

skater:[英 [ˈskeɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈsketɚ] ]



skater 基本解释



skater 网络解释

1. skater

1. 溜冰者:skateboard 滑板 | skater 溜冰者 | skating rink 溜冰场


2. 滑冰者,溜冰者:sweater过分出汗的人 | skater滑冰者,溜冰者 | inflater 充气者

3. 滑冰者:mitten 连指手套 | skater 滑冰者 | skier 滑雪的人

4. 街头滑板:滑雪板SnowBoarding | 街头滑板Skater | 玩具高尔夫Toy Golf

skater 双语例句

1. Our final skater is Casey Carlyle from Millbrook, Connecticut.

最后一位选手是来自康涅狄格州密尔布鲁克的Casey Carlyle

2. I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate two directions at once.



3. With this skater, anything is possible.


4. Because you don't have a skater and I don't have a coach.


5. I will work harder than any skater you have ever trained.



6. I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions atonce.


7. As a young ice skater, I had flown pretty high, pretty quickly. My partner and I won the Canadian junior pairs championship when I was 14 and I was thrilled, as a 6-year-old, to be picked to skate in the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway.


8. skater

8. I would remember that a good skater never tres to skate in two directions at once.


9. This year, as part of the 10th anniversary celebration, two special Commemorative Awards for Outstanding Achievement will be presented by the Honourable Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to figure skater Patrick Chan and violin performer Henry Lau.


10. I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate intwo directions at once.


11. To illustrate, look at the story of Paul Wylie, an American figure skater.


12. He was a boy She was a girl Can i make it any more obvious He was a punk She did ballet What more can i say He wanted her She'd never tell secretly she wanted him as well But all of her friends Stuck up their nose They had a problem with his baggy clothes He was a skater boy She said see you later boy He wasn't good enough for her She had a pretty face But her head was up in space She needed to come back down to earth 5 years from now She sits at home Feeding the baby she's all alone She turns on tv Guess who she sees Skater boy rockin up MTV She calls up her friends They already know And they've all got Tickets to see his show She tags along Stands in the crowd Looks up at the man that she turned down He was a skater boy She said see you later boy He wasn't good enough for her Now he's a super star Slamming on his guitar Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

他是男孩她是女孩 i 能变得更明显吗他是一个庞克她做了芭蕾舞更多罐子 i 的他她她将会从不秘密地告诉她恐怕最好他但是她的全部朋友傲慢自大他们的鼻子他们有了他的松垮垮的衣服问题他是溜冰者男孩她说你较迟的男孩他对她是不够好的她有了一个漂亮的脸但是她的头向上是在空间中她对地球回来下 5 年从现在她坐在家前饲养宝贝她全部孤独她打开 tv 猜测她谁溜冰者男孩 rockin 提高 MTV 她打电话给她的朋友他们已经而且他们已经全部得到票他的表演她向前附以签条群众的台子容貌向上在她关小的男人他是溜冰者男孩她说你较迟的男孩他对她是不够好的现在他是一个超级星在他的吉他上猛然关上你的漂亮脸他是值什么吗?

13. Our speed skater was coming in last, and it was near the end of the race.



14. I don't want to lose what kind of candid responses that I give because then I'll sound just like any other skater.


15. skater的近义词

15. He was a good swimmer, runner, skater, boatman, and would probably outwalk most countrymen in a day's journey.


16. skater的解释

16. Being a good skater is one of the conditions for getting on the hock - ey team.


17. skater的翻译

17. A. Being a good skater is one of the conditions for getting on the hock-ey team.



18. Chinese legendary speed skater Ye Qiaobo, who won China's first-ever Olympic Winter Games medal in 1992, ran in the torch relay of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games Monday in the Canadian western province of British Columbia.


19. Comment: The personal video of famous Taiwan skater Jacky Chen, the video is showing the summary of what he did in the past 3 years.


20. Next, Center Headmaster Jeff gave his greeting speech. Study advisors` and students` performances turned on one by one.「True Lover」, 「Get Ya」, 「Skater Boy」 were acted by performers, combining youth element into modern dancing.

接下来在中心校长Jeff为晚会致词后,各个中心的SA和学员们用精彩纷呈的表演,把热辣的《真情人》、劲爆的《GET YA》、欢快的《Skater Boy》逐一搬上舞台,给现代舞蹈赋予了新的生命。

skater 单语例句

1. He originally placed second in the longer race but took the gold after winner Mathieu Turcotte of Canada was disqualified for impeding another skater.

2. WASHINGTON - Champion figure skater Michelle Kwan has found a new way to represent her country on the international stage.

3. Yao was the nation's first generation figure skater and personally witnessed the growth of the sport in China from its birth to full maturity.

4. Then the high and low marks for each skater would be discarded, and the other five would formulate a skater's scores.

5. He was a strong skater and passer whose best years came on Chicago's MPH line with Jim Pappin and Dennis Hull.

6. She landed her first double axel and her first triple salchow when she was eight, which were big steps for the young skater.

7. " We're not rebelling against anybody or anything, " says one inline skater on the square who gave his name as Leo.

8. She is a skilled figure skater who shares Bush's passion for exercise, and follows professional sports in obsessive detail.

9. Marked by Chen's personal style, the advertisement has a photo of the philanthropist posing as a skater on a bicycle.

10. If a skater performs an element perfectly, he or she receives all the points for that element.

skater的近义词skater 英英释义


1. someone who skates