time.


4. Johnny: We betted who could lean further out of the window, and he won.


5. lean

5. If I am a hyena I am a lean and hungry one: I go forth to fatten myself.


6. I cannot lean it at the low speeds I ride it.


7. lean

7. A few days on the inside any God fearing white man realizes the correctional system`s got a serious lean towards the African-American persuasion.


8. In an earlier study, they compared genetically obese mice and their lean littermates.


9. Next time you are craving fried food such as a beef burger why not replace this with a slice of grilled, lean beef on brown bread?


10. Or agree more on negative side, make one's own selfish desire lean to one party, this can't help making one's own thought pour the party inclined to one's own selfish desire and individual virtually.


11. lean的解释

11. Maybe there is a huge Lean YFBH consulting market, and TPS purists like us are missing out.

也许是一个巨大的精益 YFBH咨询市场,与TPS纯粹是像我们这样错过了。

12. I drink it slowly and lean back against my bamboo chair.


13. lean什么意思

13. She gently held hostage an old-fashioned doors, lights in the swaying, lean figure You Ge Xuan in a transparent windows.



14. Fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat and other foods of animal origin are good sources of high quality protein, fatsoluble vitamins and minerals. Aslo, Beans and bean products are rich in high quality protein.



15. Charolais cattle to large size, growth speed, lean meat, and high feed conversion rate of the civilized world.



16. Efforts to develop to become a Lean thinking and action with mechanical processing enterprises.


17. If you`re looking for a lean, no-nonsense browser, Chrome is the one for you.


18. lean

18. The important thing for you is that you know it exists and try to lean about it.


19. Don't worry, have a try, you can lean it well soon.


20. lean什么意思

20. This invention relates to a gas reburning and double-channel rich/lean integrated combustor of low Nox, in which 7 air nozzles and 7 fuel nozzles interlace with each other. The air nozzles are all connected to a bellow and receive air supply from a large tank-type bellow. The fuel nozzles are connected to respective fuel system through the bellow. From up to down, the 7 fuel nozzles are: the gas nozzle, the double-channel up-lean and down-rich coal powder nozzle, the double channel up-rich and down-lean coal powder channel, 3 double-channel level rich/lean coal powder nozzle (the rich phase is near the flame), and the oil nozzle inside the nethermost air nozzle.


lean 词典解释American English uses the form leaned as the past tense and past participle. British English uses either leaned or leant. 美国英语用leaned作过去式和过去分词,英国英语则用leaned或leant。

1. (身体)倾斜,倾侧

When you lean in a particular direction, you bend your body in that direction.

e.g. Eileen leaned across and opened the passenger door...


e.g. He leaned forward to give her a kiss...


2. (使)倚;(使)靠

If you lean on or against someone or something, you rest against them so that they partly support your weight. If you lean an object on or against something, you place the object so that it is partly supported by that thing.

e.g. She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him...


e.g. Lean the plants against a wall and cover the roots with peat...


3. (壮健而)清瘦的

If you describe someone as lean, you mean that they are thin but look strong and healthy.

e.g. Like most athletes, she was lean and muscular...


e.g. She watched the tall, lean figure step into the car.


4. (肉)瘦的

If meat is lean, it does not have very much fat.

e.g. It is a beautiful meat, very lean and tender.


e.g. ...the leanest ground beef you can get.


5. (组织)精简的,精干的

If you describe an organization as lean, you mean that it has become more efficient and less wasteful by getting rid of staff, or by dropping projects which were unprofitable.

e.g. The value of the pound will force British companies to be leaner and fitter.


e.g. ...cutting corporate flab and building leaner companies.


6. 萧条的;不景气的

If you describe periods of time as lean, you mean that people have less of something such as money or are less successful than they used to be.

e.g. ...the lean years of the 1930s...


e.g. With fewer tourists in town, the taxi trade is going through its leanest patch for 30 years.


相关词组:lean onlean towards

lean 单语例句

1. The camphor and tea tree smoked duck was flavorsome, even though it was lean.

2. Why does a person's body lean forward when a car's brakes are applied suddenly?

3. Meat with " lean meat powder " may cause dizziness, cardiopalmus and even malignant tumors.

4. Clenbuterol is a chemical that can be fed to pigs to make them produce lean meat.

5. The KRX is the only securities and derivatives exchange in the Republic of Korea, with gold and lean hog as its major trading commodities.

6. The texture is such a nice complement to otherwise dry lean meat, and makes the entree juicy and smooth.

7. It's interesting that companies with values and ethics ranks higher than status choices or other criteria that would lean toward conspicuous consumption.

8. The company also implemented a number of other measures aimed at controlling risk and ensuring continued development during this lean time.

9. China Law Society will hold a forum on food safety to deal with frequent food crimes like illegal cooking oil and lean meat powder.

10. The government recently announced plans to float $ 9 billion worth of bonds, which some worried would crowd out other borrowers from an already lean market.
