

agreement:[英 [əˈgri:mənt] 美 [əˈɡrimənt] ]



agreement 基本解释


名词协定,协议; 同意,一致; 合同书; (词之间性、数、人称方面与…)一致

agreement 相关例句


1. They have made an agreement about the plan.


2. My parents are in agreement on what color to paint the house.


3. The three sides reached an agreement to stop the war.


agreement 情景对话


A:Let’s see if we can reach some sort of agreement over your curfew.



B:Okay. Everyone else’s parents let them stay out until two or three in the morning.

好吧,别人的父母都让他们玩到凌晨2 点或3 点。

A:Well. I’m not everyone else’s father. I think you need to be in the house by ten o’clock.

是吗,可我不是别人的父亲。我认为你10 点钟必须回到家里。


B:That’s absurd. I know some junior high kids who can stay out later than that.

那太荒谬了。我认识一些初中生,他们都可以10 点以后回家。


A:I’ll be worried if you stay out late.


B:Okay, how about a midnight curfew? And I’ll let you know where I am.

好吧,12 点怎么样?更何况我会让你知道我在什么地方的。

A:That sounds reasonable.


agreement 双语例句

1. agreement

1. It was founded in 1993 by the Final Act that concluded终止 the Uruguay Round of multilateral negotiations under the General Agreement on Ta riffs and Trade, which it super se des取代, and exists to ad mi nister and po li ce管辖 the 28 free trade agreements, oversee world trade practices, and a dju dicate裁定 trade disputes


2. This is in agreement with the above resultby x-ray analysis.


3. agreement

3. One of the objectives of my mission is to sign our Investment Protection Agreement.


4. Any Dispute, which has not been resolved as provided above, shall, at the request of either party, be finally settled by arbitration under the Center for Public Resources Rules for Non-Administered Arbitration of Business Disputes in effect on the date of this Agreement, by an independent and impartial arbitrator.


5. I'm sure you can fulfill the agreement without much difficulty.



6. If one party breaches the same obligation more than once, upon the occurrence of the third breach, the non-breaching party, at its option, may terminate the agreement, without providing the breaching party an opportunity to cure such breach.


7. In agreement with previous reports, inhibition of SCD1 protected against diet-induced obesity, insulin resistance, and hepatic steatosis.


8. In the EEB`s view, what is needed is a summit agreement on a 10% shift in tax income in ten years, from labour to energy and environment, and on a minimum level of co-ordination to achieve it.


9. The present calculation is validated by reasonable agreement of predicted ratio for syn and anti conformation of cGMP with experimental estimation, suggesting that our predicted concentration distribution of the cGMP and cGMPH conformers, as well the microscopic pKa values of various cGMPH conformers and phenomenological pKa of cGMPH, are reasonable.


10. But it was also in agriculture that the agreement came unstuck.



11. The Padres did just that last week with right-hander Greg Maddux, another Boras client, when the San Diego club and pitcher came to a verbal agreement on a one-year extension to his contract worth $10 million.

教士上周刚搞定Boras的另一位客户,右投Greg Maddux的合约,教士和Maddux口头上达成一年1000万美金的协议。

12. agreement的意思

12. July 30, 2000 and the world-famous U. S. company DuPont signed a cooperative agreement, became the first area of chemical fibers from DuPont was 3 GT product of the company, DuPont is the world's first eight franchise manufacturers.


13. agreement

13. Micron Technology, Inc., and Lexar Media, Inc., (NASDAQ: LEXR) today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement for Micron to acquire Lexar in a stock-for-stock merger.




15. agreement的翻译

15. Therefore, a prenuptial agreement should be signed at least one month before the wedding date.


16. It is a matter of signing that agreement, and so I don't anyone to think that we have open issues.


17. agreement的意思

17. Reason of any breach by the Client of this Agreement. These indemnities shall be in addition to any


18. Baso Rukmana, the head of the union, says the agreement, which went into effect at the beginning of the year, has already cost many textile workers their jobs.


19. I`m astonished by this, the Internet can dig out people with the strangest ideas from the most remote corners of the world, link them together, reach so horrible an agreement with such calm, it surely shows great powers of the Internet.



20. In case of serious persisting default, the non defaulting party may terminate this Master Agreement by way of registered letter to the defaulting party with immediate effect.


agreement 词典解释

1. 协议;协定;协约

An agreement is a formal decision about future action which is made by two or more countries, groups, or people.


e.g. It looks as though a compromise agreement has now been reached...


e.g. The two countries signed an agreement to jointly launch satellites.


2. 达成协议

Agreement on something is a joint decision that a particular course of action should be taken.

e.g. The two men had not reached agreement on any issues...


e.g. But instead of ending in agreement, the talks broke up in acrimony at the end of the week.


3. 意见一致;看法相同

Agreement with someone means having the same opinion as they have.

e.g. The judge kept nodding in agreement...


e.g. There was general agreement that every effort should be made to prevent the war from spreading.


4. 赞成;赞同

Agreement to a course of action means allowing it to happen or giving it your approval.

e.g. The clinic doctor will then write to your GP to get his agreement.


5. (叙述、数据的)一致,相符

If there is agreement between two accounts of an event or two sets of figures, they are the same or are consistent with each other.

e.g. Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures.


6. (与搭配名词或代词在数或性上的)一致,呼应

In grammar, agreement refers to the way that a word has a form appropriate to the number or gender of the noun or pronoun it relates to.

agreement 单语例句

1. He said the actions of Wahaha violate the 1996 agreement, and deviate from the fundamental principles of good faith and business ethics.

2. Under the new agreement, the mainland and Taiwan will exempt each other's shipping firms from business and income taxes.

3. Guo says they have a gentleman's agreement, while Xu and Wang believe Guo is no gentleman.

4. And there was a gentleman's agreement with department stores not to siphon sales by reaching out directly to wealthy customers.

5. It is believed that the agreement will further strengthen business ties and increase trade volume between the two economies.

6. The companies struggled to make headway on negotiations under Bartz, who failed to reach an agreement to let Alibaba Group buy back shares in 2010.

7. Swiss commodities trader Glencore International AG signed an agreement to buy shares in Qingtongxia in August.

8. An additional agreement on buyer's credit for export between the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Russia's VTB Bank was signed as well.

9. They signed cooperation agreements on plant and animal quarantine, and an agreement on China to provide favorable loan and export buyer's credit to Vietnam.

10. There is a good deal of speculation that the two nations will reach a bilateral climate change agreement before the Copenhagen conference begins.

agreement的近义词agreement 英英释义


1. compatibility of observations

e.g. there was no agreement between theory and measurement

the results of two tests were in correspondence

Synonym: correspondence

2. the thing arranged or agreed to

e.g. they made arrangements to meet in Chicago

Synonym: arrangement

3. the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises

e.g. they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business

there was an understanding between management and the workers

Synonym: understanding

4. the verbal act of agreeing

5. the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations

Synonym: concord

6. harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters

e.g. the two parties were in agreement

Synonym: accord