

specifically:[英 [spəˈsɪfɪkli] 美 [spəˈsɪfɪkli] ]


specifically 基本解释


副词特有地,明确地; 按种别地; 按特性地

specifically 相关例句


1. specifically

1. The doctor advised him specifically not to eat fatty food.


specifically 网络解释

1. 特定的:specific 特效药 | specifically 特定的 | specification 规格

2. specifically是什么意思

2. 特别地:specific 特有的 | specifically 特别地 | spin 纺

3. 明确的,特定的:57. reasonably 相当的,适度的 | specifically 明确的,特定的 | 58. custom 指长期而广泛采用的行为或方法,即风俗习惯

specifically 双语例句

1. I and Christina have gone to the seashore, there is many people, everybody in throws the gravel, is called any me is not very clear specifically, but everybody is throwing horizontally, some have shot in the sea level several......Really fierce......I also try, oh, their highest result are 3, micheal and junny made have not gotten down 10, good fierce, envied......


2. I specifically looked for this information.


3. specifically什么意思

3. The survey was specifically designed to support an econometric approach designed to overcome......


4. specifically

4. Specifically, a better delivery system must be developed to get this or a similar compound to where it needs to go in the body, and the potential side effects must be carefully analyzed.


5. specifically在线翻译

5. More specifically, it is a neurotoxin, and it may also affect the intelligence of the child.


6. Water is very humble, it is always down, down, may it flow into rivers and lakes; Hill is very humble, it is always silent, silent, be it in the stands as a silent picture; the spring is very humble, It is always fierce winter to hotels specifically catering, be it the warmth of life; autumn is very humble, it is always in the quiet after the noisy arrival of summer, it can be brought about gains and maintain a humble heart, Life there is a dignity and value can not be conveyed in words.


7. specifically

7. It contains condensed梨膏autumn, Victoria C, moderate honey, Poria, licorice, dried tangerine peel, such as the Ministry of Health specifically approved for infants and young children of Chinese medicine ingredients, designed specifically for your baby is 3 months -12 year-old baby`s relieve inflammation Jiapin, effective improve constipation, Qingfei fire.


8. It contains condensed梨膏autumn, Victoria C, moderate honey, Poria, licorice, dried tangerine peel, such as the Ministry of Health specifically approved for infants and young children of Chinese medicine ingredients, designed specifically for the baby, the sweet taste is like eating a big pear, is 3 months — 12-year-old baby`s relieve inflammation Jiapin, effective in improving constipation, clear the lungs of fire.


9. It contains condensed梨膏autumn, Victoria C, moderate honey, Poria, licorice, dried tangerine peel, such as the Ministry of Health specifically approved for infants and young children of Chinese medicine ingredients, designed specifically for the baby, the sweet taste is like eating a big pear, is 3 months — 12-year-old baby`s relieve inflammation Jiapin, effective in improving constipation, Qingfei fire.


10. What, specifically, are your sales and production goals for 2009?


11. As one part of RGP in China, we focused our interests on cloning the geneswhich express specifically in rice flower and genes which express constitutelywith important function, and studying their structures and functions.


12. Second chapter advances to specifically discuss the works of fellow writers Yang.


13. I want you to know specifically what I am doing.


14. I`ll come back tomorrow, and we can then discuss it more specifically.


15. specifically是什么意思

15. Specifically, is a national land use tax, the existing one will pay 70 years, 50 years and 40 years leasing practices, to be replaced by one annual payment of land use occupancy tax on the purchase of housing to buy their own people to permanent tenure.


16. A federal judge specifically ordered the President, on more than one occasion, to provide the requested information about relationships with other women, including Monica Lewinsky.


17. Specifically, I look for evidence of critical thinking, and discussion of prior relevant research or project experience.


18. specifically是什么意思

18. Our company was founded in 1996 specifically for the production of automobile factory FAW Xichai truck, van, farm vehicle three series of hundreds of varieties of car compartments.


19. They have specifically asked that their sincere heartfelt thanks be passed on to all of you.


20. I agree, and do not think it is right for bloggers and sites like mine to publicly display potentially offending images, where the reader was not specifically and knowingly prepared to see such images.


specifically 词典解释

1. 特别地;特意地;专门地

You use specifically to emphasize that something is given special attention and considered separately from other things of the same kind.

e.g. ...the first nursing home designed specifically for people with AIDS...


e.g. We haven't specifically targeted school children.


2. 确切地说

You use specifically to add something more precise or exact to what you have already said.

e.g. Death frightens me, specifically my own death.


e.g. ...the Christian, and specifically Protestant, religion.


3. 局限性地

You use specifically to indicate that something has a restricted nature, as opposed to being more general in nature.


e.g. ...a specifically female audience...


e.g. This is a European, and not a specifically British, problem.


4. 准确地;确切地

If you state or describe something specifically, you state or describe it precisely and clearly.

e.g. I asked her to repeat specifically the words that Patti had used...


e.g. I specifically asked for this steak rare.


specifically 单语例句

1. China's first help line specifically for lesbians has been busy since it opened in October.

2. The resolution stipulates that private capital can be invested in any economic sector, except those relating to national security specifically forbidden by the law.

3. The plan specifically calls for recording the length of the service by counting the hours of actual service rendered.

4. And it specifically says both sides " wish to promote the stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations " in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

5. Each individual dancer has a specifically defined character to explore, and the performance shows every one's egoistic trip and their own personal idiosyncrasies.

6. The CIA disputed that characterization and suggested the panel should have requested interrogation videotapes specifically if it wanted them.

7. It does not address costs specifically related to childbearing and paying for college.

8. Some financial institutions have even established trust funds to invest specifically in Chinese white liquor.

9. He added that the general land supply plan will include an additional plan specifically about the provision of land for affordable housing.

10. The company employs staff specifically charged with collecting feedback from beneficiaries to ensure that the foundation has made the best possible use of its resources.

specifically 英英释义


1. in distinction from others

e.g. a program specifically for teenagers

he is interested specifically in poisonous snakes