

congress:[英 [ˈkɒŋgres] 美 [ˈkɑ:ŋgrəs] ]


过去式:congressed;   过去分词:congressed;   现在分词:congressing;   复数形式:congresses;

congress 基本解释


名词国会; 代表大会; (用于某些国家的政党名称)国民大会; 社交


congress 相关例句


1. Congress has approved the new publication laws.


congress 网络解释

1. 代表大会:主要机构有:代表大会(congress)、洲际联盟委员会 (continental confederationcommittees)和委员会(committee). 出版物:(每年4-5期)(le billard mondial). 成员有36个国家. 主要活动:与国际体育联合会总协会、国奥林匹克委员会保持联系.

2. 大会:我国台湾地区把会议形式分会议和研讨会两种,其中,会议包括会议(meeting)、集会(assembly)、会议(conference)、大会(congress)、大会(convention)、以及讨论会(colloquium)等六种;

congress 双语例句

1. congress的意思

1. The congress is held every three years.


2. I ask Congress to fund research into smart gun technology, to save these children's lives.


3. Three Indian states went to the polls to elect local governments, in what is seen as a test of strength for the Congress Party, which heads the national government.


4. congress在线翻译

4. The Chinese Exclution Act---it was passed by the u. s congress in may 1882, it stopped chinese immigration for ten years.


5. Martov is one of the propagators and practicers of the Marxism in Russia. He is one of the primary founders of Iskra and a master editor at its edit board, and also one of the predominant theorists and leaders of the Russian revolutionary history. At the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in 1903, the party split into Menshevik and Bolshevik because of the divarication between Mrtov and Lenin. Then they became the leader of each faction.


6. Then in 1993, Congress closed all federal search outside civilized fund suddenly.


7. It was Sebastian's way of saying the air conditioning was on too strongly at the Congress of Deputies, despite a 2007 decree to keep government buildings warmer in summer to save energy.


8. congress

8. Second, Mr Obama has mishandled his relations with both sides in Congress.


9. The principal contents of the symposia on stratigraphy in the 31st International Geological Congress comprise the following aspects:geologic time scale, biostratigraphy, event stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, isotopic stratigraphy, integrated stratigraphy, sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, palaeobiogeography, and tectono-palaeogeography.

介绍了第 3 1届国际地质大会有关地层学学术讨论的主要内容,包括地质年代表、生物地层学、事件地层学、层序地层学、磁性地层学、同位素地层学、综合地层学、沉积相与沉积古地理、生物古地理、构造古地理 10个方面。

10. For the same reason not get myself elected to Congress, or play the violoncello, or teach metaphysics in a college work in a steel mill.

因为相同的理由不使我自己被选为国会,或玩 violoncello,或在一间钢厂中在学院中教形而上学工作。

11. I do not lay egg, as a hen does, because I was born without any equipment for it. for the same reason I do not get myself elected to Congress, or play the violoncello, or teach metaphysics in a college, or work in a steel mill.


12. congress的翻译

12. What committees does your Member of Congress belong to?


13. congress在线翻译

13. Congress created this popular program under a nineteen sixty-one law, the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act.


14. Congress must pass liability protection for companies believed to have assisted in the efforts to defend America.


15. The Congress must pass liability protection for companies believed to have assisted in the efforts to defend America.



16. During the crisis that, more than any other, threatened the very existence of the American union — the Civil War — Abraham Lincoln wrote perhaps the most eloquent and memorable of all presidential messages sent to Congress.


17. So by Sunday September 21st support was coalescing around the Treasury`s rescue proposal: that Congress authorise it to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage and other assets in an effort to resolve the root of the financial crisis, which is the mountains of illiquid and uncollectible mortgage debt on financial institution balance sheets.



18. Bull; So by Sunday September 21st support was coalescing around the Treasury's rescue proposal: that Congress authorise it to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage and other assets in an effort to resolve the root of the financial crisis, which is the mountains of illiquid and uncollectible mortgage debt on financial institution balance sheets.


19. congress是什么意思

19. The new improved audit committee met three times in 2003. At FIFA`s congress in Paris the following year Fernandes, Salim, Webb, Bouzo, Sprengers, Scarsella, Carraro and their committee secretary Urs Linsi reported that everything was absolutely tickety-boo.


20. The Central Government and the Beijing Municipal Government of China have render ed unfailing support to the preparatory work of the Congress.


congress 词典解释

1. 代表大会

A congress is a large meeting that is held to discuss ideas and policies.

e.g. A lot has changed after the party congress.


e.g. ...a congress of coal miners.


congress 单语例句

1. A draft of the law on business income taxes has been submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for review.

2. US President Barack Obama signed the Credit Card Reform Act into law in May 2009, following its passage in the Senate and Congress.

3. But a nomination can also be made through a special act of Congress and then bestowed by the president on behalf of Congress.

4. Repealing the ban would take an act of Congress, something that does not appear close to happening.

5. Granting the full faith and credit of the US would require an act of Congress to change the companies'legal status.

6. Pages are high school students who act as messengers and helpers for members of Congress.

7. The audit requirement was added to the Patriot Act by Congress over the objections of the Bush administration.

8. The US Congress has finally passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 which contains a protectionist " Buy American " clause.

9. Both men readily agreed Congress must act soon to prevent millions of Americans from losing their jobs and homes.

10. The CPPCC ceased to act as the supreme organ of power in 1954 when the National People's Congress was convened.

congress 英英释义



1. the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman

the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur

Synonym: sexual intercourseintercoursesex actcopulationcoituscoitionsexual congresssexual relationrelationcarnal knowledge

2. a meeting of elected or appointed representatives

3. a national legislative assembly