

mythology:[英 [mɪˈθɒlədʒi] 美 [mɪˈθɑ:lədʒi] ]



mythology 基本解释

名词神话学; 神话(总称); 虚构的事实; 错误的观点

mythology 相关例句



1. He studies Greek and Roman mythology.


mythology 网络解释

1. mythology的反义词

1. 神话体系:后来其含义变得狭窄起来 ,专指某一文化群体沿传而来的神话体系( Mythology )里的一个故事;它不仅传达基本的世界观和人生观,而且使文化群体的成员社会化,个人在故事里的地位随之有所确定.

2. 神话,以外星人、政府阴谋论为基础:Angst:焦虑,担心 | mythology:神话,以外星人、政府阴谋论为基础 | Hypnotism(催眠)

mythology 双语例句

1. The ancient Greek sun god Apollo, the Chinese mythology, on the radio after the game, it represents the supreme worship of the sun and the fear.


2. mythology

2. A large amount of people do not appreciate the mythology behind their...


3. mythology是什么意思

3. It is a mythology about the king.


4. But this is a simplistic view of God, based on your mythology.



5. In Mimban mythology, Pomojema was a minor god who acted as a healer.


6. In ancient Greek mythology, Despina is a daughter of Poseidon.



7. At the same time, from the angle of complexity of public information resources management it comprehensively proves insufficiency of the government public information service such as discriminatory service, mandatory service, asymmetrical service and rough service, which not only increase the government management cost but also lead to the structural form rupture of public information resources management at various levels, such as the government and the public, super and subordinate governments, central and local governments, and consequently break the almightiness mythology of government monopoly in public information resources management.



8. The unique layout of Central River on both sides, together with the shade trees over the courtyard architecture and the high Mediterranean style, makes you enjoy the particular Mediterranean scenery, customs and the mythology of the atmosphere and the environment in the clear water flow between the Yi instead of flying to the distant Europe.


9. Although the specific origin of the caduceus is unknown, its beginnings can be traced back to Greek and Roman mythology.


10. While reading the Chinese mythology of how Pangu created heaven and earth.


11. In Greek and Roman mythology, blut is the color of sky gods.



12. This is the age of heroes and mythology, when rules of mankind and the world were different.


13. A bird in Egyptian mythology that lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes.


14. mythology是什么意思

14. Mythology A bird in Egyptian mythology that lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes.



15. In Greek mythology, Orion's dog became Sirius.


16. The peach of immortality in Chinese mythology.


17. mythology在线翻译

17. All the mythology, the locations, they'd all depend on her life experience.



18. The Earth is the only one not from Greek or Roman mythology are by name.



19. The most accepted one is that from Roman mythology.


20. Sha Men Dao Zhang Sheng Zhu Hai written by Li, hao-ku is, as it were, the masterpiece of the few dramas on the ocean in the early Yuan Dynasty. Although this drama is qualitatively of mythology, it is one of the few dramas that closely related to the ocean. Before presenting the point of views, this paper intends to explore three parts of the arguments.


mythology 词典解释

1. 神话;神话故事

Mythology is a group of myths, especially all the myths from a particular country, religion, or culture.

e.g. In Greek mythology, the god Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda...


e.g. This is well illustrated in the mythologies of many cultures.



...the mythological beast that was part lion and part goat.


2. 错误的信念;谬误

You can use mythology to refer to the beliefs or opinions that people have about something, when you think that they are false or untrue.


e.g. Altman strips away the pretence and mythology to expose the film industry as a business like any other.


mythology 单语例句mythology的意思

1. Kennedy faces claims of using her celebrity and the mythology of her family dynasty to land a plumb job despite a paucity of political experience.

2. If it were all mythology, perhaps it could be written off.

3. I think what's cool about this movie is there's the mythology side to it, like the myth of the ocean and Davy Jones.

4. They usually feature a Buddhist deity, or scenes from Buddhist mythology.

5. The other is based on Xiezhi, an animal in Chinese mythology credited with the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

6. The textbook is criticized for contents including advocating worship to the empire by ushering in mythology and justifying Japan's aggression of Asian nations.

7. Artist Chen Xiaoyun borrows the name Emerald Tablet from ancient mythology for his solo exhibition.

8. In Chinese mythology, the jade rabbit welcomes visitors to a magical fairyland.

9. Colchis is believed to be the location of the " Golden Fleece " sought by Jason and the Argonauts in Greek mythology.

10. Several localities have staged public ceremonies to pay tribute to a goddess who is said to have mended the broken heaven in Chinese mythology.

mythology 英英释义


1. the study of myths

2. myths collectively

the body of stories associated with a culture or institution or person