

bloated:[英 [ˈbləʊtɪd] 美 [ˈbloʊtɪd] ]



bloated 基本解释


形容词浮肿的; 发胀的; 傲慢的

动词使膨胀,使肿胀( bloat的过去式和过去分词); 用盐腌

bloated 网络解释

1. 胃 氣 脹:Black Out 短 暂 昏 厥 | Bloated 胃 气 胀 | Blood Stool 粪 便 带 血

2. bloated的解释

2. 发胀的:bloat 肿胀的 | bloated 发胀的 | bloater 腌熏鲱鱼


3. 获得一个:BLOATED 获得一个Afro | SWEATY 大嘴模式 | IDKFA 好笑的画面

4. bloated的反义词

4. 过于肥胖的:有害健康的 be physically damaging | 过于肥胖的 bloated | 致癌的 cancer-causing

bloated 双语例句

1. One of the common perceptions about Linux is that it is too bloated to use for an embedded system.


2. Not only Acrobat Reader takes a long time to load as it parses and install add-ins and plug-ins one by one, the bloated reader also takes up the precious memory, not to mention the big 20MB download size.


3. bloated的近义词

3. I've overeaten and feel bloated.



4. In particular, the Lu Tao has now obvious middle-aged man with the bloated and rich state.



5. I was able to quickly throw together an application that worked but that was somewhat slow and bloated.


6. My tummy feels bloated and I really want to fart, but I guess I'll keep it in there as there are a ton of people around me!


7. bloated什么意思

7. Blinded by fear and bloated by prosperity, they have succumbed to a collective amnesia.


8. Hopewell that every year she grew less like other people and more like herself-bloated, rude, and squint-eyed.


9. bloated的近义词

9. When I go out, it's spring and the mighty bumped into: warm up the sun, the wind no longer Jin Li; the foot of the ice to tell me: melting of snow during the day became a gurgling stream flowing - I know, she is anxious for her bloated body weight, good quickly give way to spring.


10. bloated在线翻译

10. Fixing angry eyes on the bloated spy, she spat at her.


11. The first was too worm-like, looking like a bloated queen termite.


12. Dealers must face the fact that GM needs to cut their numbers and slim its bloated brand portfolio.


13. I think if you look at DarbaCon's bloated end-of-the-year rollover...


14. I feared that Melling was trapped in a Faustian pact: he could have all the fun and money that came from being in the Potter films but, in exchange, he had to be a bloated Bunter figure just to hang onto the part.

我害怕梅林会陷入浮士德式的契约之中:他可以享受参演 HP 电影带来的乐趣和财富,但是必须为了贴近角色而成为一个臃肿的胖子。

15. And my Computer says Gracias because she feels less bloated now.


16. bloated的反义词

16. She's bloated and, well...


17. And then... your face is bloated?


18. He feels bloated in his abdominal area.


19. I used Azureus for a long time, and it just kept getting more and more bloated.


20. On a recent walk through our development on Cape Cod with my grandniece, we found a dead turtle lying on its back. The head was a bit bloated.


bloated 词典解释

1. (身体或身体某部位)肿胀的,膨胀的,发胀的

If someone's body or a part of their body is bloated, it is much larger than normal, usually because it has a lot of liquid or gas inside it.


e.g. ...the bloated body of a dead bullock...


e.g. His face was bloated.


2. 吃撑了的;肚子胀的

If you feel bloated after eating a large meal, you feel very full and uncomfortable.

e.g. Diners do not want to leave the table feeling bloated.


3. (机构)臃肿的,人浮于事的

If you describe an organization as bloated, you mean that it is larger and less efficient than it should be.

e.g. ...its massive state apparatus and bloated bureaucracy.


bloated 单语例句bloated是什么意思

1. Bloated and decaying bodies continued to wash ashore on the island as hopes of finding survivors amid the rubble of hotels and shops faded slowly.

2. Theoretically, bloated central bank balance sheets in the developed world are a means to an end.

3. Authorities are now faced with the challenge of how to identify bodies that may be bloated and decayed beyond recognition.

4. After rolling out of Grinders both bloated and satisfied, pop into The Brick.

5. Sales managers are still unnerved about bloated inventories and looming limitations on cars due to overcrowded cities.

6. Such bloated leadership at various levels goes patently against the principle of a small government for higher efficiency.

7. Volunteers and city workers scrambled for a third day to remove the bloated fish that bobbed to the surface of King Harbor.

8. Sun Art's resilience to Chinese mainland economic slowdown comes as consumer companies grapple with bloated inventories and sluggish demand.

9. He also said he would send Congress a budget that terminates or substantially reduces 151 " wasteful or bloated programs " totaling more than $ 18 billion.

10. Year after year during the Spring Festival celebrations, newspapers and blogs are bloated with excited tales of the capital's chaotic festivities.
