

dictionary:[英 [ˈdɪkʃənri] 美 [ˈdɪkʃəneri] ]



dictionary 基本解释


名词词典,字典; [自]代码字典


dictionary 相关例句


1. You can consult a dictionary of place names.


2. He speaks like a dictionary on many subjects.


dictionary 情景对话

Learning Vocabulary-(学习词汇)

A:I dont understand why we have to memorize conversations.We need more vocabulary, not pronunciation.


B:Dont you think memorizing conversations is a part of learning vocabulary?Every time we memorize a conversation, were memorizing a whole series of contexts.Each context tells us one way a word can be used.I know from my own language that I cant always use words by simply looking them up in a dictionary and then putting them into sentences. Some words have many meanings. We have to know which meanings go where.


dictionary 网络解释

1. dictionary在线翻译

1. 字典,词典:不同的标识系统构成不同的索引,常见的索引有以下几种:一、字典/词典(Dictionary)是以字/词为标目,着重解释字/词的读音、形体、意义及其用法,并按一定次序(通常为字顺)编排形成的工具.

2. 辞典:词(辞)典(dictionary)是词语的汇集,提供词语的词意、来源、读音和用法等. 语文词典包括:成语词典、谚语词典、方言词典、词源词典、引语词典、同义词典、反义词典等等, 名目繁多. 科技词典主要是提供学科领域的专业词汇及其对它们的注释、说明,

dictionary 双语例句

1. A general container in Zope 3 is not much more than a Python dictionary.

在 Zope 3 中通用容器并不比 Python 字典多多少。

2. Title: Pros and Cons of Electronic Dictionary In the recent years, as technology advances, a new type of dictionary in the form of electronic dictionary has appeared in the market and is beginning to take over the place of book dictionary among students.

题目 :电子字典的利于弊正文大意:近年来,随着科技发展,一种新型的字典以电子字典的方式出现在市场上,并逐渐开始取代书型字典在学生中的地位。

3. China's most authoritative dictionary the most professional mass, sea word dictionary for English learners excellent service: how to say in English flash floods, flash floods of synonyms, antonyms, flash floods in the English translation, a sudden; violent flood; fla.., Most flash floods...

中国最权威最专业的海量词典,海词为英语学习者提供精品词典服务:暴洪的英语怎么说,暴洪的同义词、反义词,暴洪的英文翻译,a sudden; violent flood; fla。。,暴洪最。。。

4. I want to buy this English dictionary very much, it's a pity money which I brought on one's body is not enough.


5. dictionary的反义词

5. Other topics included the Concentrated Literacy Encounter program, computer literacy, dictionary projects, the best way to donate books, problems of adult illiteracy, working with immigrant groups, and more.


6. dictionary

6. I put the English dictionary by itself.


7. As long as it is a dictionary, it can give you the explaination of the words.


8. dictionary

8. Only if it is dictionary, it will give the meanings of these words.


9. Normal dictionary entries appear in the top half of each page.


10. The DMDPPE consists of original flight data management system, data pre-processing system and simulation data management system. The MDVE is composed of model development system, automatic module generator, automatic program generator for model validation, and running management and output analysis system for model validation. The ARTPGDE is made up of module table definition system, symbol dictionary system, object language knowledge system, user's module management system, simulation and debugging program generation system.


11. dictionary的翻译

11. The relative frequency of a word in the dictionary can be stored as well.


12. dictionary

12. Got it to work, but had to load the dictionary first!!


13. dictionary的解释

13. Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary.


14. I don`t know what kind of dictionary you want.


15. It is important to use your dictionary.


16. I don't know whose dictionary it is.


17. I don't know where his dictionary is.


18. dictionary

18. This is your dictionary and that is mine.


19. I want to have such a dictionary as he has.



20. The primary meaning of the word is not used now, but you can look it up in a big dictionary


dictionary 词典解释

1. 词典;字典;辞书

A dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings or their translations in another language.

e.g. ...a Welsh-English dictionary.


2. 专业词典;术语大全

A dictionary is an alphabetically ordered reference book on one particular subject or limited group of subjects.


e.g. ...the Dictionary of National Biography.


dictionary 单语例句dictionary的解释

1. Compiling the Xinhua Dictionary was supported by late Premier Zhou Enlai in 1971 with an aim to offering an authoritative reference on the Chinese language.

2. In the case of A Dictionary of Maqiao, she could not interest a commercial publisher at first.

3. The dictionary currently defines misogyny as " hatred of women ", but will now add a second definition to include " entrenched prejudice against women ".

4. Some of the Cantonese expressions have become so commonplace they have even been listed in the latest edition of the Xinhua Chinese Dictionary.

5. He has worked on the compilation of the dictionary for more than 10 years, but only recently did a publisher find it of marketable value.

6. Ma also proposed that scholars from across the Straits should compile a dictionary with both simplified and traditional Chinese characters.

7. Once it was built, he used a dictionary to come up with a name for his contraption.

8. Sara Hawker is one of the editors of the Oxford Dictionary of English.

9. The company said most online dictionary queries were for uncommon terms, but people also turned to its Web sites for words in news headlines.

10. Five spellers who seemingly had memorized the entire dictionary simply could not be stumped with any word tossed their way.

dictionary 英英释义



1. a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them

Synonym: lexicon