

assume:[英 [əˈsju:m] 美 [əˈsu:m] ]


过去式:assumed;   过去分词:assumed;   现在分词:assuming;

assume 基本解释

动词承担; 呈现; 假定,认为; 装出

assume 相关例句


1. The motion of matter always assumes certain forms.


2. I assume you always get up at the same time.



3. He assumed a look of surprise.


4. He's not such a fool as you assumed him to be.


5. The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen.


assume 网络解释

1. 假定:很显然,这个辩题告诉我们:虽然刘备已经杀掉了张任(事件已经发生),但是你现在可以假定(assume)这件事情还没有发生,刘备手中依然握有选择权--选择杀和选择不杀,那么请你站在刘备的位置上设身处地为他分析,你认为他应该选择杀还是不杀.

2. 采取:为了获取,医院部门应该继续采取(assume)开发和购买成套图像和数据获取的硬件/软件的职责的姿态. 然后确认数据的有效性,本地处理和保存数据. 部门级的处理,包括选择临床相关指派的数据子集,

3. 想当然地认为:那颗流星已经消失在天际了.2他装作在和小孩子们玩耍,事实上,他正密切注意着罪犯们的行动.3他采用了一种复杂的方式来整理(work up)他的账单,想当然地认为(assume)他可以在短时间内计算出准确的数目.3他采用了一种复杂的方式来整理(work up)他的账单,

assume 双语例句

1. In March 2001, a sow raised by the American Missouri University bore 5 piglings in one litter. Among them, 4 piglings` mouths and hoofs assume yellow color of fluorescence.


2. If the op amp's data sheet doesn't specify capacitive load drive or open loop output resistance, and has no graph of overshoot versus capacitive load, then to assure stability you must assume that any load capacitance will require some sort of compensation technique.


3. According to the rules, a defender has to assume his position before the offensive player has left the floor, and also in such a manner as to allow the offensive player enough room to change direction without making contact.


4. This thrust to the Dabie Mountains marks a shift in the war`s strategic balance, with the Communists beginning to assume the strategic offensive.


5. The reasons that influence the speed of our team are various, but the main aspects are the following ones: there are few rebound and vie for intercepting; aggression tactics is unitary; the other players too much depend on the centers; outside line cannot assume the offensive decisively; Our players are not as strongly built as the foreigners; they do not have a good grasp of the basic skills; defense concept and tactics are backward; players cannot develop strong attacks, so with the influence of the former league matches, our players are restricted in the high-level matches.


6. HostessOnce in a group, males assume dominance by displacing others, especially around feeding sites. 2906 But the real social power is elsewhere.


7. With authority, you not only assume responsibility for your life, you take complete command of it.


8. Is there a point, before ESRD, at which the nephrologist should assume primary care of a patient with CKD?


9. assume是什么意思

9. If the principal and the agent assume the joint and several liability, they shall be co-litigants.


10. In this type of assuming the property loan, you have to ask permission from the loan holder to assume the loan.


11. The Cheer emote was different the second time I did it, and I assume it was random.


12. We make a proper transformation according to the structure of the equation at first, converting the equations into ordinary differential equation, then assume the solutionsform and balance the degree of F between the highest differential term and the highestnonlinear term in the ordinary equation to determine the concrete degree of F insolution form. Finally using computer algbra system mathematica software, we obtainthe exact solutions of Hirota-Satsuma equations.



13. Two words express all the forms that these two causes of death can assume: will and power.


14. Both the SDR plan and measures to internationalise the yuan also seem to assume that China`s problem is simply that too many of its reserves are in dollars.


15. We can safely assume that the indiscriminate acts of our generation will have an adv erse impact on future generations.


16. They may assume a strident command- and-control approach or else turn passive — by clamming up, being indirect, failing to ask for what they want or need, and refusing to delegate junior-level tasks and responsibilities.



17. They may assume a strident command-and-control approach or else turn passive by clamming up ( If someone clams up, they stop talking, often because they are shy or to avoid giving away secrets.


18. In addition, we discussed the CQA process in TRW, and how to assume the profitability of the program at the quoting status, and how to predict the profitability and manage the profitability during the program.


19. According to the analysis, maintenance cases occurred in the relatively difficult economic conditions of families, who support their families due to the heavy burden of living, it will be difficult, so maintenance on the elderly do not want to assume its due obligations for maintenance, maintenance caused the dispute.


20. HSBC on the 3rd real-time on this incident to call on customers and the impact of an apology, and said that if customers for any fraudulent activities suffered financial losses, will not assume responsibility.


assume 词典解释

1. 假定;以为;假设

If you assume that something is true, you imagine that it is true, sometimes wrongly.

e.g. It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar...


e.g. If the package is wrapped well, we assume the contents are also wonderful...


2. 掌管,夺取,取得(权力);承担(责任)

If someone assumes power or responsibility, they take power or responsibility.

e.g. Mr Cross will assume the role of Chief Executive with a team of four directors...


e.g. If there is no president, power will be assumed by the most extremist forces.


3. 呈现,具有,显露(某种特质)

If something assumes a particular quality, it begins to have that quality.

e.g. In his dreams, the mountains assumed enormous importance.


4. 表现出(某种表情);装出,做出(某种样子)

If you assume a particular expression or way of behaving, you start to look or behave in this way.

e.g. He contented himself by assuming an air of superiority...


e.g. Prue assumed a placatory tone of voice.


5. 让我们假设;姑且假设

You can use let us assume or let's assume when you are considering a possible situation or event, so that you can think about the consequences.

e.g. Let us assume those clubs actually win something. Then players will receive large bonuses...


e.g. Let's assume for a moment that I am a litigant in your court.


assume 单语例句

1. The exercises assume significance as navigation in the South China Sea and the neighboring Malacca Straits has been plagued by sea piracy.

2. Activists argue that because Dow Chemical took over Union Carbide, it should also assume responsibility for additional damages.

3. Extravagant overindulgence is viewed as hospitality and many assume that being a good parent requires that we force those we love to eat.

4. I have just administered him the oath of office, and Mr Hui will assume charge with immediate effect.

5. Acting Chief Executive and Administrative Secretary Donald Tsang immediately began to assume the duties of the Chief Executive of HKSAR.

6. Although taxation can help adjust income distribution to some extent, it would be childish to assume that it alone could facilitate social justice.

7. The plan sends a clear signal to all concerned parties that the country's financial watchdog will assume its role in a more aggressive way.

8. The poses of newly clothed ladies assume an erotic overtone, to say the least.

9. All foreign combat forces are due to pull out of the country by the end of 2014 when Afghan forces assume responsibility for security nationwide.

10. Rejoining the command would allow French officers to assume key command posts.

assumeassume 英英释义


1. put clothing on one's body

e.g. What should I wear today?

He put on his best suit for the wedding

The princess donned a long blue dress

The queen assumed the stately robes

He got into his jeans

Synonym: wearput onget intodon

2. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect

e.g. His voice took on a sad tone

The story took a new turn

he adopted an air of superiority

She assumed strange manners

The gods assume human or animal form in these fables

Synonym: acquireadopttake ontake

3. take to be the case or to be true

accept without verification or proof

e.g. I assume his train was late

Synonym: presumetake for granted

4. take up someone's soul into heaven

e.g. This is the day when May was assumed into heaven

5. make a pretence of

e.g. She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger

he feigned sleep

Synonym: simulateshamfeign

6. occupy or take on

e.g. He assumes the lotus position

She took her seat on the stage

We took our seats in the orchestra

She took up her position behind the tree

strike a pose

Synonym: takestriketake up

7. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force

take as one's right or possession

e.g. He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town

he usurped my rights

She seized control of the throne after her husband died

Synonym: usurpseizetake overarrogate

8. take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person

e.g. I'll accept the charges

She agreed to bear the responsibility

Synonym: beartake overaccept

9. take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities

e.g. When will the new President assume office?

Synonym: adopttake ontake over