

scholar:[英 [ˈskɒlə(r)] 美 [ˈskɑ:lə(r)] ]



scholar 基本解释

名词学者; 奖学金获得者; 聪颖勤奋的学生; 〈俚〉有文化的人,有某种文科知识的人


scholar 相关例句



1. As a scholar you will not have to pay college fees.


2. scholar的反义词

2. The specialists and scholars present at the symposium come from all corners of the country.



3. Old as he is, he is still a scholar.


4. He is a famous Confucian scholar.


5. At 80 he was still a scholar.


scholar 网络解释

1. scholar的解释

1. 学生:一些人进入牛津或剑桥是因为他们父母的要求,或者他们父母是上流社会的人,但是别的都是拿奖学金的学生(Scholar). 他们是真正的学者. 学生们被分为学者(Scholar)是因为他们赢得了奖学金,另外的学生被称为自费生(commoner).

2. 学者;学生{英}:俭约教育||thrift education | 学者;学生{英}||scholar | 学科轮替制||alternation of studies

scholar 双语例句

1. Third, there are two cores of spirit of his prose, one is the scholar-officials`s responsibility、innate knowledge、ambition; and the other is the poet`s unique poetic quality.


2. Ji-pian wenzhang.`That scholar who collected corpus published several articles.


3. First of all, tea customs in the rise of the monastery; Second, the Zen Buddhist, and the Tang Dynasty scholar-officials close to the temple monks, romantic pursuit of a refined way of life with the perfect ideal personality, often in the poetry of Zen temples, monks tea to guests to the literati poet To make friends, tea with the monks into civilian exchanges between the media.


4. scholar

4. From 1983-86, I was a visiting scholar in the Art and Art Theory departments under the professor Joan Brown and Professor Peter Selz.

我在加州伯克利大学的东亚研究所基金的资助下,由艺术系Joan Brown教授为我在系里拨出工作室进行艺术实践,Sylvia Lark教授对我各方面做出帮助,之后又得到Peter Selz教授的指导,在艺术系及艺术理论系任访问学者三年。1986年-1992年,我在旧金山艺术学院任导师时,促成了院长Fred Martin及浙江美院肖峰院长之间首次艺术教育交流项目。


5. Part two, the king of Liang Dynasty and Liang yuan scholar group.


6. In addition, the reason that the Liang yuan scholar group took shape was that Liu Wu had particular position and the policy he took to give favoured treatment to the scholar s.


7. scholar的解释

7. Till now we haven't cracked those writings and be like those silly scholar similar, but our receiving in the diligent thunder have already known some meanings of signs to believe who construct fan's bottom of these stone statue weapons eventually can uncover.


8. After all, why is Number One Scholar controlling a ball met such be difficult to do?


9. In the past tens of year the Number One Scholar controlling a ball that sees inaccessibly, time of sensory Buddhist templeput on the brakes is popular rise, the attention that also causes many fan and discuss.


10. Macro emulation witnessed Leonardo DaVinci's flying machines, Antonio Vivaldi's Four Seasons, and Jules Verne's cephalopodic, submarine creations; micro emulation found stained glass cathedral windows in dragonfly wings, Volkswagen bugs in Coleoptera, umbrellas in mushroom caps and gills, art nouveau music stands in Portuguese man-of-wars, fishing nets in spider webs, Japanese wagashi in cherry blossoms and frozen pine boughs, and Chinese scholar's rocks in pluming smoke and roiling ocean waves.

宏观仿真目睹列奥纳多达芬奇的飞行机器,安东尼韦华的四季,凡尔纳的cephalopodic ,潜创作;微观仿真发现彩色玻璃教堂窗户的蜻蜓翅膀,大众臭虫在鞘翅目,雨伞,在蘑菇帽子和鳃,艺术风格的音乐,站在葡萄牙语男子--战争,鱼网,在蜘蛛网,日本的点心,在樱花和冷冻松树boughs ,和中国学者的岩pluming烟雾和颠覆海浪。

11. At present, although primary scholar`s education after school is good, it has many disadvantages.



12. As I saw the film mother love me once again, was a primary scholar.


13. In China, primary scholar tends to improve their english by using their part time in trainning class.


14. Some education expert think that all of the primary scholar should be interest in art and music, while I hold the different idea.


15. To learn the network, we must first understand the current main network types, to distinguish what is our primary scholar must master and which is the main type of network.


16. Education after school has great influence upon primary scholar, who are placed in the process of growing., and have much amusement time.


17. Therefore, this research base on the summary and the former literature, discuss how the situational interest influence the high school students and primary scholar.


18. Pelliot was a solitary man and scholar, he created no school, had no institute of his own, and was not sur- rounded with an adoring and helpful group of students.


19. He is up to his father as a scholar.


20. scholar在线翻译

20. In spring, she is touched by the flowers in her garden. Intoxicated in her own beauty, she falls in love with a handsome scholar in her dream.


scholar 词典解释

1. 学者

A scholar is a person who studies an academic subject and knows a lot about it.

e.g. The library attracts thousands of scholars and researchers.


e.g. ...an influential Islamic scholar.


2. (具有某种特点的)学生

You can use the word scholar to refer to someone who learns things at school in a particular way. For example, if someone is a good scholar, they are good at learning things.

e.g. She could be a good scholar if she didn't let her mind wander so much.


3. 奖学金获得者

A scholar is a student who has obtained a scholarship.

e.g. He came to Oxford as a Rhodes scholar and studied law.


scholar 单语例句

1. He learned so much about the field he attracted the attention of a prominent scholar, who even made changes to his own work based on Cai's suggestions.

2. The author is a research scholar in economics with the State Information Center.

3. A maverick scholar and a journalist apply economic theory to everything from cheating sumo wrestlers to the falling crime rate.

4. A scholar wants the government to review the monetary policy and a commentator says it should change it to check inflation.

5. China's drug authority announced skepticism of a leading scholar's claims about the side effects of a widely used circulatory disease treatment yesterday.

6. The author is a scholar in business management at the City University of Hong Kong and columnist for several local newspapers.

7. I guess they were only writing about their own image of a college professor, or what a Confucian scholar of the Song or Ming dynasty was like.

8. The first are the steles just behind the Confucian Temple's entrance gate listing the names of every Imperial College scholar who endured the " examination hell ".

9. She took vocal classes at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, then in 1999 went to California State University's Music Department as a visiting scholar.

10. We should not regard every college professor as a courteous scholar or meticulous pedant.

scholar 英英释义


1. someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs

Synonym: learnerassimilator

2. a learned person (especially in the humanities)

someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines

Synonym: scholarly personbookmanstudent

3. a student who holds a scholarship