

mask:[英 [mɑ:sk] 美 [mæsk] ]


过去式:masked;   过去分词:masked;   现在分词:masking;   复数形式:masks;

mask 基本解释


名词面具; 假面具; 用作掩饰的事物; 护肤膜

及物动词掩饰; 戴面具; 用面具遮住,掩盖,掩饰

不及物动词戴面具; 隐瞒,掩饰


mask 同义词


mask 反义词



mask 相关例句


1. All the robbers were masked.



2. He is masked.



1. All guests wore masks to the ball.


2. The robbers were wearing masks.


3. He did it under the mask of charity.


mask 网络解释

1. 面膜:温热效果还会使角质软化,毛细孔扩大,让堆积在里撕拉式面膜(Mask)是利用面膜(Mask)和皮肤的充分接触和黏合, 在面膜(Mask)被撕...一边泡澡一边敷面膜(Mask)实在是一个很省时的聪慧做法,但要视你所选择的面膜(Mask...面膜(Mask)是护肤品中的大餐,虽然效果很好,

2. (遮罩):通道和遮罩 9.1 通道的基本功能 9.2 通道控制面板组成 9.3 通道的操作 9.3.1 新建通道 9.3.2 复制和删除通道 9.3.3 分离与合并通道 9.3.4 Spot Color(复合点彩色)通道 9.4 使用遮罩(Mask) 9.4.1 遮罩(Mask)的基本功能 9.4

3. 口罩:2. 隔热原料可能对人身体尤其肺部有损害. 所以在阁楼(attic)内要戴护目镜(Goggle),口罩(mask),手套(work glove),穿长袖衣裤,长筒袜和鞋子,裤腿扎好.

4. mask:multiple amplitude shift keying; 多进制幅移键控

5. mask:multilevel amplitude shift keying; 多级振幅换档键控

mask 双语例句

1. Here it needs to be said that it is very difficult to get rid of the mask trait completely.


2. mask

2. Experimental results show that proposed algorithm supports the compressing of multiple arbitrary shape ROI images from loss to lossless compression with configurable ROI priority. The generated bit stream could be truncated at any place, and the decoder can still decode image and ROI mask information well.

实验结果表明,该算法支持有损到无损的多个任意形状ROI 的图像编码,而且ROI 优先级可调,能够生成具有嵌入式可截断性质的码流,在任意地方截断仍能保证解码器所需的图像信息和ROI 掩膜信息,且计算复杂度和SPIHT 相当,压缩效果高于BbB 移位算法。

3. There are many people liking to join an egg in the process of self-made emergency mask pure, or


4. Objective: To observe therapeutic effects of severe acute left heart failure with face mask mechanical ventilation.


5. mask什么意思

5. An example of the Masks panel being used to feather the edges of a hard-edge vector layer mask.


6. Therefore, the correct nursing method is to alternatively use Water Breath Sleeping Eye Mask for hydrating and moisturizing with this product, thus both moisture and nutrients can be fully supplemented, simultaneously smooth away wrinkles around eyes, dark eye circles and eye pouches.


7. mask的近义词

7. Each week, use this product in conjunction with Water Breath Sleeping Eye Mask and Biochemical Anti-Wrinkle Sleeping Eye Mask two to three times, these two eye masks can be used alternatively.


8. Can be used as sleeping mask.


9. A clinical study by a major cosmetics company has shown that the simple every night act of sleeping with a Cupron sleep mask will improve the appearance of wrinkles and improve the overall appearance of the skin.


10. A well-known symptom presents itself ---shedding and dryness. As you are getting into this trouble, sleeping facial mask enriched with grease is recommended as the good complement for moisture and grease as well as the better improvement before you make a facial mask.



11. Use everyday, using method as per normal sleeping mask


12. A man named Ipkiss, who had a clever dog called Luwa, found a mask by the river. One day he wore the mask on his face by curious.


13. He found this gold mask in a grave at Mycenae and believed it belonged to King Agamemnon.


14. He was but one hour mine; The region cloud hath mask'd him from me now.


15. mask什么意思

15. The method adopts the frequency domain masking technique to mask the peak fields of the radar echos` Fourier transform data, and uses the fractional correlation comprising of Fractional Fourier Transform and inverse Fourier transform to detect the ARM only in one-dimensional searching.


16. According to the overlap height between the conveyer belts, the designer shall also design section for connecting head mask and guide chute.


17. Then wrap the plastic wrap into the fridge the next day you will find the essence of a transparent bottom of the cup on a wet paper towel to do mask use.


18. WHERE I'M GOING WITH THIS, your factory should NOT mask the hub faces on these sheaves.


19. When you use text attribute to access text, not the processing of data will be returned, no mask or blackChar characters.


20. mask

20. Lily said to herself that the mask just drop.


mask 词典解释

1. 面具;面罩;假面

A mask is a piece of cloth or other material, which you wear over your face so that people cannot see who you are, or so that you look like someone or something else.

e.g. The gunman, whose mask had slipped, fled.


e.g. ...actors wearing masks.


2. (防细菌或有害物质的)防护面罩,面具,口罩

A mask is a piece of cloth or other material that you wear over all or part of your face to protect you from germs or harmful substances.

e.g. You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes...


e.g. She wore a surgical mask and rubber gloves while she worked with the samples.


3. (掩盖真实感情或性格的)伪装,掩饰

If you describe someone's behaviour as a mask, you mean that they do not show their real feelings or character.


e.g. His mask of detachment cracked, and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man.


4. (护肤用的)面膜

A mask is a thick cream or paste made of various substances, which you spread over your face and leave for some time in order to improve your skin.


e.g. This mask leaves your complexion feeling soft and supple.


5. 掩饰(情感);伪装

If you mask your feelings, you deliberately do not show them in your behaviour, so that people cannot know what you really feel.

e.g. Dena lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation.


6. 遮住;掩蔽;使…不易察觉

If one thing masks another, it prevents people from noticing or recognizing the other thing.

e.g. A thick grey cloud masked the sun...


e.g. Too much salt masks the true flavour of the food...


7. see also: death mask;gas mask;oxygen mask

mask 单语例句

1. The mother said a man wearing a mask carried her daughter away by force.

2. The caviar concentrates in this mask seek to revive and rejuvenate tired, mature skin.

3. Wear a dust mask to vacuum and cover bedroom vents with dense filtering material like cheesecloth.

4. Her icy features are brushed and combed into a mask of slick professionalism, and she plays it murderously chilly.

5. After changing into a white silk robe, she began her usual cleansing ritual by applying a facial mask.

6. After a deep cleansing, apply the mask mixture evenly to the face and leave it on for 15 minutes.

7. But these ostensibly restrained and constructive gestures could not mask Tokyo's true intent and restlessness.

8. Performers wore elaborate makeup based on different mask designs, while craftsmen designed masks according to different makeup styles.

9. Checking the video inside the bank, police learned about the crook although he donned a hat and mask.

10. That's why Jim Carrey in The Mask might not make all Chinese people laugh, but a piece of crosstalk can.

mask 英英释义



1. activity that tries to conceal something

e.g. no mask could conceal his ignorance

they moved in under a mask of friendship

2. a covering to disguise or conceal the face

3. a protective covering worn over the face

4. a party of guests wearing costumes and masks

Synonym: masquerademasquerade partymasque



1. put a mask on or cover with a mask

e.g. Mask the children for Halloween

2. shield from light

Synonym: block out

3. cover with a sauce

e.g. mask the meat

4. hide under a false appearance

e.g. He masked his disappointment

Synonym: dissemblecloak

5. make unrecognizable

e.g. The herb masks the garlic taste

We disguised our faces before robbing the bank

Synonym: disguise