

menace:[英 [ˈmenəs] 美 [ˈmɛnɪs] ]


过去式:menaced;   过去分词:menaced;   现在分词:menacing;

menace 基本解释

名词威胁; 恐吓

及物动词&不及物动词威胁; 恐吓

menace 相关例句


1. menace

1. The robber menaced him with a revolver.



1. A man who drives fast is a menace to other people.


2. He spoke with menace in his voice.



3. You're a menace!



4. These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace.


menace 网络解释

1. 威胁,危险:8.partition 分割,瓜分 | 9.menace 威胁,危险 | 10.repeal 废除,取消

2. 恐吓:meddle干涉 | menace恐吓 | merciless残忍的

3. menace在线翻译

3. 危险:Surmise:推测;猜测 | Immunity:免疫 | Menace:危险

menace 双语例句

1. Sleepy Hollow brought you back to Leavesden Studios, where you shot The Phantom Menace with much of the same crew.


2. menace

2. In our pioneering days this aggressiveness was essential to survival. Now it can be a menace to society.


3. Fictitious change? A few days ago, microsoft referred year 10-K to report to committee of buying operation of American negotiable securities a few days ago, in the report, microsoft expresses, in server and tool business side, citrix is his main competitor, its are fictitious changed a product to constitute menace to Microsoft.


4. But that isn't the worst of it, for beyond the rubble lies an even greater menace that threatens to destroy our hero!


5. menace在线翻译

5. This is considered to be a big menace in your work and other social activities that you do everyday.


6. B Party A forces labor by means of violence, menace, imprisonment or illegal limitation of personal freedom


7. The change of microenvironment can bring enterprise menace and risk, also can bring it opportunity of development.


8. Microsoft is perfect in ultimatum the negotiation skill that developed use both hard and soft tactics, showed enough menace and draw sb over to one's side to Yahoo board of directors and partner, and Yahoo board of directors subsequently make known his position to will decide to buy battle this to whether can erupt finally.


9. In order to avoid drought menace during seed filling stage, they should be sown from 10th April to 10th May.


10. menace是什么意思

10. In this way arose Feudal Socialism: half lamentation, half lampoon; half echo of the past, half menace of thefuture; at times, by its bitter, witty and incisive criticism, striking the bourgeoisie to the very heart's core; butalways ludicrous in its effect, through total incapacity to comprehend the march of modern history.


11. In this way arose Feudal Socialism: half lamentation, half lampoon; half echo of the past, half menace of the future; at times, by its bitter, witty and incisive criticism, striking the bourgeoisie to the very heart's core; but always ludicrous in its effect, through total incapacity to comprehend the march of modern history.


12. Does that say the spider is faced with this tremendous menace?


13. Always rise in light of, the trend of world much polarization and economic globalization develops eclectically in music, although area conflict is ceaseless, terroristic menace still is in international, but peace and the theme that developing will still be current world development.


14. Meanwhile, because of the influence of typhoon, solifluction and landslide also make the serious menace to our safety of lives and wealth.


15. The tigers appear strong and bold, reveal ing their power and menace as a king of animals.


16. The tigers appear strong and bold, revealing their power and menace as a king of animals.


17. The tiger s appear strong and bold, revealing their power and menace as a king of animals.


18. menace的解释

18. But let me explain why this doctrine against character perfection is such a deadly menace to the remnant church.


19. menace

19. However, Mary`s realization that her father`s apparent neglect may have actually been his attempt to protect her from a mysterious menace just may inspire Mary to turn her chaotic life around…RECURRING/POSSIBLE SERIES REGULAR 16


20. menace的近义词

20. Golden hill poison bully turn over virus expert to point out, the understands network safety change situation that monthly security reports it is better to can help broad user, had made the preparation that answers network menace in time.


menace 词典解释

1. 威胁;危险人物;祸害

If you say that someone or something is a menace to other people or things, you mean that person or thing is likely to cause serious harm.


e.g. In my view you are a menace to the public.


e.g. ...the menace of fascism...


2. 惹麻烦的人(或物);惹人讨厌的人(或物)

You can refer to someone or something as a menace when you want to say that they cause you trouble or annoyance.

e.g. You're a menace to my privacy, Kenworthy...


e.g. As I have said earlier in this book, bad shoes are a menace.


3. 威胁性;危险气氛

Menace is a quality or atmosphere that gives you the feeling that you are in danger or that someone wants to harm you.

e.g. There is a pervading sense of menace.


e.g. ...a voice full of menace.


4. 危及;威胁

If you say that one thing menaces another, you mean that the first thing is likely to cause the second thing serious harm.

e.g. The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.


5. 威胁;恐吓

If you are menaced by someone, they threaten to harm you.

e.g. She's being menaced by her sister's latest boyfriend.


6. 以威胁(或恐吓)的手段(索要钱财)

If someone commits the crime of demanding money with menaces, they threaten to cause harm unless they are given the money.


e.g. He denies demanding money with menaces.


menace 单语例句

1. Chinese officials who accompanied the Japanese visitors briefed them on the harm and menace the abandoned chemical weapons brought to the Chinese people and environment.

2. What Roa and the others suffered that night last August was ciguatera poisoning, a rarely fatal but growing menace from eating exotic fish.

3. The Australian actress works a Texas drawl that drips with menace, but she's also quite adept at running in Prada heels.

4. But it is pitiful that Qiu's prescription for further prosperity sidesteps industrial pollution - a menace looming large over the Yangtze River Delta.

5. The government is seeking agreements like one it has struck with Jordan which allows British courts to deport Jordanians seen as a menace.

6. It means financial risks would menace the economic health if those industries experience ups and downs.

7. Australians are facing an increasing snake menace as searing weather bites and the country's worst drought in a generation rolls on.

8. The " dub " cluster bombs that did not blast on the spot continued to menace the lives of innocent people.

9. The plan will also ensure that cyclists are free from the menace of aggressive mopeds and motorbikes.

10. We cannot afford to let the judiciary turn into a fount of injustice, and menace to society.

menace 英英释义



1. a threat or the act of threatening

e.g. he spoke with desperate menace

2. something that is a source of danger

e.g. earthquakes are a constant threat in Japan

Synonym: threat



1. act in a threatening manner

e.g. A menacing person

2. express a threat either by an utterance or a gesture

e.g. he menaced the bank manager with a stick

3. pose a threat to

present a danger to

e.g. The pollution is endangering the crops

Synonym: endangerjeopardizejeopardisethreatenimperilperil