

caucus:[英 [ˈkɔ:kəs] 美 [ˈkɔkəs] ]


过去式:caucused;   过去分词:caucused;   现在分词:caucusing;   复数形式:caucuses;

caucus 基本解释


名词核心小组; 干部会议; 决策委员会; 秘密会议

不及物动词(参加)干部开会议; 召开(参加)核心会议


caucus 双语例句

1. Since then, most Baganda have cast their vote for the NRM, and the party's Buganda caucus is a substantial force in parliament.


2. caucus的近义词

2. Party whip The caucus or leader selects a few members to act as assistant leaders, generally known as whips.


3. Nebraska`s Senator Ben Nelson refused to join the caucus unless the federal government paid for his state`s extra costs for Medicaid, a government health scheme for the indigent.


4. caucus的翻译

4. But that is not what the conservative caucus-goers want to hear.


5. We welcome the input of the Black Caucus.


6. caucus什么意思

6. There are currently 56 Democrats in the senate and two independents who caucus with the Democrats.


7. Roshan Jason, executive director of the ASEAN Interparliamentary Caucus, says that so far, the organization has only paid lip service to pressing for democratic reform in Burma.


8. caucus

8. When we moved to Minnesota temporarily in 1973, we didn`t know what a political precinct was, not to mention a caucus.


9. caucus的意思

9. So I ask you to caucus for me tomorrow.


10. Diabetes Caucus and your commitment to people with type 1 diabetes.


11. I am a strong supporter of Taiwan and a member of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus.


12. By comparison, 140 Democrats, some 60% of the caucus, voted for it.


13. He beat the original odds on favorite to win (not the caucus, but the nomination) Rudy Giuliani.



14. Today the member organisations of the Caucus agreed to continue to work together until the adoption of the Convention.



15. A motion might refer to a caucus, an adjournment, an introduction to a draft resolution, or closing the debate.


16. caucus

16. But since then blacks in every primary or caucus have tended to vote for Obama in large numbers.


17. He was bound by his party's caucus resolutions.


18. The continued support and goodwill of the labour Caucus on the council.


19. caucus是什么意思

19. Do you know Hillary celebrates her victory in the Nevada caucus in Las Vegas?


20. caucus

20. In Maine, the Republican Party is holding a caucus.


caucus 词典解释

1. (组织内部的)实力派,帮派,小集团

A caucus is a group of people within an organization who share similar aims and interests or who have a lot of influence.

e.g. ...the Black Caucus of minority congressmen.


caucus 单语例句

1. A candidate who has the most number of supporters among elected national convention delegates in Iowa is considered winner of the caucus in the state.

2. Donald Payne of New Jersey, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus who had been a Clinton supporter.

3. Her influence and strong public support motivated the party caucus to vote for an inquiry with special statutory powers and privileges.

4. Top strategists for Democratic rival Barack Obama said Friday they supported the party's action, suggesting the Clinton campaign was trying to block the reporting of caucus results.

5. The latest polls come with less than two months to go until the first votes are cast in the caucus and primary season.

6. Fred Thompson quit the Republican presidential race on Tuesday, after a string of poor finishes in early primary and caucus states.

7. The letter also noted that many of Clinton's senior campaign advisers in Texas had helped to develop the rules governing the state's caucus system.

8. US presidential hopefuls have made their final pitches to the people of Iowa, urging them to turn out and vote in Thursday's caucus.

9. The party held an extraordinary general meeting on Monday night to decide if the caucus should support the electoral reform.

10. The US officially embarked on the road to the critical presidential election in November with the Republican caucus in Iowa and the New Hampshire primary.

caucus 英英释义



1. a closed political meeting



1. meet to select a candidate or promote a policy