

slash:[英 [slæʃ] 美 [slæʃ] ]


过去式:slashed;   过去分词:slashed;   现在分词:slashing;   复数形式:slashes;

slash 基本解释

及物动词大幅削减; 挥砍; 鞭打; 严厉批评

不及物动词猛砍; 严厉地批评

名词斜线; 猛砍; 刀痕,伤痕; 沼泽低地

slash 相关例句



1. He slashed his way through the bush.


2. Our budget has been slashed.


3. slash什么意思

3. His face had been slashed with a razor-blade.




1. The consumers welcomed the slash in meat prices.



2. The knife made a slash across his leg.


slash 网络解释

1. 斜杠:指定包含斜杠 (slash) 的文件名作为 p 选项的参数,传递给 hash 内建命令;启动时从 shell 环境中导入 (import) 函数定义;当一个 shell 脚本作为一个命令执行时 (参见上面的 命令执行(COMMAND EXECUTION) 章节),

2. 斜线:name_of_script 文件可以斜线(slash)开始,这时,它应该是一个绝对路径. 否则,FvwmScript将在几个不同的位置寻找这个文件. 如果.fvwm2rc包括了*FvwmScript: Path path_of_the_script_directory语句,FvwmScript将尝试在指定的目录里查找脚本文件,

slash 双语例句

1. Perhaps your plan calls for nothing but grapefruit or cabbage soup each day. You slash your daily calories to fewer than 1, 000 -- and sure enough, the pounds melt away.


2. He grabbed his sword and with one slash chopped off both of the geese's heads.


3. Anthozoan is slash to all mixing at Network for the friend, it is one side banner.


4. Stamp and assign a running number to the received protocols, applying the system of 6 digits with running number of the year in the first two boxes, then slash sign and the last two digit of the year, followed by a dash sign and the month.


5. So one might have thought that companies would have had less room to slash payroll s, since they were already relatively slim.



6. It has slash marks on it as if some fierce creature has taken a swipe at the book with its claws.


7. As a excellent tree species in the Pinus pinaster, slash pine is provided with fine biological characteristics and economic value.


8. Tu also the home town of Nao mu of slash pine and cedar base.


9. slash

9. It was a great break in the breeding and offered an apparent increase to the propagation coefficient of the slash pine, which solved the scant supply of its seedlings.


10. slash什么意思

10. Our results show that there were no significant difference in insect species and abundance between the massion pine forest and the slash pine forest.


11. slash的反义词

11. Formosana from mason pine forest and slash pine forest.


12. The apparent quantum yield and carboxylation efficiency of slash pine's half-sib were higher than that of general variety.



13. Whirl your pointed pines, Slash your great pine On our rocks, Hurl your green over us, Cover us with your pools of fir.


14. We expected to have to compromise on a lot of things, but we ended up delivering on everything — which is a bummer because I'm sure next time they'll slash the budget and double expectations.


15. Waves to slash one of the ship, Adventures of a funeral procession for the drift.


16. In extreme cases companies have moved their headquarters to a tax haven to slash tax bills.


17. Slash the top of each roll with a sharpen knife.



18. Many papers have revealed the flexibility of Hmongb interfamily relationships, often ascribing this characteristic to the state of continual migration due to slash and burn agricultural methods and post-war disorder.


19. Its trademarked features, the 5.11 Tactical strap and slash pocket design are proprietary to the 5.11 brand.


20. slash在线翻译

20. There was no one to slash at with his sword (that was how he always pictured a battle to himself), and he could be of no use in burning the bridge, because he had not brought with him any wisps of straw, like the other soldiers.


slash 词典解释

1. 割破;在…上留下深长的切口

If you slash something, you make a long, deep cut in it.


e.g. He came within two minutes of bleeding to death after slashing his wrists.


2. 挥砍;劈

If you slash at a person or thing, you quickly hit at them with something such as a knife.

e.g. He slashed at her, aiming carefully.


3. 大量削减

To slash something such as costs or jobs means to reduce them by a large amount.

e.g. Car makers could be forced to slash prices after being accused of overcharging yesterday...


e.g. Everyone agrees that subsidies have to be slashed.


4. 斜线号

You say slash to refer to a sloping line that separates letters, words, or numbers. For example, if you are giving the number 340/2/K you say 'Three four zero, slash two, slash K.'

slash 单语例句slash

1. Studies have shown that people who eat cabbage once a week compared to once a month slash their colon cancer risk by a third.

2. Wu said a legislated fee cap would be a last resort, if the private sector failed to slash fees to meet the new scheme.

3. The central bank then announced that it would slash the RRR half a percentage point starting Oct 15.

4. Xie said the county's policy of encouraging innovation and technological upgrades within the ceramics sector has improved its competitiveness and helped to slash production costs.

5. Merrill's revenue through September fell 96 percent from a year earlier, forcing Chief Executive Officer John Thain to slash compensation - the firm's biggest expense.

6. Neither Boehner's plan nor the one Reid put forward included additional tax revenues, a condition Obama once said was imperative in any deal to slash spending.

7. Beijing's recent effort to substantially slash fees for public transport is a commendable step toward reducing congestion.

8. More homeowners in East China's Zhejiang province are protesting, as developers slash home prices without compensating earlier buyers.

9. The proposed property tax is expected to convert this tax levy into annualized tax, which will ideally slash housing prices.

10. The price downs will help the company slash production costs and gain an advantage in the international market.

slash 英英释义


1. a strong sweeping cut made with a sharp instrument

Synonym: gash

2. a punctuation mark (/) used to separate related items of information

Synonym: solidusvirgulediagonalstrokeseparatrix

3. an open tract of land in a forest that is strewn with debris from logging (or fire or wind)

4. a wound made by cutting

e.g. he put a bandage over the cut

Synonym: cutgashslice


1. cut drastically

e.g. Prices were slashed

2. cut open

e.g. she slashed her wrists

Synonym: gash

3. cut with sweeping strokes

as with an ax or machete

Synonym: cut down

4. beat severely with a whip or rod

e.g. The teacher often flogged the students

The children were severely trounced

Synonym: flogweltwhiplatherlashstraptrounce

5. move or stir about violently

e.g. The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed

Synonym: convulsethreshthresh aboutthrashthrash abouttossjactitate