

involuntary:[英 [ɪnˈvɒləntri] 美 [ɪnˈvɑ:lənteri] ]


involuntary 基本解释

形容词不由自主的; 无意识做出的,非故意的; 非自愿的,不随意的


involuntary 同义词



involuntary 反义词



involuntary 相关例句


1. He gave an involuntary smile.


2. Sneezing is involuntary.


involuntary 网络解释

1. 不随意的:正如前面提及的那样,通过本能活动,我们了解了有目的的(purposive)、不随意的(involuntary)、半冲动的(half impulsive)和半反射的(half reflex)一些情况.

2. involuntary的近义词

2. 非自愿的:在学校里,学生基本上是一种非自愿的(involuntary)角色,因为学生受法律强制而来到学校. 如同在家庭中处于家长的控制之下一样,学生在学校中处于作为社会代表者的教师控制之下. [11]两者不同的学校社会角色注定了他们不同的利益需求.

3. 不随意:随意(voluntary)和不随意(involuntary)在科学中的应用,最早是生理学,用以描述肌肉活动. 现在,它们已经用于各种心理活动,并且在静态的二分法之上又提出了相对不随意这一新概念. 显然,相对不随意一语更能描述心理的发育和成长;当然,也描述了神经症

4. involuntary在线翻译

4. 非志愿:involuntary 不随意的 | involuntary 非志愿 | involuntary attention 不随意注意

involuntary 双语例句

1. involuntary

1. Only one of those goals, though, has been the first of a game – and even that was involuntary; Alex's shot deflecting off his knee to give them the lead at Blackburn.


2. They are likely to bring more unemployment (but this time I am speaking of voluntaiy and not involuntary unemployment) because people can now afford to work fewer hours, while children and the overaged no longer need to work.


3. Fu: This is subconscious and involuntary, always precipitated and sifted in my thoughts and feelings.


4. Because restraining competition implies mutually-agreed actions, implicit or explicit, voluntary or involuntary, it implies the existence of contracts.


5. In the end, make different means attack the arithmetic, which is to check the arithmetic can counteract minded and involuntary attack or not, over here, attack means interfering the image quality.


6. You may also experience an involuntary bowel movement.


7. involuntary的翻译

7. Bryan was charged with statutory sexual assault, aggravated indecent assault, indecent assault, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, and corruption of minors, sexual abuse of children and unlawful contact or communication with a minor.


8. involuntary的反义词

8. Of or relating to involuntary movement of a body part accompanying voluntary movement of another.


9. According to the agricultural extension pattern of Chinese governmental- leading pattern, the limited sense action of farmers and involuntary behavior of agricultural extension organization and staff were mainly problem.


10. Actually, regional features has appeared in her early novels, especially in《Ben hua》she described the people of Benhua placable, simple, substantial daily life and their concordant, full of life sentiment and heroism spirit by using gentle words, which show us the local conditions and customs of central hebei plain involuntary.



11. IiInsolvency of Seller, filing by Seller of a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, filing of an involuntary petition to have Seller declared bankrupt, provided the same is not vacated within thirty (30) days from the date of such filing, or the execution by Seller of any assignment for the benefit of creditors.


12. Each of us agree that upon his or our failure at any time to keep a margin of security with you satisfactory to you, or upon the making by him or us of any assignment for the benefit of creditors, or upon the filing of any voluntary or involuntary petition in bankruptcy by or against him or us, or upon the application for the appointment of a receiver of any of his or our property, or upon any act of insolvency of him or us, all of such obligations and liabilities shall become and be immediately due and payable without demand or notice, notwithstanding any credit or time allowed to him or us, or any instrument evidencing any such obligations or liabilities or otherwise.


13. involuntary什么意思

13. Seller may also at its election terminate this agreement upon written notice to member in the event Member fails to observe or perform any other provisions of this agreement to be observed or performed by member and such failure continues for a period of thirty(30) days after written notice from seller, or becomes insolvent or unable to pay its debts as they mature, or files a voluntary petition or suffers any involuntary petition to be filed against it under any provision of any bankruptcy or insolvency statute, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or applies for or consents to the appointment of a receiver or custodian for its assets, or any attachment or garnishment is initiated or filed against its property, or dissolves, liquidates, consolidates (other than a consolidation in which member is the surviving entity), or ceases to conduct operations.


14. involuntary的翻译

14. Recipient may immediately terminate this contract, without liability to Provider, by giving written notice to Provider in the event of the occurrence of any of the following or any other comparable events: insolvency of Provider; filing of a voluntary petition in bankruptcy by Provider; filing of any involuntary petition in bankruptcy against Provider; appointment of a receiver or trustee for Provider; or execution of an assignment for the benefit of creditors by Provider, provided that such involuntary petition, appointment, or assignment is not vacated or nullified within fifteen (15) calendar days of such event.

合同终止⑴因资不抵债而终止 Termination for Insolvency 在以下事件或任何类似事件发生且未在十五(15)个日历日内结束或声明无效,接受方可立即书面通知提供方终止本合同,而不对提供方承担法律责任:提供方资不抵债;提供方自愿申请破产;提供方被申请破产;为提供方指定财产管理人或托管人;或提供方执行以债权人为受益人的财产转让。

15. This article holds the view that the said clause defines the grave nature of the crime----it only applies to cases where the happened accident or a sec- ond accident leads to an involuntary homicide.


16. Spasmodic involuntary twitching of muscles that are usually under voluntary control.


17. It made me think of involuntary outbreak 47 years ago in a world that everyone on the unforgettable war, killing, bloodshed and destruction, Xuerouhengfei, displaced.......


18. Involuntary muscular movements and movement problems increase the risk of falls and related injuries, including broken bones.


19. And the Yang Zhiyuan be sentimentally attached to to Yahoo, the publicity that gives Yahoo employee in its leaves his post is to reveal more in the letter without involuntary discharge of urine: My blood is purple all the time that the LOGO of Yahoo is purple.


20. I tried to dredge up a little of that deep, involuntary wisdom that tells you what to do in a critical situation


involuntary 词典解释

1. 不由自主的;不自觉的

If you make an involuntary movement or exclamation, you make it suddenly and without intending to because you are unable to control yourself.

e.g. Another surge of pain in my ankle caused me to give an involuntary shudder.



His left eyelid twitched involuntarily.


2. 强迫的;非自愿的

You use involuntary to describe an action or situation which is forced on someone.

e.g. ...insurance policies that cover involuntary unemployment...


e.g. Involuntary repatriation of Haitians began this week.


involuntary 单语例句involuntary是什么意思

1. Doctors have said her previous utterances weren't speech, but were involuntary moans consistent with someone in a vegetative state.

2. Hiccups are caused by the involuntary spasm of the diaphragm which causes the vocal cords to close very briefly.

3. Most critics remarked that he had violated the professional ethics of a teacher though his involuntary dodging of danger was understandable as a human being.

4. The record power usage on Monday and Tuesday had prompted power grid managers to declare an emergency and warn of possible involuntary rolling blackouts.

5. The man - who has been diagnosed as a delusional and paranoid schizophrenic was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold by Los Angeles police.

6. If convicted of involuntary manslaughter, the two men face up to 10 years in prison.

7. Conrad Murray - who has pleaded not guilty to felony involuntary manslaughter charges - was not among the seven cleared.

8. The actor formerly of the " Prison Break " series pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter after a deadly road accident while he was under the influence.

9. Murray denies charges of involuntary manslaughter but faces four years in prison if found guilty.

10. Conrad Murray, who has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in the singer's death.