

prevention:[英 [prɪˈvenʃn] 美 [prɪˈvɛnʃən] ]



prevention 基本解释


名词预防,预防法; 阻止,制止,妨碍,阻碍物; [谚]治病不如防病


prevention 相关例句


1. Prevention is better than cure.


prevention 网络解释

1. 防止:目前,基于危机的一股形成机理及演变特点,人们提出的危机管理模式有4R模式,即减少(Reduction)、预备(Readiness)、反应(Response)与恢复(Recovery)四阶段管理模式(希斯2001防止(Prevention)、准备(Preparation)、执行(Performance)、学习(Learn)四阶段管理模式(Coombs1999

2. 防范:CWPA程序是检查(CHECK)、预警(WARNING)、防范(PREVENTION)和评估(ASSESSMENT)的简称. CWPA模式主要包括人类个体危险因素筛查、高危预警机制、不同时期的健康计划、健康教育、个人终身健康档案、阶段性评估系统、持续的追踪随访等系统性健康管理服务.

prevention 双语例句

1. prevention

1. Three ways of reservoir precipitates removal and prevention in water injection wells and oil production wells(OPWs are developed to slove severe scaling problems in peripheral low permeable oil fields of Daqing.

注水井清垢解堵剂是侧重解无机垢堵塞的多功能综合解堵酸液,对碳酸盐垢的溶解率达98.57%,对储层岩心的溶蚀率为13.85%,在外围各油田160口井应用,成功率96%,有效期1年以上,单井平均日增注44 m3,注水压力平均降低0.7 MPa。

2. G. Any spill prevention control and countermeasure plan.


3. Ship Oil Spill; Risk Assessment; Prevention Measures


4. Research Areas Include, but are not exclusive to: resource quality, quantity and sustainability; economics of environmental management; transport and fate of pollutants in the environment; spill prevention and management; remediation of contaminated sites; process modification for pollution prevention; improved energy efficiency and waste treatment and disposal etc.


5. CERCLA provides a complex regulatory system dealing with a continuum of activities ranging from spill prevention through final cleanup of contaminated sites.


6. Currently, he is working in the Department of Fish and Game, Office of Spill Prevention and Response, Scientific Branch.


7. The emergency plan shall include procedures for spill prevention and precaution, and detailed action plan listing out the responsibilities and actions of all related personnel.


8. In recent years, according to market demand enterprises have developed the 5-50 million tons/year of compound fertilizer for high-temperature exhaust fan and fan, HTD series furnace fan, SGGSGY series of circulating fluidized bed boiler, and other special fan, a high market share, Praised by users, including high-temperature fan shell liner technology, transmission oil spill prevention technology group won the national patent.


9. Apoptotic germ-cell death and testicular damage in experimental diabetes: prevention by endothelin antagonism.


10. Methods for the prevention of disease and the promotion of quality in the living environment.


11. The function of environmental health in disease prevention and health promotion is transited by the development of society.


12. Prevention of account receivable risk contains strengthen advance control, daily supervision and management...


13. This paper analyses and discusses the mechanism and causes of oxidizing discoloration of copper tube and its prevention and control measures.


14. Exact assessment of the damage caused by mountain torrents, which is one of catastrophic components of the earth surface system, is a foundation for disaster reduction and prevention.


15. Rose Yang Yan commonly used water to wash your face to improve blood circulation and weakened, prevention, the amendment uneven colour, so that looking Hongrun shiny.


16. At present, relevant departments of our government and the prevention and control of active containment strategy, launched a multi-pronged approach, effective prevention and control measures.


17. However, during the construction of roof greenbelt, we should take into consideration problems like load bearing, sink prevention and wind resistance, to ensure the safety.


18. Zhejiang achievements pawn company will build a harmonious, based on the company to trace the scale and effectiveness of the balanced business development and coordination of risk prevention, scientific decision-making and law firms unified, innovative products and improve the efficiency of the service, incentive and restraint with the people-oriented management fair, in order to create a harmonious society for their due contributions.


19. Calcium can maintain blood to show alkalescent whack, person of prevention and cure is immersed in acidity easy fatigue system.



20. Objective To investigate and analyze the hepatitis C infection status for entry-exit people at Wuhan port and provide reference to adopt available measure for prevention and control of infectious diseases.


prevention 单语例句

1. The CAE has set up an emergency response panel to study epidemic prevention and its suggestions will be submitted to the State Council soon.

2. The action plan also sets up a system for collecting and collating selected data on victims for use in prevention and other efforts.

3. He called on the Party's discipline inspection organizations at various levels to strengthen institutional prevention and punishment of corruption.

4. A flood prevention drill was staged on June 26 in Beijing to enhance the capital city's capability of dealing with emergencies at metro construction sites.

5. This is an active step in improving prevention work and medical treatment.

6. NBA clubs previously dictated their own cardiac prevention programs but a standard program was sought to prevent situations like Curry's condition from recurring.

7. Hu has published more than 500 academic papers and 30 books on cardiology, especially on intervention therapy in coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease prevention.

8. The event served as an international platform to share insights into the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and to boost cooperation.

9. The medical unit is to take care of the sick and wounded as well as epidemic prevention.

10. The Law on the Prevention and Control of Desertification will be implemented carefully.

prevention 英英释义



1. the act of preventing

e.g. there was no bar against leaving

money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza

Synonym: bar