




1.第11届全运会开幕式 ... [独闯龙潭]. Commando. [第11届全运会开幕式]. 11th [偷拐抢骗]. Snatch.2000.Bl ...


1.Or were they just being bankers, trying to squeeze more money out of the deal with some 11th-hour brinkmanship?抑或作为银行家,想在最后一刻冒个险,以榨取更多利润?

2.When he got his report card at the year's end, it said he'd flunked -- and would have to repeat the 11th grade.在学年结束时,当他拿到成绩报告卡时,被告知留级,他还得再读一年11年纪。

3.The mole's fovea consists of the bottom pair of short appendages , located above the mouth, each designated as the 11th appendage.鼹鼠的中央窝位于嘴巴上方,是编号第11号的最下面一对短附器。

4.It was clear, from remarks made by Mr Rasmussen at a debate in London on September 11th, that the industry's critics dispke three things.在9月11日伦敦召开的一场答辩会上,Rasmussen说,很明显是由于金融业的批评者不喜欢三件事。

5.A return on the matter had been due since August 11th, 2006, and was now overdue, the official stated.该官员说,对此事的答复于2006年11月11日到期,现在已经逾期了。

6.But on October 11th the company said that it would float its businesses outside Western Europe within the next year and a half.但在10月11日,公司宣布将在1年内把其在西欧以外的业务公开上市。

7.In the 11th century, when it was the capital of Song Dynasty China, its population was more than one milpon.11世纪时,作为中国宋朝的国都,它拥有百万以上的人口。

8.One half of that thesis is proved at least by a new report released on May 11th by the OECD.至少,5月11日经合组织发布的一份最新报告证明了这一论点的一半。

9.A few weeks before Sept. 11th, my wife and I found out we were going to have our first child.“九·一一”事件的前几个星期,我妻子和我发现,我们将要生第一个孩子了。

10.I got to the Pole on the 11th of May. It took me 68 days to get there from Russia, and there is nothing there. (Laughter).5月11日,我到达极点。从俄罗斯出发,我花了68天走到这里,结果看到白茫茫一片大地真干净。(笑声)。