

null:[英 [nʌl] 美 [nʌl] ]


null 基本解释


形容词零值的; 等于零的; (协议) 无法律效力; 失效的

null 网络解释

1. 空的:压缩的时候,有一定的 bitrate,如果前面的画面太难压缩,用掉太多 bit,到了这个画面时 bit 用光了,无法分配 bit 给这个画面使用,这时这个Frame 无法压缩,只好 drop 掉, 产生一个空的(Null) Frame.

2. 无效:由于本文采用间接法计算应力场,因此模型建立与网格剖分必须与温度场的计算模型相同,将空气与感应线圈单元设为无效(NULL)单元,温度场所用单元PLANE55转换为结构单元PLANE42,保持单元数与结点数不变.

3. null:nul; 空行;空值

null 双语例句

1. Liu SH%Norris DM%Lyne P Volatiles from the foliage of soybean, Glycine max, and lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus: their behavioral effects on the insects Trichoplusia ni and Epilachna varivestis 10.1021/jf00086a050 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1989, null


2. null什么意思

2. The quasi-council of Pisa is condemned, and everything done at it is declared null and void.


3. null的解释

3. After the signing of the contract, all previous negotiations and correspondence related to it will be taken as null and void.



4. It shall become null and void automatically at the expiration of that period unless mutually extended by the parties in writing.


5. However, with the passage of time and economic and socialdevelopment, at today's point of view, it become null and void policy, and also takes theproperty management a major obstacle.


6. It shall be null and void automatically at the expiration of the period.


7. Lutathione-S-Transferases is a common family of metabolism enzymes. GSTs have the function of detoxification for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and mixed cyclic chemical carcinogen or cocarcinogen of organochloride and from the fried, smoked or baked food. It was reported that the GSTM1 null and GSTT1 null genotypes could decrease the activity of the corresponding enzyme.

STs是目前研究得较多的一个代谢酶系,GSTs在体内对有机氯、炸烤熏制食物等含有的多环芳烃、杂环类化学致癌/促癌剂具有解毒功能,有报道GST Mu酶和GST Theta(GSTT1)基因缺失会导致相应酶活性的降低。

8. null的翻译

8. HARPER E%JAME S Reductase nitrate in vivo during oxide nitrogen of evolution leaves of soybean assay PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 1981, null


9. Lazarus SA%Bowen K%Garg ML Tomato juice and platelet aggregation in type 2 diabetes Journal of the American Medical Association, 2004, null


10. Joshi G V%Jamale B B%Bhosale L J Ion regulation in mangroves University of Florida, 1975, null


11. SELECT COUNT FROM employees WHERE commission_pct IS NULL


12. These pathological changes was demonstrated focally and the rest of the angle in CYP1BI-null were normal.


13. Hafeez F Y%Malik K A Manual on Biofertilizer Technology Pakistan:NIBGE, 2000, null

Hafeez 生物肥料在农业可持续发展中的应用前景草原与草坪,2003,2

14. Stupp B C Synergistic effects of metals co-sputtered with MoS210.1016/0040-6090(81)90023-7 Thin Solid Films, 1981, null



15. Fang D Q%Roose M L Identification of closely related citrus cultivars with inter-simple sequence repeat markers Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1997, null


16. Deardorff JW Three-dimensional numerical modeling of the planetary boundary layers Amer Meteor Soc Boston, 1973, null


17. This is violated sometimes, if some of the object's properties are null.


18. A note of caution -- if there is no results for a given Realm name it will return null.


19. The graph represents the Multiplier value over the distance within the null.


20. To monitor transfection efficiency, 50 ng of the pRL-null plasmidencoding Renilla luciferase was included in all samples.

至 监测转染效率,50 PRL一空plasmidencoding海肾荧光素酶的议员被列入所有样本。

null 词典解释

1. (协议、宣言或选举结果)无法律效力的,无效的

If an agreement, a declaration, or the result of an election is null and void, it is not legally valid.

e.g. A spokeswoman said the agreement had been declared null and void...


e.g. The declaration was null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances.


null 单语例句

1. The ministry said the confusion was caused by officials including null or blank ballots by mistake.

2. The judges referred to Article 1813 of the Civil Code ruled the legal obligations of a person would become null and void upon their demise.

3. He has said that he does not believe that seeking statehood at the UN would contradict bilateral peace talks or make them null and void.

4. If the encroachment order were repealed, the government motion to postpone the land encroachment would become null and void.

5. The Serbian government is expected to declare Kosovo independence null and void as it violates Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

6. The SCC ruled on June 14 that the People's Assembly was null and void as some articles of the parliament election law were unconstitutional.

7. " The students involved were told their exams would be null and void, " she said.

8. Where the Insurer fails to make such exemptions clear to the Applicant, such terms shall be null and void.

9. The insurance contract shall be null and void if the Applicant has no insurable interest in the subject matter insured.

null 英英释义


1. a quantity of no importance

e.g. it looked like nothing I had ever seen before

reduced to nil all the work we had done

we racked up a pathetic goose egg

it was all for naught

I didn't hear zilch about it

Synonym: nothingnilnixnadaaughtciphercyphergoose eggnaughtzerozilchzipzippo


1. lacking any legal or binding force

e.g. null and void

Synonym: void