

gonad:[英 [ˈgəʊnæd] 美 [ˈgoʊnæd] ]


gonad 基本解释


gonad 网络解释

1. 性腺:逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)和Northern blot 杂交结果表明,Rfpl4的mRNA长度为1.7 kb,只在成年小鼠的性腺(gonad)中表达. 原位杂交技术分析结果表明,Rfpl4转录在卵巢中的初级和晚期卵泡中,以及睾丸中的精子细胞中都有表达.

2. 生殖腺,性腺:Golgi body 高尔基体 | gonad 生殖腺,性腺 | gonadotrophic hormone 促性腺激素

3. 性腺,生殖腺:[黄]秋葵,秋葵什锦浓汤 gombo, gumbo | 性腺,生殖腺 gonad | 性腺刺激素 gonad stimulating hormone

gonad 双语例句

1. However, it is unknown whether these two gonadotropins exist in the brain of insect, and involved in gonad development of insect.


2. According to the measured data and calculation, the gonad dose is about 5.38 cGy if the head and neck area is irradiated to 7000 cGy.

若以鼻咽癌的肿瘤治疗剂量为7000 cGy,经由实际於病患性腺处所测得的数据和计算,性腺所接受到的剂量约为5.83 cGy。

3. The Farmer dosimeter and Thermoluminescent dosimeter are used to measure the gonad dose.

使用Farmer式剂量仪及热萤光剂量仪(TLD;HARSHAW 2000型)来计测头颈部接受放射线照射时,性腺所接受到的散射量;Farmer剂量仪为NE 2502/3型及0.6 c。

4. Lonizing chamber and the material of TLD is HF power. Result: Using the Rando phantom measurements, the gonad dose is about 2.18 cGy when a dose of 1800 cGy is given to the head and neck area. The gonad dose may be reduced by 75%(from 2.18 cGy to 0.54 cGy) when the abdomen of the Rando phantom is shielded by 6 cm lead bolcks.

结果:在本研究中,於人假体的头颈部肿瘤照射剂量达到1800 cGy,且未加任何屏蔽时,性腺所量测到的剂量为2.18 cGy;如在人假体腹部周围以6公分厚的铅块围成屏蔽,则结果只有0.54 cGy,比未加屏蔽时的剂量少了约75%。

5. The experimental result shows that for brain scan, the average eye dose was 194.5±148.8mrad/slice and gonad dose 0.33±0.51mrad/slice for male, and eye dose 210.4±146.5mrad/slice and gonad dose 0.04±0.02mrad/slice for female.


6. For abdomen scan, the average eye dose was 1.31±0.53mrad/slice and gonad dose was 7.26±15.9mrad/slice for male, and eye dose 1.84±1.48mrad/slice and gonad dose 2.53±1.34mrad/slice for female.


7. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect of arnaebia on the function of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad axis of pubertal female rats.


8. The results show that, with the maturity of the gonad, the undifferentiated germ cell divided and differentiated to smaller oogonium or spermatogonia, and the oogonium or spermatogonia transformed to oocyte and sperm undergoing a series of maturation process.

摘 要 通过观察栉江珧的未分化生殖细胞,精原细胞和卵原细胞,精母细胞和卵母细胞,精子和卵子的形态结构与分布状况及核仁在卵成熟过程中的变化,对栉江珧生殖细胞发生及成熟过程的有关问题进行了探讨。

9. The development cycle of the gonad, which lasted a year, could be divided into 5 stages: resting stage, proliferating stage, growing stage, maturing stage, and spawning stage.


10. gonad什么意思

10. The effect of cadmium on the female gonad was shown to have the extrous cycle delayed and the proportion of atresic follicle increased.


11. So the differentiation of ovary was earlier than that of testis. During the differentiation of ovary, the ovary antrum was first formed. Before testis differentiation, there was an antrum at the stem of gonad. In the future it can develop into the ductus deferens. Therefore, the ovary antrum and ductus deferens were the symbols of the gonad differentiation of Varicorhinus macrolepis.


12. In both Pacific oyster and Zhikong scallop, gonad of triploid animal was observed to development in the developing seasons. While during the gonadial developmental stage since 3 to 6 year-old, gonads of all triploid Pacific abalones fail to develop. Whether there is relation between a-TSP and gonadial development is to be studied.


13. Objective To study the advantages of dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridizationin sex chromosome analysis of gonad agenesis patients over traditional chromosome analysis. Methods Analysed30casˉes of sex chromosome abnormalities found by traditional chromosome analysis with single or dual-color FISH of green-labelled CEP, Xp11.1-q11.1and red-labelled CEP, Yq12satelliteⅢDNA probes. Results The karyotypes of25cases are the same as traditional method, with the agreement rate being83.33%.

目的 探讨荧光原位杂交技术比常规染色体分析,在性腺发育不全患者性染色体检测中的优越性方法应用CEP,Xp11.1-q11.1及CEP,Yq12SatelliteⅢDNA探针,对30例常规染色体分析有性染色体异常者,行单色或双色FISH对比分析。

14. In presumptive testis the differentiation is late, and is found in a 91mm TL fish. The form of ovarian cavity is begun with an aggregation of somatic cells in one side of the primordial gonad, then extends to the other side of it and eventually fuse together to form anarrow ovarian cavity.


15. The results from adductor muscle suggesting adductor muscle is an important organ for energy storage and mobilization, and during gametogenesis, glycogen break down in adductor muscle provided energy for gonad maturity, protein and triglycerides also break down to provided energy during spawning.


16. Moreover, we examined the mRNA expression of HSP70 in various tissues of grass carp, such as adipose tissue, muscle, hepatopancreas, spleen, gonad, gill, fin, swim bladder, brain, mucilage, heart and intestine, by semi-quantitative method.


17. gonad

17. AIM: To investigate the relationship between female gonad toxicity of methoxychlor on mouse and the apoptosis of granulosa cells.


18. The broodstock culture of half-smooth tongue-sole Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther was conducted from 2003 to 2006.The growth rate and gonad development of the broodstock, the egg volume, fertilization rate, hatching rate were discussed in this paper.

半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus sem ilaevisGünther),俗称龙力、鳎米、牛舌头,隶属于硬骨鱼纲、鲽形目、舌鳎科、舌鳎属,是我国近海大型比目鱼类,主要产自黄海、渤海,朝鲜、日本沿海也有部分资源。

19. The ovary and testis of Varicorhinus macrolepis came from the same gonad and kept the same sexual distinction in its all life, so it was belonged to the gonochorism.


20. An expressed sequence tag analysis was performed to identify major genes involved in silkworm gonad development. 16737 ESTs were generated by sequencing cDNA clones from the two libraries (8407 from testis library and 8330 from ovary library), and assembled into 2107 contigs and 3532 singlets.


gonad 英英释义


1. a gland in which gametes (sex cells) are produced

Synonym: sex gland