

inequity:[英 [ɪnˈekwəti] 美 [ɪnˈɛkwɪti] ]



inequity 基本解释



inequity 网络解释

1. 不公平:时间/空间的纯正印记是时间与空间的不公平(inequity). 在你们的空间/时间物质的空间相关定向导致一个幻象的有形架构. 在时间/空间中这个不公平落在 [你们所知的]时间属性的肩膀上. 相对而言这个属性使得实体与经验变得无形.


2. 不公平, 不公正:inequities /不公平待遇/ | inequity /不公平/不公正/ | inequivalence /不等/

3. 不公平; 不公正 (名):inequitable 不公平的; 不公正的 (形) | inequity 不公平; 不公正 (名) | ineradicable 不能根除的, 根深蒂固的 (形)

4. 不公正,不公平:ineptitude 无能,不称职 | inequity 不公正,不公平 | inert 惰性的,行动迟钝的

inequity 双语例句

1. They say: Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and will be with us till the end


2. They say: Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and will be


3. Hope. They say: Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and will be with us


4. They say: Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and


5. The inequity of education will lead to other inequalities, such as individual development, personal wealth, and the social status etc.


6. You have awareness of global inequity, which we did not have.


7. Way to reduce inequity in the world.



8. Have awareness of global inequity, which we did not have.


9. inequity

9. In that sense, inequity in access to treatments will lead to enormous social resentment that could be exercised in bans or restrictions.



10. Yes, inequity has been with us forever, but the new tools we have to cut through complexity have not been with us forever.


11. If we can find approaches that meet theneeds of the poor in ways that generate profits for business andvotes for politicians, we will have found a sustainable way toreduce inequity in the world.


12. I have loved justice and hated inequity; and therefore I die in exile.


13. Whether through democracy, strong public education, quality health care, or broad economic opportunity – reducing inequity is the highest human achievement.


14. inequity是什么意思

14. Sexty percent of inequity could be explained by difference of economic levels, and fiscal subsidies could increase the equity by 11%, so shorteing the difference of economic levels among regions should be the highlight in financing improvement as well as the transformation of health policy on financing.


15. On account of the restriction and affection of all kinds of elements, many judicial inequity phenomena exist in the real life, which have not only infringed the legitimate benefits of the public, but also indulged the transgress. It hasn't taken the responsibility for the law and ruined the reputation of the judicial department as well as severely damaged the image of the Party and government in the public's...


16. inequity的解释

16. But humanity's greatest advances are not in its discoveries – but in how those dis coveries are applied to reduce inequity.


17. The cause that causes educational inequity admittedly a lot of, but public policy is one of main reasons.


18. Do Dekeduo next, clerk, security personnel, hutch labour, because of Dongguan I am not familiar with this place, too big also, did not find what network company, feel this place does not suit me to develop at that time, in March 2007 portion, good friend of a network is encountered on the net, chatted with him a lot of, everybody annoys to the inequity of the world, he calls me to worked together with him in the past later, dry computer assembles him, want me to help them make the sale on the net, I went.


19. Smith viewed markets and capital as doing good work within their own sphere, but first, they required support from other institutions-including public services such as schools-and values other than pure profit seeking, and second, they needed restraint and correction by still other institutions-e. g., well-devised financial regulations and state assistance to the poor-for preventing instability, inequity, and injustice.


20. This is reflected on one hand there is lawful qualification in China, thereby from go up at all the business that transforms the past to encounter respect of carriage service trade grinds and when conflict, our country transportation enterprises often the inequity that one-sided is damaged treats a condition.


inequity 词典解释

1. 不公正;不公平

If you refer to the inequity of something, you are criticizing it because it is unfair or unjust.

e.g. Social imbalance worries him more than inequity of income.


e.g. ...the inequities in our health care system.


inequity 单语例句

1. As to why so many people are disgruntled about the current state of public education, inequity was cited as one of the chief reasons.

2. The proposal of a system to guarantee fairness that incorporates equality in rights, opportunities and rules is a positive response to growing public discontent with inequity.

3. Popular discontent about inequity and injustice has accumulated to such extent that it has the potential to distract the nation from its focus on development.

4. Rural voters eventually expressed their displeasure at this inequity at the ballot boxes.

5. A netizen who participated in the online survey said the dual system is the biggest inequity in income distribution.

6. Countries in the Southern Hemisphere share many of the same social and developmental challenges, including those induced by globalization and historic inequity.

7. Participants discussed the issue of social discrimination and inequity among young people.

8. The Chinese Government is pushing a reform in the " interest of the broadest masses " to reduce income gaps and redress social inequity.

9. If not tackled, the impact of the inequity could extend beyond the health sector and upset social stability.

10. " We must use innovation to overcome social division and inequity, " he said at the opening of an international AIDS conference in Rome.

inequity 英英释义


1. injustice by virtue of not conforming with rules or standards

Synonym: unfairness