

racism:[英 [ˈreɪsɪzəm] 美 [ˈreˌsɪzəm] ]


racism 基本解释

名词种族主义; 种族偏见; 种族歧视[隔离,迫害]; 人种偏见

racism 网络解释

1. 种族歧视:去年曾拒绝向打击涉及儿童色情活动的美国政府当局提供用户搜索数据的谷歌公司(Google Inc.)8月31日称,公司同意按照巴西法院的命令,提供有助于确认那些被指控为参与鼓励种族歧视(racism)、恋童癖(pedophilia)和憎恶同性恋(homo

2. 歧视:由于很多脏话涉及种族歧视(racism)、性别歧视(sexism)等,目前出现了一种政治上正确(politically correct)的语言. 另外,同样的脏话在不同文化或地区的冒犯程度(offensiveness)、严重程度(severity)或粗俗程度(vulgarity)也不尽相同.

3. racism

3. 种族主义 种族主义:racial segregation 种族隔离 种族隔离 | racism 种族主义 种族主义 | racketeering enterprise 敲诈勒索集团 敲诈勒索集团

racism 双语例句

1. In his last ten years of life, he still fought rigorously against racism and anti-Semitism.


2. racism

2. I don't want to be racism, but in my working place, I should say I have bad experience with india, my feeling is they can not taking advantage of Aussi, so they are trying to take advantage of Chinese, I may be wrong, what you guys feeling?


3. Victor Renes, Caritas`s research chief, worries that racism may now raise its ugly head.

博爱组织的研究主管Victor Renes无不担忧的说现在种族主义可能要露出它丑恶的嘴脸。

4. Comedian Richard Pryor also battled racism, but in his own unique way. Born and raised in a brothel run by his family, Mr.


5. Racism and sexism exist because of the kind of society that we live in.


6. Whatever you can say about Ken Bates, one thin in his favour is that he worked tirelessly for Chelsea to shed its image of a club that was indulgent on racism.



7. Over the years, Chinese women have made unremitting efforts to maintain world peace, and to fight against imperialism, old and new colonialism, hegemonism, racism of various forms, fascism and all forms of terrorism.


8. Likewise, some critics feel that Gordimer does not take a strong enough stand against racism, and others feel that she goes too far.



9. I hate two kinds of people in my life, one is the man who has racism, the other is the black.


10. racism的翻译

10. So, at the last minute, did America, dashing hopes that a black president would warm to a discussion, however flawed, on racism.


11. Pausing to accept a gift of a heart-shaped potato from an admiring member of the audience, the US president bantered fluently on racism, healthcare and the economy with the chatshow host David Letterman.


12. This is a news flash to all that believe there is no racism in America, even in the Bay Area.



13. All forms of racism, prejudice, and discrimination are affronts to the work of Christ on the cross.


14. To succeed, he must ensure that Durban will be a conference about racism, not Israel.



15. Today, racism is again rising dangerously in Europe and America, with an outburst of racist laws and demagogy from the state.


16. So, I don't know if this is a case of racism.


17. Mostly, I think that it's just racism.


18. They attack and rob other people, but if you retaliate, they will say it is racism.


19. We consider that the content of this film is very much misleading and full of racism.


20. I just wanted to write a positive book on race, and discuss the problem of racism in America.


racism 词典解释

1. 种族主义;种族歧视

Racism is the belief that people of some races are inferior to others, and the behaviour which is the result of this belief.

e.g. There is a feeling among some black people that the level of racism is declining.


racism 单语例句racism

1. Former Chelsea and Celtic defender Paul Elliot told the Parliament that racism is the biggest challenge facing the game across the globe.

2. For example, trumpeting colonialism and racism is widely considered to be an infringement upon human rights.

3. Poets have used the zombie as a metaphor for class prejudice, racism and colonialism.

4. The resulting violence sparked intense debate over France's failure to integrate minorities and forced the government to confront problems of racism and poverty.

5. So your biggest threat is not unemployment or racism or globalization, your biggest threat which will really destroy South Africa is this one!

6. " I think we can never do enough to eradicate all the racism in football, " Blatter said.

7. It is time to get down to business, identify new forms of intolerance or racism and turn words into action.

8. And a union official said Thornton had not filed a complaint of racism with the union or any government agency.

9. Racism comes in different forms, sometimes its a case of xenophobia and other times its subtle discriminations.

10. The inefficient bureaucracy system and ingrained racism in Australia have kept all of these problems unresolved.

racism 英英释义


1. discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race

Synonym: racialismracial discrimination

2. the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races