

borrowing:[英 [ˈbɒrəʊɪŋ] 美 [ˈbɑ:roʊɪŋ] ]



borrowing 基本解释


名词借款; 贷款; 借用的言语(或思想等)



borrowing 网络解释

1. 借款法:(七)借款法(Borrowing) 借款法是有远期外汇收入的企业通过向其银行借进一笔与其远期收入相同金额,相 同期限,相同货币的贷款,以达到融通资金,防止外汇风险和改变外汇风险时间结构的 一种方法.

2. 借入:投资者的投资只限于可以自由交易的金融资产(如股票与债券),且不受财力的限制,并可以按照无风险利率自由借入(borrowing)借出(lending)资金. 投资者在进行证券交易时不需交纳税项(所得税、印花税等),也不发生各种交易费用(如佣金、手续费等).

borrowing 双语例句

1. Because consumers were already borrowing heavily in the good times, both credit constraints and a long overdue realism are likely to bite all the more deeply.


2. The main body of the dissertation contrasted between new inventory standards and previous one on the structure and content, and analysis the new inventory accounting standards to inventory the procurement cost measurement of listed companies, the cost of borrowing capitalization, increasing the service cost measurement, sending out the cost of inventory to measure and to reduce the financial affection which the low value expendable items and the packing material amortization method produced, and proposed some suggestions on the decline of the method of the net realizable value, allowance for reduction of inventory to measure and to back issues and the determination of fair value, as well as the suggestion of the exchange of differences in the cost of the inventory.


3. For example, South Africa must have a securities borrowing and lending banks on behalf of custody of money or securities as collateral, and in accordance with the day-to-day mark-to-market system, which requires the value of collateral is higher than the value of securities lending.


4. borrowing是什么意思

4. Firms turned down by local banks often have no choice when it comes to borrowing money to finance new equipment acquisition.


5. It's important when borrowing parts from other planes to use all damage versions of those parts, like WingLOut_D0, D1, D2, and D3, plus D_CAP. Otherwise you'll get some strange effects from damage, like a mossie wing suddenly turning into a Bf-110 wing...

当你从其他机型借用某一部分的时候注意要使用这个部分的全部损伤模型如外段机翼的D0,D1,D2,D3,还有 D_CAP,不然损伤的时候就会很奇怪,比如中弹前是335的,中弹后就变成110的了

6. Tsou people is minority on the ragged edge. This study investigated Tsou language use and language ability by sociolinguistic methods. In the result, well known process of vanishing language were uncovered for Tsou language usage. 1 borrowing words, 2 incomplete bilingual, 3 the language cann't be handed down from generation to generation, and 4 unbalanced bilingual community and language competition.


7. borrowing的反义词

7. When you use credit, you are in effect borrowing money from the lender and promising to pay it back on time.


8. One ominous[4] sign is that in the 2010 budget implemented on April 1st, borrowing, at 44 trillion ($468 billion), is for the first time forecast to exceed tax revenues, at 37 trillion.



9. I think that borrowing pens and paper from work is next door to stealing.


10. borrowing的翻译

10. Nobody has the right of borrowing this book sine die.


11. My husband, however, was better at borrowing than returning.


12. Of the interest on the loans is covered by the fiscal department of the State, and the borrowing students bear the remaining 50%.



13. With the business of sustainable development, as capital-intensive enterprises, real estate investment still a large number of financial support, such as channels for external borrowing is limited, pre-owned funds and real estate sales to return funds can not keep up project construction requirements, its real estate project development will face the risk of financing.



14. The more than $1 trillion expansion in Treasury borrowing surely partially serves to offset the $438 billion budget deficit.


15. Can I request the Library transfer an item to another campus library for reference or borrowing purposes?


16. In such cases, additional home equity borrowing may result in tax savings to offset investment risks.


17. They could not raise capital and their borrowing costs were rising.


18. In Estonia foreign-currency mortgages accounted for about 80% of household borrowing last year; in Hungary almost 85% of new mortgages were in Swiss francs in recent years.



19. I'll be saying more about this in Singapore, but in the United States, this new strategy will mean that we save more and spend less, reform our financial systems, reduce our long-term deficit and borrowing.


20. borrowing的意思

20. I`ll be saying more about this in Singapore, but in the United States, this new strategy will mean that we save more and spend less, reformour financial systems, reduce our long-term deficit and borrowing.


borrowing 词典解释

1. 借款;借贷

Borrowing is the activity of borrowing money.

e.g. We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession.


e.g. ...the huge £50 billion public sector borrowing requirement.


2. 舶来语;借用词语;借鉴的观点

A borrowing is something such as a word or an idea that someone has taken from another language or from another person's work and used in their own language or work.

e.g. The names are direct borrowings from the Chinese.


borrowing 单语例句

1. Zhang said the company will be able to lower its borrowing costs as a result of the buy back.

2. The action means that Fannie and Freddie won't be tapping the Fed's emergency borrowing program for a quick source of cash.

3. Marketers clamor for her endorsements, borrowing her name and image to peddle everything from cell phones to doughnuts.

4. Such willful borrowing has not been effectively supervised and checked by lawmakers or the public.

5. He made clear that the prospect of higher borrowing costs is off the table for now.

6. Home mortgage rates are closely tied to Treasury rates and any rise in the cost of borrowing could further slow home sales.

7. One clue to justification is borrowing from the future flows of real goods and services.

8. It raised the requirement for consumers borrowing commercial loans to buy a second house.

9. Commercial paper is a way of borrowing money for short periods, typically ranging from overnight to less than a week.

10. A credit downgrade would drive up borrowing costs for the government, further compounding the economic malaise in a country already mired in recession.

borrowing 英英释义



1. the appropriation (of ideas or words etc) from another source

e.g. the borrowing of ancient motifs was very apparent

Synonym: adoption

2. obtaining funds from a lender