

whichever:[英 [wɪtʃˈevə(r)] 美 [hwɪtʃˈɛvɚ, wɪtʃ-] ]


whichever 基本解释

代词无论哪个; 任何一个; 究竟哪一个

形容词究竟哪个,无论哪些; 无论哪一个


whichever 相关例句


1. whichever在线翻译

1. Whichever did you choose?


2. It has the same result, whichever way you do it.


3. You'll find deer crossings whichever road you take.



1. Whichever did you choose?


2. She'll buy whichever is cheapest.


whichever 网络解释

1. 无论那一个, 任何一个:directive beacon 定向信标 | whichever 无论那一个, 任何一个 | stimulation 激励, 鼓舞, 刺激

2. 无论那一个:which 哪个 | whichever 无论那一个 | whichsoever 不论何者

3. whichever的近义词

3. 无论哪个(些):whether 是否,不管,无论 | whichever 无论哪个(些) | whip 鞭子,抽打

4. 无论何者:which 哪一个 | whichever 无论何者 | whim 突然的念头

whichever 双语例句

1. Afterwards, I will deliver what I would consider to be the ideal blowjob/handjob combination until the winner has an orgasm or 30 minutes passes whichever comes first.


2. These are my sketches. You may pick whichever one you like best.


3. And as one of the world`s largest engineering projects, it would, of course, be a long-lasting monument to whichever politician approved it.


4. It's always a human error, doctor, |whichever way you turn it.


5. 7 The Borrower shall effect and maintain insurance of the Property against loss or damage by fire or explosion or such other risks as the Lender may require in its full reinstatement value or to the full extent of the facilities granted or to be granted to the Borrower whichever is the higher in some reputable insurance company as the Lender shall first approve of in writing and if so required by the Lender in the joint names of the Borrower and the Lender and shall duly and punctually pay all premia or sums of money necessary for such purpose and will not do or cause or suffer anything to be done whereby such policy or policies may become void or voidable and shall at any time on demand made for that purpose on the Borrower as hereinafter provided endorse over to, produce to or leave with the Lender such policy of such insurance and the receipt for every such payment so that the Lender shall have a lien on the same and on all moneys thereby assured and in the event of any insurance policy being taken out by the Lender on behalf of the Borrower whether on the express or implied instructions of the Borrower or pursuant to any powers herein conferred the Borrower shall irrevocably grant permission to the Lender to receive any commission rebate or other advantage in relation to such policy or any subsequent renewals thereof; and if any of the obligations under this sub-clause is not performed by the Borrower, the Lender shall be at liberty to arrange for any of such obligations to be performed at the cost and expense of the Borrower and such cost and expense shall be included in and shall form part of the secured sum

9.7 借款人须为物业因火警、爆炸或贷款人要求包括的其他风险而可能引致的损失或损害,在事先获贷款人书面批核、具良好商誉的保险公司投保及维持保险有效,保额为全面修复物业的费用,或为已授予或将授予借款人的全部信贷额,两者以较高者为准;如贷款人有所要求,保险得以借款人与贷款人联名形式购买;借款人并须准时妥为缴交为上述目的需付的全部保金或款项。凡可导致保险单无效或可予作废的作为,借款人均不得作出,或促使或容许其发生。如贷款人在任何时间根据下文规定向借款人提出要求,借款人须将保险的保单和每次缴付保金的收据经批签后交予贷款人、向贷款人出示或留交贷款人,使贷款人对上述保单、收据及所有保险金享有留置权。如贷款人代借款人投保(不论是在借款人明示或默示的指示下,或是依据本契据授予的权力),则借款人须以不可撤销的方式准许贷款人收受任何关於该保单或其后续保的佣金、回佣或其他利益。如借款人未能履行此条款任何义务,则贷款人可自由作出安排,使该义务得以履行,而有关费用及开支须由借款人负责,并包括在有抵押款项内,成为其一部份

6. If both an Expiry Date and an Expiry Event are specified in a Guarantee, the Guarantee shall expire on whichever of the Expiry Date or Expiry Event occurs first, whether or not the Guarantee and any amendment thereto are returned.


7. Elder sister, if I where do amiss, ask elder sister to forgive, write this article, I do not want to result in for elder sister not good influence, just want to let elder sister know, I want to do with elder sister very much friend, also want to do with whichever person of small lotus very much friend, ignore you to what viewpoint I am, if, this article brought spiritual injury to everyone, I to everyone's apology:Sorry.


8. Fortunately, now there is a way to disable the software to think for you and decide that you really won't be looking for whichever file you are looking.


9. Whichever action you choose, the act of readying it is a standard action.


10. For the woman who is a practitioner of feminist literary criticism, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special significance; for her, the question is not only academic, but political as well, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors. 109, if she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific 每 a valid, verifiable, intellectual method that anyone, whether man or woman, can perform 每 the definition not only precludes the critic-as-artist approach, but may also impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment and its thinking, especially about sex roles.

ㄘ梁如她叁踬权主义文悝评蹦隅义为谛夤腔睿褪悝性腔"一跺衄效腔,褫证妗腔,烩性腔,无蹦咸踬饮褫以使用腔源杨"饶系ㄛ这跺隅义祥躺蔚龉拨裁蚕评模作为眙术模腔源杨ㄛ奥且褫夔颇郯鬼饶些寻求蜊曹悝术赐腔现状腔挚其思维ㄛ特梗是衄寿性梗褒伎腔思维腔人蝇腔妗用主义腔政笥醴梓腔伧憩难句类型:复杂修饰,插入语,抽象词解释:这句话在原文中紧接着上例的难句,句中的插入语虽然长,但是并不打断正常的语义,因此不算难懂;但是 but also 之后的分句中的宾语 accomplishment 的修饰成分实在太复杂,而且充斥着各色的极端抽象的词汇,没有一定的词汇功底,这句话的意思是不容易看懂的。

11. In whichever language, he speaks slowly and almost inaudibly.


12. Besides, it is hoped that whichever assignment and task can be well accomplish by officials; nonetheless, there is no specific explanation how they can achieve it, and there is, as well, no clear stipulation of items with its description.


13. The lubrication oil in the pump housing must be changed every 2500 working hours or every six months, whichever occurs earlier.


14. When you buy a used vehicle privately, the retail sales tax you pay is based on the purchase price or the vehicle's wholesale value, whichever is more.


15. The amount of retail sales tax to be paid is based on the purchase price or the wholesale value calculated at the time of transfer, whichever is more.



16. A lot is notto exceed one shift or one day's production, whichever is smaller.


17. whichever

17. Indeed, the elite oarsmen who win coveted places in Cambridge`s Blue Boat are those who compete most ruthlessly—away from the glare of the cameras—to secure a seat and then collaborate seamlessly with whichever crew members are ultimately selected.


18. Such is the will of heaven!!!! Gangsters are a tumor in the society and whichever public official feeds them, he is an enemy of the People. We must struggle against them!


19. Such is the will of heaven!!!! Gangsters are a tumor in the association and whichever public official feeds them he is an enemy of the People. We must fight against them!


20. And all the while the silent and wolfish circle waited to finish off whichever dog went down.


whichever 词典解释

1. 任何一种;不管哪种

You use whichever in order to indicate that it does not matter which of the possible alternatives happens or is chosen.

e.g. Whichever way you look at it, nuclear power is the energy of the future...


e.g. Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it, whatever colour they are and whichever language they speak.


2. (用来指明多个可能性中正确或特指的一个)…的那个

You use whichever to specify which of a number of possibilities is the right one or the one you mean.

e.g. ...learning to relax by whichever method suits you best.


whichever 单语例句whichever的近义词

1. His partner will come from whichever country loses the Davis Cup semifinal between Spain and the United States in September.

2. He also dismissed his three lawyers last month on the same warrant, saying the court could decide his fate whichever way it liked.

3. If a majority of California voters decide to oust Davis, whichever replacement candidate gets the most votes becomes governor.

4. While the Tigers have said they would negotiate with whichever political party emerged on top, the president has made no secret of her distrust for them.

5. The FCC set up scenarios for splitting the airwaves and the agency will go with whichever one receives the highest bids.

6. So it is necessary for any country to extend a helping hand to whichever nation is affected by such an outbreak.

7. They just want to be done with their punishments, so they chose whichever punishment is the shortest.

8. If permission for inspection is refused, authorities can ask for an inspection in whichever nation where the ship pulls into port.

9. I would have assumed that whichever bank I put my money in, it cannot guarantee that its landing will never cause harm and misery.

10. Whichever team wins in South Africa will be a World Cup champion for the first time.