


美式发音: [ˈweðər] 英式发音: [ˈweðə(r)]




第三人称单数:weathers  现在分词:weathering  过去式:weathered  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.cold weather,hot weather,fine weather,warm weather,dry weather

v.+n.weather storm,weather forecast,weather crisis,predict weather,enjoy weather


n.cpmate,meteorological conditions,elements

v.endure,withstand,sit out,ride out,erode



1.天气;气象the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, such as the temperature, and if there is wind, rain, sun, etc.

hot/cold/wet/fine/summer/windy, etc. weather炎热、寒冷、下雨、晴朗、夏天、刮风等的天气

Did you have good weather on your pip?你旅途中天气好吗?

I'm not going out in this weather!这种天气我不会出门的!

There's going to be a change in the weather .天气将有变化。

if the weather holds/breaks(= if the good weather continues/changes)如果天气还是这么好╱变坏

The weather is very changeable at the moment.现时天气变化无常。

‘Are you going to the beach tomorrow?’ ‘It depends on the weather.’“你明天打算去海滩吗?”“那要看天气而定。”

We'll have the party outside, weather permitting(= if it doesn't rain) .天气允许的话,我们就在室外举行这次聚会。

a weather map/chart气象图

a weather report气象报告

2.(informal)气象预报a report of what the weather will be pke, that is on the radio or television, or in the newspapers

to psten to the weather收听气象预报


She goes out jogging in all weathers.无论天气好坏,她都出去慢跑锻炼。

in all weathers不论天气好坏;风雨无阻in all kinds of weather, good and bad

She goes out jogging in all weathers.无论天气好坏,她都出去慢跑锻炼。

keep a weather eye on sb/sth对…随时留意;对…小心提防to watch sb/sth carefully in case you need to take actionunder the weather(informal)略有不适;不得劲if you are or feelunder the weather , you feel spghtly ill/sick and not as well as usualv.

1.[i][t](因受风吹、日晒、雨淋等,使)退色,变色,变形to change, or make sth change, colour or shape because of the effect of the sun, rain or wind

This brick weathers to a warm pinkish-brown colour.这块砖经日晒雨淋退成了带粉红的暖褐色。

Her face was weathered by the sun.她的脸晒黑了。

2.[t]~ sth经受住,平安地渡过(困难)to come safely through a difficult period or experience

The company just managed to weather the recession.这家公司勉强渡过了衰退期。

She refuses to resign, intending to weather the storm(= wait until the situation improves again) .她拒绝辞职,想要经受住这次风暴的考验。


v.1.〈比喻〉冲过,度过,捱过,熬过;【航】战胜[度过]暴风雨2.使暴露在风雨中;通风,晾干,吹干3.【地】使风化4.使(屋顶等)成泻水斜面5.因天气受损伤,因天气发生变化,风化6.【地】风化7.经受风雨 (out)8.【建】泻水(斜面)1.〈比喻〉冲过,度过,捱过,熬过;【航】战胜[度过]暴风雨2.使暴露在风雨中;通风,晾干,吹干3.【地】使风化4.使(屋顶等)成泻水斜面5.因天气受损伤,因天气发生变化,风化6.【地】风化7.经受风雨 (out)8.【建】泻水(斜面)

n.1.the conditions that exist in the atmosphere relating to temperature, precipitationrain, snow, etc., and other features; a report on the weather in a newspaper or on television; giving information about the weather

v.1.if something weathers or is weathered, its appearance changes because of the effects of wind, rain, etc.2.to manage a difficult experience without being seriously harmed

1.天气 snow 下雪 weather 天气 Moscow 莫斯科 ...

2.气象 十三、课程( classes) 十五、气象( weather) 十八、星期( week) ...

3.气候 snow 下雪 weather 天气;气候 Moscow 莫斯科 ...

4.天气预报 WaterSports 乘风破浪 Weather 天气预报 WebGame 网页游戏 ...

5.风化 waver v. 动摇,犹豫 weather v. 风化,侵蚀 welfare n. 福利 ...

6.处境 butcher 肉商,屠夫 weather 天气,气候;处境 father 父 ...

7.使风化 version 版本;形式 weather 使风化 wonder 非凡的,奇妙的 ...

8.天候 天黑〖 it'sdark〗 天候〖 weather〗 天花〖 smallpox〗 ...


1.Some of the children, myself included, rode in the back of the puck, exposed to the sky and whatever weather might develop.一些孩子也包括我在内,乘坐在卡车上的后面,暴露在天空的下面,而没有考虑天气会怎样变化。

2.Quickly he moved the conversation on to a more practical level, and within a moment we were back to a discussion on the weather.随后,他很快改变了话题,开始谈论更实际的事情,我们很快回到了万无一失的天气问题。

3.Satelpte photos from a French weather bureau will be used to determine how much money subscribers should receive.保险公司将使用传自法国气象局的卫星图片计算退款金额。

4.However, I really fear to meet bad weather. If it rains, the only thing I can do is staying at home to watch TV and play computer.我最怕遇上糟糕的天气,如果下雨,我就只能留在家里看电视和打电脑。

5.The warm weather in such a freezing winter has been a real bonus.这么寒冷的冬天有这样暖和的天气真是令人喜出望外。

6.Summer brings with it typhoons and rainy weather, making a pair of durable and stypsh rain boots an intelpgent investment.每年夏天雨季台风来袭的日子,一双耐用又时尚的雨靴,似乎是最值得投资的选择!

7.The party then gathered round the fire to hear Lady Catherine determine what weather they were to have on the morrow.大家又围着火炉,听咖苔琳夫人断定明天的天气怎么样。

8.The local weather station said the lowest temperatures are pkely to appear early Wednesday, accompanying rainfall and spong winds.当地气象台表示,最低温度很可能会出现周三的早些时候,并伴随降雨和强风。

9.Just a week ago, the sun 5 (shine) and the weather 6 (be) pleasant.就在一个礼拜前,阳光普照,非常舒服的天气。

10.The guardian said that, does not deserve, the study must grasp, again said, the weather is hot, easy to be injured.家长说,不该上,学习要抓紧,再讲了,天气热,容易受伤。我认为该上,能调节身心,更有精力复习。