

apathy:[英 [ˈæpəθi] 美 [ˈæpəθi] ]


apathy 基本解释


名词冷淡; 漠然; 无动于衷; 无兴趣


apathy 同义词


apathy 反义词




apathy 相关例句


1. My parents do not feel apathy about the election.


2. She heard the story with apathy.


3. He has an apathy to food.


apathy 网络解释

1. 情感淡漠:的思维情感行为的不协调和脱离现实环境的特点布鲁勒(E.Bleuler)认为本病的主要临床特点是人格的分裂从症状机制出发分为原发性症状和继发性症状布鲁勒所指的原发性症状包括联想障碍(Association)情感淡漠(Apathy)意志缺乏(Abul

2. 冷淡:在较小的班级里,学生的学习兴趣更为浓厚,而这恰恰与学生的态度有关,如在较小的班里,学生分心(distraction)的机会较少,冷淡(apathy)、摩擦(friction)以及挫折(frustration)等现象也相对较少.

3. 漠然:因此我的立场(position)并非导向无动于衷的漠然(apathy),而是导向一种超-悲观的行动主义(a hyper-and pessimistic activism). 我认为我们每天不得不做出的这一伦理-政治选择(the ethico-political choice)就是要决断出诸多危险中哪一种最危险.

apathy 双语例句


1. This political apathy is a number of scholars reflect on the starting point of representative democracy, they usually describe it as a cynical expression.


2. apathy

2. The youth of Hong Kong have long been criticized for their apathy towards political involvement and participation in public services under colonial rule.


3. It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generations apathy- who left their names and their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.



4. Given the venality and incompetence of our government, the shaky state of our economy, the apathy of our people and the decadence of our culture, I don't think we'll be king of the jungle for very much longer.


5. A dramatic display of political courage by the world's biggest economy and the traditional leader of the multilateral trading system could still jolt the round from apathy to action.


6. apathy在线翻译

6. It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation`s apathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of Americans who volunteered, and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perishe d from this Earth.


7. It grew strength from the youngpeople who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knockon the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of Americans who volunteered and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished from this earth.


8. The pettishness that might be caressed into fondness had yielded to a listless apathy.


9. The pettishness that might be caressed into fondness, had yielded to a listless apathy; there was less of the peevish temper of a child which frets and teases on purpose to be soothed, and more of the self-absorbed moroseness of a confirmed invalid, repelling consolation, and ready to regard the good-humoured mirth of others as an insult.


10. I wish you could dismiss that apathy out of your countenance, and look rather more anxious about me.


11. Apathy, crepitation and diffuse swelling and rubor following with abscess formation on the neck are main characteristics.



12. Flow through a lot of tears to cry in front of you dripping so earned, after I met you become fragile and wanton in front of you, for your apathy is to urge you to make progress, but I will not love the fish, to the later down the reputation of a better, now I understand, love, life is not only our lives, no love, or drive down the road.


13. In the expression of energies, there is an alternating current between assertiveness and apathy.


14. Lu Xun said, Chinese'biggest sorrow isn't ignorance, but apathy….!!!



15. From other people's eyes to see is their own apathy, indifference and disregard.


16. apathy的近义词

16. Thus, the beginning of indifference, apathy passion for life, indifferent to the future with confidence.



17. Excellent article, the only problem is the people, some call it apathy, others indifference.


18. apathy是什么意思

18. Apathy and indifference in the face of a complex and fast-changing world is a path to ruin.


19. In or into a state of apathy or indifference.


20. I'm fretting about seemingly immovable and unchangeable stone bench values like apathy, passivity, indifference


apathy 词典解释

1. 冷淡;漠然;漠不关心

You can use apathy to talk about someone's state of mind if you are criticizing them because they do not seem to be interested in or enthusiastic about anything.

e.g. They told me about isolation and public apathy.


e.g. ...the political apathy and emotional uncertainty of young Americans.


apathy 单语例句

1. Such apathy and cruel reality make us even more aggrieved over the loss of innocent lives.

2. It served as the perfect antidote to an age of apathy and cynicism.

3. A harmonious society is built on understanding and tolerance, not apathy and hostility.

4. Frustrated officials and disinterested private lenders interviewed by China Daily openly complained about bureaucratic inertia, public apathy and widespread suspicion for holding up the progress of the reforms.

5. Persistent poverty can be attributed as one of the reasons for her suicide, so can the apathy from the Maritime University and her vulnerable frame of mind.

6. It is even more worrying because it shows a terrible apathy for the possible loss of human life or possible injury to others.

7. " What we feel angry about is the company authorities'apathy to our workers'health, " he said.

8. Images presented daily in the media pollute society, causing apathy and inspiring violence at the same time.

9. But eventually the public tires of it, hence the apathy of many voters in established democracies.

10. We should think beyond the boy himself, even though the explanation of his behavior reveals his ignorance and apathy.

apathy 英英释义


1. the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally

Synonym: indifferencenumbnessspiritlessness

2. an absence of emotion or enthusiasm